Announcing the Release of My Alerts Organizer for SharePoint 2013

My Alerts Organizer allows you to view, in one place, all of your alerts from all your sites in SharePoint. It also allows you to pause the alerts as desired. This is useful when, for example, you’re on vacation and don’t want your mailbox to be needlessly clogged with alerts that you won’t be able to act on until your return. My Alerts Organizer also allows you to change the settings of your alerts, such as getting the alerts immediately when there is a change or setting them for daily delivery. All of these features and more are now available for SharePoint 2013.

New Features:

  • Now supported on Microsoft Windows SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2013.
  • Access My Alerts Organizer from your Personal menu.
  • Add, delete, edit, and enable/disable (toggle) SharePoint alerts.
  • Allow users to dynamically change the sorting and grouping.
  • Use a site tree to navigate through alerts set up for the different sites.
  • Drag and drop column headings to group alerts dynamically.
  • Group alerts to quickly view the types of alerts you have.
  • Perform inline editing of alert frequency properties.
  • Customize the translation of this product.

You can try out My Alerts Organizer with a 30-day free trial, or sign up for a free trial in our online sandbox environment.

Want to know which other Bamboo components and applications are currently available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series of announcements via the links below: