Bamboo Project Management Central

Built for teamwork, so you can streamline planning, focus on goals and accomplish more.

Supports Modern sites for SharePoint Online/Microsoft 365

Managing progress across different projects with SharePoint Project Tracker

Keep teams and project managers on track across projects with SharePoint online project plan

Organize and manage project calendars, tasks, lists, milestones, and documents intuitively

Protect your private project information and give access only to the team members that need it

Key Features

Your Project Portfolio Simplified

Using SharePoint for project management allows you to create a simple and intuitive SharePoint project portfolio site that keeps all your work items organized.

  • Enhance the project management software for SharePoint to keep your team on track.
  • The simple Portfolio > Department > Project > Task/Milestone hierarchy makes tracking your work items simple!
  • SharePoint project management allows you to manage tasks with ease.
  • Keep teams on track across projects with SharePoint online for project management.
  • Create optional departments and assign projects to them.
  • Mark tasks as milestones and have them roll-up to the overall portfolio page automatically.
  • Roll-up Issues/Risks to the portfolio level as needed.
  • Manage project documents and data using out-of-the-box SharePoint document libraries.
  • Time-shift dependent task deadlines in bulk.
Knowledge Base Web Part

Track Progress Visually

SharePoint Project Management Central uses Bamboo’s popular Calendar Plus Web Part to display task and milestone information.

  • Show all relevant tasks and milestones from a portfolio or a project in one unified calendar.
  • list your tasks and milestones in a Gantt chart view, for a more visual representation of work to be completed.
  • Export the calendar as an image or PDF to easily share in presentations, emails, and among colleagues.
  • Use “Board View” to display project tasks in a Kanban board and move them across status buckets.
  • Use a dashboard of charts and graphs to gain insight on project progress and status.

Grant Access Intuitively

SharePoint Project Management Central uses SharePoint internal security engine to grant users access to your projects. No need to create users or track them in a secondary system.

  • Assign SharePoint users as project owners to automatically give them full control of projects to create a template and manage all tasks under them.
  • Assign SharePoint users as project viewers to automatically give them view-only access to projects and all tasks.
  • Assign different project owners and project viewers to different projects to fit your portfolio’s needs.
  • Assign department owners/viewers to apply permissions to all projects under that department.
Knowledge Base Web Part


SharePoint Project Management Central generates a unique dashboard for each project.

  • Each project has a home page “dashboard” that is automatically generated based on the project status
  • Quick view of the following items:
    • High level review of project
    • Current status of all tasks represented with a pie chart visual tool
    • Upcoming tasks in list form
    • Calendar view of all tasks
    • Project Team members
    • Recent activity

See SharePoint Project Management Central in Action

Watch our SharePoint Project Management Central video and see how easily it can enhance your site collection.


Feature Web Part

Intuitive Tasks

Easily manage project structure, the critical path, and parent-child relationships from the user-friendly SharePoint project management central interface.


Team Calendar

Display meetings and events in a color-coded, interactive calendar for easy reference.


Ensure Security

Follow SharePoint project management best practices and ensure that private content will be viewable by the appropriate users only with SharePoint’s built-in security model.


Manage Documents

Using SharePoint as a project management tool enables teams to work from up-to-date versions of documents.


Improve Accountability

Ensure clarity with customized project views and personal “My Summary” task views.



Use KPIs to keep track of risks, schedules, issues, & progress across multiple projects.


Portfolio Insights

Gain the insight you need as a project manager with concise views and charts.


Manage Project Risks

Visually gauge the severity, impact and probability of an event with risk charts.



Automated Reporting

Take advantage of automatically updated charts and reports to gain visual insight into portfolio performance, resource work, or project costs.



Allocate Resources

Identify underutilized or overcommitted resources and gain valuable insights into hour allocations.

Coming in 2023

Gantt Chart

Display resource assignments across all projects, instantly identify concurrent assignments and assess available resources who are “on the bench” with the aggregated Gantt chart.

Coming in 2023

Detailed Resource Pool

Quickly discover with SharePoint project management central the available resources with the skillset required for particular tasks.

Coming in 2023

Version Control

Simplify collaboration with intuitive document check-in and check-out features.

Alert Plus Web Part


This product is available and fully supported as a perpetual license as an individual purchase. Non-Production environments are ½ price.

Office 365


Price in USD Per SharePoint Domain

Click here for special pricing offered for small businesses, non-profits, and educational institutions.

Includes Year 1 Product Upgrades and Support*

*Price listed includes first-year maintenance and support for companies under 2,000 users. Year 2 Software Maintenance and Support is calculated as 22% of the price listed.  

For companies over 2,000 SharePoint users, an additional Enterprise Support Plan cost will be added only once to your account, regardless of the number of products owned and, in subsequent years, to the total yearly software maintenance and support cost for an account.  More information on the Enterprise Support plan and its costs can be found here