Announcing the Release of Column Level Security and Validator Column for SharePoint 2013

Bamboo’s Column Level Security and Validator Column are now available for SharePoint 2013. With Bamboo Custom Columns, you can expand the capabilities of SharePoint as easily as adding a new column to a list or library.

With Column Level Security, you can control access to sensitive data limiting which users can see and/or edit certain field values. Unauthorized users will simply see masked values, while authorized users can see or edit the data. Store and encrypt text, numbers, or currency values:

With the Bamboo Validator Column, you can specify the format, ranges, values, and more for user input. With the predefined or custom-built pattern, value, or range comparisons, you can ensure the data getting stored in SharePoint is uniform and correct. Control data input with a user-friendly interface that eliminates the need to scrub or recapture bad data:

Download a free 30-day trial of Bamboo Validator Column or Column Level Security today, or try the 2010 versions of them both out online today in a free Bamboo Sandbox.

Want to know which other Bamboo components and applications are currently available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series of announcements: