This Week in Bamboo (January 17th, 2010 – January 23rd, 2010)

This Week in Bamboo we released multiple patches using our new Bamboo License 2.6 and Web License Manager 1.2. For the latest version of SharePoint Project Management Central (Release 1.6), there are several improvements and critical bug fixes, and is a recommended upgrade for all PM Central users. It is important that with our storefront version of SharePoint Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator (Release R1.5) users need to clear IE cache.  And for Tree View Web Part you can now page, sort when using Lightning Conductor Web Part on the same page. We also fixed the search results for List Search Advanced Web Part when changing Region Setting and the Title column is now in the dropdown. Cross List Web Part is updated with German language and we changed the button from Close to Save/Cancel for Active Project Health in SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard. For more information on the changes, please see the details below.

SharePoint Project Management Central (SA12 R1.6)


  • Use Bamboo Licensing 2.6 and web licensing manager 1.2.(Note: User needs to upgrade WLM1.X to WLM1.2 if they want to activate the license)

Bug Fixes:

  • Undisposed SP objects in timer jobs.
  • Top Sites created during the upgrade to 1.x to 1.5 (especially ones created at the Site Collection level) are populated with items from the top site’s Task List, and Task lists at the top site are not synched with the Project Health list at the top site. As a result, the only data included from the top site’s project health list are Project Type = “custom” and Project Status = “Active”, default values for Project Type and Project Status as data for new items. Since the Dashboard updates the mapping to the Project Health list for top site and sub sites, the info for the top site’s project within the Gantt View of Active Projects will only show as custom for the top site.

Alerts Administrator (HW39 R1.4)


  • Use Web License Manager R1.2. (Note: User needs to upgrade WLM1.X to WLM1.2 if they want to activate the license).

Bug Fixed:

  • ERRORMSG: Resource object with key ‘PageTitleAlert’ was not found.

SharePoint Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator (SA05 R1.5)


  • Use Web License Manager R1.2. (Note: User needs to upgrade WLM1.X to WLM1.2 if they want to activate the license).
  • Users need to clear IE cache for this version.

Bug Fixed:

  • KB Ratings and Comments Created By column always shows System Account.

SharePoint Project Portfolio Dashboard (SA35 R1.8)


  • Use Bamboo License 2.6 and Web License Manager 1. 2. (Note: User needs to upgrade WLM1.X to WLM1.2 if they want to activate the license).

Bug Fixed:

  • Person or group column with multiple values don’t show up in portfolio dashboard list.
  • For Active Project Health, change the button from Close to Save/Cancel.

List Search Simple Search Web Part (HW11A R1.8)


  • Use Bamboo Licensing 2.6 and web licensing manager 1.2. (Note: User needs to upgrade WLM1.X to WLM1.2 if they want to activate the license).

Bug Fixed:

  • Bamboo Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object when using 3rd party custom column.
  •  Received error “Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Incorrect function”.

List Search Advanced Search Web Part (HW11B R1.8)


  • Use Bamboo Licensing 2.6 and web licensing manager 1.2. (Note: User needs to upgrade WLM1.X to WLM1.2 if they want to activate the license).

Bug Fixed:

  • Change Regional Settings, the search results are incorrect.
  •  “OnPreRender:: at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine” message.
  • The title column is not being listed in the drop-down.

Bamboo Rich Text (HW41C R1.3)


  • Use Bamboo Licensing 2.6 and web licensing manager 1.2. (Note: User needs to upgrade WLM1.X to WLM1.2 if they want to activate the license).

Bug Fixed:

  • Error when import a site that contains a list with a Rich Text column. There is a limitation when export/import a list with a Rich Text column.
  • Error recorded in the Windows Event Application Log.  Load control template file /_controltemplates/RadEditorList.ascx failed: Could not load file or assembly ‘RadEditor.Net2’ Version= Users only see RadEditor.Net2 v7.1.2.0 in GAC. These errors happen when users installed Bundle 6 pack.

Chart Plus Web Part (HW27 R2.5.3)

Bug Fixed:

  • Custom colors don’t work with the option to “Show count/percent” of the X-Axis column in a Pie Chart.

Tree View Web Part (HW03 R1.7)


  • Use Bamboo License 2.6 and Web License Manager 1.2. (Note: User needs to upgrade WLM1.X to WLM1.2 if they want to activate the license).

Bug Fixed:

  • Cannot page, sort, and show JavaScript error when using Lightning Conductor Web Part on the same page.
  • Warning message when selecting doc hyperlink with FBA used for authentication.

Cross List Web Part (HW09 R1.5.4)

Bug Fixed:

  • Complete German translation.

The following products were released with the following changes:


  • Use Bamboo License 2.6 and Web License Manager 1.2. (Note: User needs to upgrade WLM1.X to WLM1.2 if they want to activate the license).

1. HW12 – Group Redirect (HW12 R2.3)
2. HW13 – User Redirect (HW13 R1.5)
3. HW15 – Form Auto Save (HW15 R1.5)
4. HW22 – Mini Calendar (HW22 R2.7)
5. HW32 – Map Chart (HW32 R1.4)
6. HW34 – Team Calendar (HW34 R1.5)
7. HW40 – My Alert Organizer (HW40 R1.4)
8. HW59 – User Manager for Sites (HW59 R1.3)
9. HW61 – List Filters Collection (HW61 R1.3)
10.SA06 – In and Out Schedule Board (SA06 R1.3)
11.SA07 – SP User Registration Accelerator (SA07 R1.3)
12.HW41AB – Bamboo Lookup Selector (HW41AB R2.3)
13.HW41D – Bamboo Visual Indicator (HW41D R1.3)
14.HW41E – Bamboo Validator (HW41E R1.3)
15.HW41G – Bamboo C
olumn Level Security (HW41G R1.3)
16.HW41J – Bamboo KPI Column (HW41J R1.3)

Note: Share Point Custom Column 6-Pack (HW41 R3.3) is also updated with the latest Bamboo Lookup Selector, Bamboo Rich Text, Bamboo Visual Indicator, Bamboo Column Level Security, Bamboo KPI Column, and Bamboo Validator Column.  And Chart Plus Revolution Pack (PB05 R2.2) contains the latest of Chart Plus Web Part and List Rollup Web Part.