Bamboo Poll Web Part

Conduct custom user polls and voting to gather valuable feedback from your sites

Overview of Features

Online Question Management, Result Exporting and Display in One Web Part

Polling Made Easy

Set up your poll to gather data quickly and proficiently using multiple options.

  • Easy to set up with simple administration
  • Create and edit poll questions and answers for end-users
  • Configure multiple answer selection
Knowledge Base Web Part

Response Collecting

Enable successful responses to polls by combining flexible options with automated efficiency.

  • Allow anonymous user voting
  • Enable users to select more than one response to a poll
  • Set an expiration date to automatically stop accepting votes


Automate responses, export to Excel and display visual representations anywhere within a site collection.

  • Automatically display current poll results to users immediately after submitting votes
  • Display votes as a number or percentage, or both
  • Display poll results in a custom color bar graph or pie chart

Key Benefits

Efficient Polling for Data Gathering and Reporting
Prioritize and meet deadlines effectively

Collect large amounts of data quickly and easily

Prioritize and meet deadlines effectively

Meet polling deadlines with automated efficiency

Prioritize and meet deadlines effectively

Less administrative hassles, powerful results

Alert Plus Web Part


This product is available and fully supported as a perpetual license as an individual purchase. Non-Production environments are ½ price. Education and Non-Profit pricing is available, please contact sales.


SharePoint 2016/2019/2022


Price in USD
per Server Running MS Foundation Web Application. More Information ›

Includes Year 1 Product Upgrades and Support*