Announcing the Release of Project Management Suite for SharePoint 2013

Of all the suites and toolkits that we offer, Bamboo’s Project Management Suite has consistently been our most popular offering, so I’m especially pleased to announce today’s debut of the Project Management Suite for SharePoint 2013. You may wonder why you would want the full PM Suite. Here are just a few of the potential reasons for your consideration:

  • SharePoint is a great platform for collaboration and has been once again revolutionized with the latest release. However, there are still quite a few feature gaps that can be easily filled with add-ons from trusted third-party providers. By design, Bamboo’s components and Suites fill these feature gaps, allowing you to maximize your investment in SharePoint.
  • Customers can purchase the individual components of our Suites separately, but significant savings are realized with the purchase of a Suite. See below for examples of some of the business-critical areas the PM suite was assembled to help streamline. As well, if you have an active premium support contract when we add additional tools to the Suite, you get those new components for free.
  • The Project Management Suite includes both of our killer applications for project management: PM Central and Time Tracking and Management. Both of these applications feature preconfigured templates that you can use for project management. However, your organization might want to (or be required to) go further with project management, and PM Suite also offers robust functionality such as:
    • Adding ratings to documents
    • Using external storage for file share
    • Bringing your team’s Outlook calendars into SharePoint
    • Providing information as to who’s in the office and who’s out
    • Aggregating other data types
    • Creating additional alerts
    • Charting for other data and from other data sources such as from a SQL database, from an external list, or from BDC

and more …

Extend and enhance project management on SharePoint using the tools in the PM suite, including:


  • Project Management – Allow project teams to effectively and efficiently manage tasks, resources, schedules, costs, and more. Control and manage projects, programs, and entire portfolios for you, your team members, and your boss from a single, easy-to-use workspace. In addition, built-in import/export tools allow you to integrate with Microsoft Project and sync data between Project and SharePoint.
  • Alert Management – Save time, minimize unnecessary traffic, and keep projects on track automatically sending customized, conditional email alerts and reminders to users or a group of users. Notify users when they have tasks overdue when it’s time to change their password, and more.
  • Time Tracking and Management – Report time spent on project tasks, administrative work, vacation or sick leave or define additional time categories. Timesheet managers can review and approve time entered in their direct reports. Executives can view comprehensive and informative reports on the time period, department, project, and more.
  • Calendaring – Present your SharePoint list information visually within the familiar look and feel of a calendar. Keep your company’s events and initiatives on track and up-to-date with color-coding, and view data from multiple lists in the same calendar using a number of different views including Day, Week, Work Week, Month, Quarter, Year, and Gantt.
  • Visual Presentation Tools – Create visually dynamic, interactive charts that help you make better, more informed business decisions; display incremental progress or any other status in the form of a color-coded bar or a percentage-based progress bar; and more.
  • List and Library Extensions – Give the users the ability to look up lists not only on the same site but across sites.  Allow users to add a relationship between columns in a list, automatically filtering the lookup based on another column selection, as well as rate lists, libraries, and sites to ensure that information is accessed and utilized as usefully as possible.
  • Data Management – Allow users to quickly display data from a SharePoint list or library, SQL table/view, List Rollup Web Part, or Business Connectivity Services (BCS) without having to create special data views, as well as allow users to group, filter, sort, apply calculations, and/or export items to Microsoft Excel.
  • Site Management – Provide the ability to better manage the creation of sites by standardizing URL and user group naming, and restricting the site template that users can select. Users benefit from a simpler, streamlined site creation process, while administrators are better equipped to govern the creation of SharePoint sites

The PM Suite for SharePoint 2013 includes:

·  PM Central

·  File Share Library

·  KPI Column

·  Tree View Web Part

·  List Rollup Web Part

·  SharePoint Task Master

·  Alert Plus

·  Chart Plus Web Part

·  List Print

·  List Search – Simple

·  Site Creation Plus

·  SharePoint Navigators

·  List Search – Advanced

·  Team Calendar

·  Cross-Site Display

·  Group E-Mail Web Part

·  Data-Viewer Web Part

·  In/Out Schedule Board

·  Calendar Plus Web Part

·  Visual Indicator Column

·  Project Portfolio Dashboard

·  Alerts Administrator

·  Filters Collection

·  Mini-Calendar Web Part

·  My Alerts Organizer

·  Custom Identifier Column

·  Time Tracking & Management

·  Column Level Security Column

·  Rich Text Column

·  Lookup Selector Column

·  Rating Column

·  Validator Column

·  List Consolidator for Users


Want to know which other Bamboo components and applications are currently available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series of announcements via the links below:

  • Alert Plus for SharePoint 2013
  • Alerts Administrator for SharePoint 2013
  • Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Column Level Security for SharePoint 2013
  • Cross-Site Display Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Custom Identifier Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Group Email Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Group Redirect Web Part for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • In/Out Schedule Board for SharePoint 2013
  • KPI Column for SharePoint 2013
  • List Bulk Export for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • List Bulk Import for SharePoint 2013
  • List Print for SharePoint 2013
  • List Rollup for SharePoint 2013
  • List Rotator for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • List Search Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • Lookup Selector Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Mini-Calendar for SharePoint 2013
  • My Alerts Organizer for SharePoint 2013
  • Navigators for SharePoint 2013
  • Password Change for SharePoint 2013
  • Password Expiration Web Part for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • Password Reset Web Part for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • PM Central for SharePoint 2013
  • Poll Web Part for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • Project Management Suite for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • Project Portfolio Dashboard for SharePoint 2013
  • Rating Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Rich Text Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Site Creation Plus for SharePoint 2013
  • Task Master for SharePoint 2013
  • Team Calendar for SharePoint 2013
  • Time Tracking and Management for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • Tree View Web Part for SharePoint 2013
  • User Account Setup for SharePoint 2013
  • User Redirect Web Part for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • Visual Indicator Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Validator Column for SharePoint 2013
  • Video Library for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • Virtual Map View Web Part for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • World Clock and Weather Web Part for SharePoint 2013 NEW!
  • Workflow Conductor for SharePoint 2013