Announcing the Release of Bamboo Rating & Custom Identifier Columns for SharePoint 2013

Bamboo Rating and Custom Identifier columns are now available for use on SharePoint 2013. With Bamboo Custom Columns, you can expand the capabilities of SharePoint as easily as adding a new column to a list or library.

With Bamboo Rating, you can let users rate items, lists, and even pages through any one of several different UI choices:

Bamboo Rating Feature Description
Multiple Rating Types
Select from 3 types of rating controls:
True/False Rating 5-Star Rating 10-Point Rating Scale
Variety of True/False (Voting) Controls
Select from 3 styles of True/False (Voting) controls:
Thumbs Up/
Thumbs Down
Green Checkmark/
Red X
Action Buttons with
Customizable Text
Customizable Skins for 5-Star Ratings
Select from 8 different skins (colors) for Ratings, including:
Black Sitefinity Vista
Half Star or Whole Star Ratings
Define if users can rate using half or whole stars for 5-Star Ratings:
Half Star Ratings Whole Star Ratings
Detailed Statistics When Hovering
View statistics using tooltips with just a quick hover of the mouse:
True/False Rating 5-Star Rating 10-Point Rating Scale
Real-Time Statistics Unlike SharePoint Server, where you have to wait up to an hour to view the latest statistics, Bamboo Rating updates the statistics immediately.
Support Across All Lists and Libraries Bamboo Rating is simply another column type you can choose from when adding columns to any List or Library, including our popular video management library SharePoint Video Library.
Rate Site Pages Simply add a new column to the Site Pages library, then add the Bamboo Rating Web Part to the individual pages in the library. Bamboo Rating Web Part will display the Rating control right on the Site Page.
Filter and Sort Based on Rating Columns Filter and sort based on Bamboo Rating columns. Quickly view the highest rated or most popular items by filtering, grouping, and sorting based on the current average rating or the number of ratings submitted.
Allow Anonymous or Authenticated Ratings Define if users must be authenticated (only one rating per user, but can be updated anytime) or anonymous (users can rate many times).
Allow Individual Item Ratings to be Reset Uploaded a new version of a document or modified a site page? Need a new set of rating data? With Bamboo Rating, define which users have the ability to reset individual item ratings.

With Custom Identifier Column, you get an easy way to create customizable unique identifiers for items using any combination of text, lookups, dates, site names, and more:

Custom Identifier Feature Description
Auto-Generate unique values across one or more lists. Scope the checking for unique values to the current list, site, or across multiple sites in a site collection.
Allow users to manually enter unique values. Give the users the flexibility to manually enter values while confirming the uniqueness of the value on submittal.
Format identifiers Construct meaningful item identifiers by combining text, date/time, system, and column values.
Works with all SharePoint List Types Lists: Tasks, Announcements, Calendars, Custom Lists, Discussion Boards, etc. Libraries: Document Libraries, Form Libraries, Picture Libraries, etc.
Set Capitalization Option Force manually entered values to upper or lower case to ensure uniformity.

Download a free 30-day trial of Bamboo Rating or Custom Identifier Column today, or try the 2010 versions of them both out online today in a free Bamboo Sandbox.

Want to know which other Bamboo components and applications are currently available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series of announcements via the links below: