This Week in Bamboo (September 15th, 2013 – September 21st, 2013)

This week in Bamboo, we were very busy rolling out some major releases of SharePoint 2010 to our store with some new features and bug fixes for the following products: Project Management Central R4.1, Calendar Plus R4.5, Navigators R1.5, and Data-Viewer Web Part R3.6.  At the same time, we added User Manager for Sites to our new SharePoint 2013 products along with patches update of Task Master R3.5, List Print R1.4, Site Creation Plus R1.4, and Filters Collection R1.3.  Please check out our storefront and see below for details about this week’s releases and patches update.

HW59 User Manager for Sites for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

For information about using User Manager for Sites, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

  • None


  • None.

SA12 PM Central for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.1.135

New Features:

  • Add a Reset Order Column button under the Show or Hide columns of the list forms tool to allow users to reset the order of the columns in Edit form, New Form, View Form, and List Settings for the Tasks list and the Project Health list based on the column ordering settings.
  • New Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in:
    • Uses InstallShield
    • Compatibles with both Microsoft Project 2013 (32-bit or 64-bit) and Microsoft Project 2010 (32-bit or 64-bit). Note: Using Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in with Microsoft Project 2013 or Microsoft Project 2010, users can import, export, and sync tasks to both SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2010.
  • New Features in Components:

See Calendar Plus Web Part R4.5 Release Notes for more information.

  • Runtime Filter View now is available for multiple lists.
  • More columns are available to select for filtering as well as using the combination of columns to filter when using the List Filter Web Part.
  • Dynamically filter the calendars using Web Part Connections.
  • Sort the Gantt view based on certain criteria/columns.
  • Ability to sort in Gantt view.
  • Allow defining the position of the legends to display in relation to each other as in the row (horizontal) or in the column (vertical).

See Data-Viewer Web Part R3.6 Release Notes for more information.

  • Allow adding new nested list items directly from the Data-Viewer Web Part.
  • Allow for the display of all items without folders or showing items inside folders.
  • Allow set formatting for the column headers.
  • Allow for the printing of data.
  • Allow Inherit Site Theme for skin and font style.

See SharePoint Navigators R1.5 Release Notes for more information.

  • Allow users to use the mega menu (Mega menu is a two-dimensional menu that allows users to display a large sitemap-like menu, expand menus, or link to pages with additional navigation.):
    • Drop-down menus are displayed when the mouse hovers over the top-level menu bar.
    • Allows images in the drop-down menu.
    • Menu items are defined in the Navigators list.
  • Allow users to set the size, color, and/or alignment of the individual TabStrip and menu.
  • Allow showing two levels for the TabStrips.
  • Allow users to show an icon for the TabStrip, menu, and icon.
  • Allow users to set the orientation of the TabStrips and menus.
  • Allow users to go directly to the page from the link, or open the link in another window.
  • Allow users to configure skin and font style via the tool pane configuration or using a custom style sheet (CSS) or inherit from the site theme.
  • Allow users to delete the Navigators list and/or manually create the Navigators list through the tool pane.
  • Allow more than one navigator per site by adding a “Navigation” view column to the Bamboo Navigators list, so it is easier for customers to have more than one navigator per site, and the Web Part can use a different view.
  • Allow users to show the number of sub-items next to the menu item.

Online Information:

  • For information about Save and Create-Portfolio or Stand-Alone Site From the Saved Template in the Site Creation Area, see KB.13007 Info: Save and Create-Portfolio or Stand-Alone Site From the Saved Template in the Site Creation Area.
  • See KB.13010: How To Create and Assign Tasks Using the Datasheet View with Task Master.
  • See KB.13011: How To Create and Assign Tasks With Task Master and Project Management Central When Defaulting to 100% for the Assignment Units for Resource Allocation

Includes updated versions of the following components:

Resolved Customer-Reported Bugs :

  • In the Datasheet view of the list, the user cannot assign using the Assigned To field.
  • When the milestone’s predecessor due date is ended at 5:00 PM and working hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Task Master recalculates the milestone to the next day with the time of 8:00 AM.
  • When Assigned To is not null, Assignment Units’ value is not automatically defaulted to 100% until the user manually updates this field.
  • When the milestone’s predecessor due date is ended at 5:00 PM and working hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Task Master recalculates the milestone to the next day with the time of 8:00 AM.
  • If the Resource column in the tasks list is set to “No” for “Select resources from Resource Pool site” when editing a task and changing the assignee in the Assigned To field PM Central does not save the new assignee value.
  • The lite project site template cannot be saved as a site template to be used later to create another project site template.
  • In Site Creation Area, Project Management Central does not show the custom saved templates for portfolios (full or lite) or stand-alone sites.


  • If users import or export tasks to and from Microsoft Project using the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in, it skips the accounts that contain characters such as “[” and “]”.
  • When using the Microsoft Project Add-In, if users modify the Outline level field in Microsoft Project without adjusting the WBS field, they will see an error during the merge between PM Central Tasks and Microsoft Project tasks, e.g. Outline Level field is 1 and WBS is 1.1.
  • Addin – New/Merge/Append to Microsoft Project – If the Cost and Actual Cost fields for the tasks and parent tasks are populated using Cost (Enter) and Actual Cost (Enter), when exporting to Microsoft Project for new/merge/append, the Cost and Actual fields in the Microsoft Project will not match what is in PM Central’s SharePoint tasks list.
  • If creating a Portfolio site that is the child of a Team site, the Bamboo Project Central Content Types feature must be activated before creating them.
  • The Resource Assignments Gantt chart on the portfolio site may time out if more than 10,000 items are aggregated.
  • In Web applications configured for Forms-Based Authentication (FBA) with anonymous access, an error is displayed in the Resource column when viewing tasks or resources.
  • In Web applications configured for Forms-Based Authentication (FBA) with anonymous access, charts are not displayed in all views of My Projects in portfolio and department sites.
  • When tasks are exported to Microsoft Project using the “Merge” option with the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in, child tasks may be merged to the wrong summary task if multiple summary tasks have the same name.
  • When importing tasks from Microsoft Project to a SharePoint Tasks list using the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in, the Constraint Date field cannot be updated if the Constraint Date in Microsoft Project is equal to “NA”.
  • Addin – Export to MS Project – Show Duration in MS Project don’t like Duration in SharePoint Task list with use case working mode between MS project and Task Master different. => WAD
  • The User Profile Import Utility can only map User Profile properties with a privacy setting of “Everyone”.
  • If data displayed using the Data-Viewer Web Part is grouped and a group of data spans multiple pages, all data for the same group may not be displayed continuously on the next page. For example, page 2 may start with a different data group instead of continuing the list of items from page 1.
  • Clicking “Add new item” in the Discussion tab does not display the New Item pop-up form.
  • After exporting a PM Central Tasks list using the “Connect to Microsoft Project” feature, new tasks created in Microsoft Project with a blank Start Date and Due Date will be incorrectly updated when the task is synchronized to PM Central with the “Synchronize” feature. The Start Date will be set to the Project Start Date from Microsoft Project, and the Due Date will be the next day.
  • When Microsoft Project synchronizes task updates to a connected PM Central Tasks lists, the “Assigned To” field value is not copied if it was updated in Microsoft Project to a resource name that does not exist in Active Directory.
  • If a Calculated column type is displayed in SharePoint Task Master, the calculated value is not updated when the user clicks Recalculate. To view the updated values for Calculated columns, refresh the browser using Control + F5.
  • Users cannot delete resources from the Enterprise Resource Pool in the department site if the department site is the root of the site collection. Users must go to the portfolio site to delete resources.
  • When users create a new Web Part Page in the portfolio site and try to make this page the default page updating the URL in /_Layouts/AreaWelcomePage.aspx, they will receive the following error: “The site is not valid. The ‘Pages’ document library is missing.” This is a SharePoint limitation.
  • Users logged into the portfolio site with a site collection administrator account will not see rolled-up data in the following tabs: My Summary, Resources, Schedules, Issues, and Reporting. This is a SharePoint limitation. To change the limits, go to Central Administration > Manage Web Applications. Select the desired site collection, and then select General Settings > Resource Throttling from the ribbon to change the values.
  • In the “Tasks” tab of the project site under Tracking View, the headers for “Cost”, “Actual Cost” and “% Complete” are not aligned to the left like in other fields.

Known Issues:

  • If the parent task has a predecessor and the parent task is a milestone, the Start Date of the parent task and the child task change based on the predecessor’s Due Date. For example, the working hours is set from 8:00 – 5:00 PM and the Start Date for the parent task and child task is 09/18/2013 8:00 AM. If the predecessor’s Due Date is 09/18/2013 5:00 PM, the Start Date and Due Date for the parent and child task are now changed to 09/19/2013 at 8:00 AM.
  • Resource Assignments (Gantt chart and Performance) – If there are a lot of resource assignments and projects and therefore a large volume of data to update, information will not be updated immediately even after clicking Run Now with the Bamboo Gantt Chart Timer Job. See the troubleshooting section for the Resource Assignment not showing data online documentation for more information.
  • Resource Availability report – If the user selects to view the Resource Availability with a date range span across 2 years such as 12/1/2012 to 1/15/2013, the capacity for the first year will display as 0 instead of 8 hours for 1 day or 160 hours for 1 month.
  • When PM Central tasks are merged with Microsoft Project tasks using Microsoft Project Add-In and with Microsoft Add-In is set using the Auto Schedule option, if the tasks in SharePoint have a Start Date different than the Start Date of the project and tasks in Microsoft Project after the merge, the tasks will show up with the wrong Start Date and may result in breaking the parent-child relationship.
  • Reporting Timer Job – To improve reporting performance, the timer job in R4.0 is now changed to Bamboo Reporting Calculation Timer Job V4 and scheduled to run once a day. Users must select Remove All and Install twice instead of the Upgrade/Repair Existing and Install New for this timer job to change the name and change the schedule.
  • Resource Allocation and Capacity Planning at the portfolio site might result in requests timed out in cases where there are 500 items or more in the Tasks list per project, with 40 or more project sites, assigned to 20 or more resources, and the time period spans over 2 years.
  • If you merge tasks between PM Central and Microsoft Project using the Microsoft Project Add-in, and the tasks have the same name with different Work Breakdown Structure, after the merge the tasks will show the wrong parent-child relationship and the wrong work breakdown structure.
  • When using the Request New PMC Project Site workflow, the title is missing in the breadcrumb in the form for Start Workflow.
  • When customizing any site page in SharePoint Designer, you must check out the page first. When you are finished editing in SharePoint Designer, save the page and check it in.
  • If you export tasks to Microsoft Project using the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in and then move a task in Microsoft Project, the task will be incorrectly displayed as a child task if you export the PM Central Tasks list again using the “Merge” option.
  • When exporting the Resource Task Timeline report to Excel, the Gantt bar does not show an accurate time span.
  • In User Profiles Import search results, the contents of the About Me field include HTML markup.
  • When upgrading PM Central, you must restart the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service before upgrading PM Central sites in Central Administration.
  • The User Profiles Import utility displays a maximum of 1000 results.
  • If a User Profiles Import search matches a large number of records, the request may time out and return a server error.
  • If you change an existing selection for the Project Department or Project fields in a report, the Resource field does not update with the choices that match the new Project Department and Project combination.
  • If a resource has tasks that span multiple years (e.g., 2009-2012), data cannot be displayed in the Resource Assignment Gantt chart on the portfolio site Resources page.
  • When Microsoft Project synchronizes task updates to a connected PM Central Tasks list, “Constraint Date” values of “NA” in Microsoft Project—which indicates a constraint type of “As Soon as Possible”—may be set to today’s date when synchronized to the PM Central Tasks list. This does not impact the project schedule.
  • Project Schedules and Scheduled Tasks baselines cannot be created if the project or tasks span three years or more.
  • When browsing a PM Central site in HTTPS, chart images exported from the Reporting Web Part to Microsoft Excel are displayed as a red “X” in the Excel workbook.
  • The “Quick Launch” feature is not visible when upgrading sites that were created in PM Central R1.8. Sites upgraded from R2.0 or higher correctly display the Quick Launch menu.
  • If a project site has unique permissions and its users do not have access to the portfolio site, data from the Enterprise Resource Pool in the portfolio site is still visible in the project site Contacts list.
  • In the Gantt View of Active Projects on the portfolio site Schedules tab, special characters in the Project Manager field are expanded to their corresponding numeric value. For example, “D’Angelo” will be displayed as “D&#39Angelo”.
  • After upgrading PM Central, the Project Portfolio Dashboard does not display data on the portfolio site’s Schedules tab or in the Portfolio Dashboard List after clicking Refresh for the first time. To resolve this issue, restart the SharePoint 2010 Timer service. See KB.12641 for more information.
  • Anonymous users are prompted for a username and password to access some PM Central pages.

HW20 Calendar Plus for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.5.186

New Features:

  • Runtime Filter View now is available for multiple lists. Additional option “Show Selected List” to show specific lists with specific views instead of a single list with a single view.
  • More columns are available to select for filtering as well as using the combination of columns to filter when using the List Filter Web Part.
  • Dynamically filter the calendars using Web Part Connections.
  • Sort the Gantt view based on certain criteria/columns.
  • Ability to sort in Gantt view.
  • Allow defining the position of the legends to display in relation to each other as in the row (horizontal) or in the column (vertical).

Bug Fixes:

  • Calendar Plus is not working with the discussions list.
  • When using Specify Filter Conditions with [Today] parameter in Toolpane, Web Part shows the message “Bamboo error…String was not recognized as a valid DateTime”.
  • If Calendar Plus Web Part’s data source is a SharePoint List or Library, Web Part Connections are only supported for the defined Base Columns that include the Display Column, Start Date, and End Date.

Known Issues:

  • Selecting a column for filtering using Web Part Connection or List Filter Web Part does not work when the column is a lookup column, which gets the data source from the Datetime type or number type.
  • When the data source is a SharePoint list or List Rollup and sorting for the Gantt View using the ID column of the Calendar list,
  • Web Part shows the error “RenderCalendar: Input string was not in a correct format….”.
  • If the Lookup column with multiple values is used for filtering, the filter results when Calendar Plus is using List Filter Web Part are different than the filter results when Calendar Plus is using Web Part Connection to a list.
  • The data of the Schedule Status custom column from Project Management Central is not shown in the Gantt view.
  • The ID column is not supported for filtering including filtering in Toolpane, filtering in Web Part Connection to list, or from List Filter Web Part.
  • When selecting the people picker for color-coding or for Item Identifications and if the site has over 100 users, the configuration shows the error “OnPreRender: An item with the same key has already been added”.
  • When there are more than 100 users on a site if users want to color code User filed, use the people picker. Check user’s name function for this field in the tool part is disabled in this release.
  • In Day view, if an item expands to between 11:00 PM and 12:00 AM, the item cell ends before the defined time.
  • Bamboo List Filter Web Part can only connect to Calendar Plus Web Part if the data source is SharePoint List or Library or Bamboo List Rollup Classic Edition.
  • When the data source is in List Rollup classic mode, at the quarter, year, or week view Calendar Plus does not show an event that belongs to “More… “ when filtering Datetime.


  • When using List Filter Web for filtering, the following columns are not supported for filtering and therefore are not showing in the drop-down for selecting the target column: “All day events”, Multiple lines of text, Calculated, Attachments, Recurrence, Hyperlink, Workspace, and ID.
  • This product can be migrated from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010. However, there are limitations to the migration procedure. Read KB.12627: How to Migrate Bamboo Products from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 for more information.
  • If Calendar Plus Web Part is added on a page created a ListView (example: allitems.aspx), the user will receive the error: “ListRollupSettings :: btnWegPart_Click :: Invalid URL argument.” Work Around: Use the Calendar Plus Web Part on a page that was not generated creating a List View.
  • If Calendar Plus Web Part’s data source is a SharePoint List or Library, and a selected List or Library View is applied as the filter, the view’ Item Limits are not honored.
  • If Calendar Plus Web Part’s data source is a SharePoint List or Library, only one SharePoint List or Library can be displayed in the Gantt View. Work Around: Utilize the Bamboo product List Rollup Web Part to aggregate multiple lists into a single view then connect Calendar Plus Web Part to the resulting List Rollup.
  • In the SharePoint List and Library category of the Calendar Plus Web Part Settings window, the column headers in the included SharePoint Lists and/or Libraries grid cannot be modified by the Bamboo Language files.
  • If Calendar Plus Web Part’s data source is Bamboo List Rollup when configuring Step 8 – Item Identification, the top 200 distinct records are returned.
  • Calendar Plus Web Part’s Print functionality uses HTML to generate the Print Friendly page. As a result, the calendar view spans multiple pages.
  • Calendar Plus Web Part’s Print functionality for Gantt view is limited to what you see is what you get. If items in the Gantt View span beyond the initial view, causing scroll bars to view, you will only see the items shown in the Print Friendly window.
  • Use the web part in ListView and get an error: “ListRollupSettings :: btnWegPart_Click :: Invalid URL argument.” Workaround: use the web part in the web part page or the non-list view page.
  • Can only display one SharePoint List in Gantt View.
  • Unable to change the column header text in the Select List/Library grid.
  • Calendar only prints HTML and doesn’t do page breaks for each view.
  • Gantt print doesn’t print all items, it prints the scroll bars on the view.
  • New values added to the column configured for color coding are not automatically configured for color coding, resulting in values not appearing in the color legend and events associated with the new value showing no color identification.

HW37 Data-Viewer for SharePoint 2010 Release 3.6.66

New Features:

  • Allow adding new nested list items directly from the Data-Viewer Web Part.
  • Allow for the display of all items without folders or showing items inside folders.
  • Allow set formatting for the column headers.
  • Allow for the printing of data.
  • Allow Inherit Site Theme for skin and font style.

Resolved Customer-Reported Bugs and Known Issues/Limitations:

  • When the data source is List Rollup schema, use condition format with column type Hyperlink or Picture and Multiple Lines of Text.
  • Data-Viewer web part configuration such as using nested is lost when migrating from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 or from one farm to another farm.
  • Allow the header justification to be configured as align right or align left.
  • When List Rollup Data View (Classic Edition) is used as the data source, Data-Viewer Web Part shows the message “Error: OnLoad:: Field AssignedTo_BBCustomInvisibleC not found in the source table. Please check the expression syntax.” when dragging the Assigned To column to the top for grouping.
  • The “Subject-Linked to Item” column displays “No title” when migrating from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010.
  • Allow set formatting for the column headers as bold.
  • When List Rollup Data View (Classic Edition) is used as the data source and using the Date field for sorting or grouping, Data-Viewer sorts or groups as a text string instead of date, e.g. 10/5/2013, then 2/5/2013, and then 3/5/2012.
  • Allow adding new nested list items directly from the Data-Viewer Web Part in the Nested/child section.
  • The column set for grouping is using only the columns included in the display.
    • The following have been fixed and are no longer limitations:

Data Source: All

  • Feature: Calculated Settings
    • If the column that is being Calculated is also used for grouping the data, the resulting Calculated value is shown as the last item in the grouping instead of the bottom of Grid View.
  • Feature: Export to Excel
    • Master and Nested Data sets are exported in separate Excel files.
  • Feature: Grouping (Dynamic)
    • Dynamic Grouping only occurs on the current page in the grid and does not group the full data set. (When using List Rollup Schema)
  • Feature: General configuration of Web Part
    • In certain cases, if configuring the Web Part for the first time, the option “Allow Columns to be resized” checkbox found in General Settings is not saved the first time selected.

Data Source: Bamboo List Rollup Web Part

  • Feature: Export to Excel
    • The following column types are not formatted correctly:
      • Calculate
      • List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name return blank values
  • Feature: Filtering (Default)
    • The following column types are not supported:
      • Calculate (When using List Rollup Schema)
      • Choice (Multiple Selection mode) (When using List Rollup Schema and with the operator “contains”)
      • Date & Time (When using List Rollup Schema)
      • Hyperlink or Picture (When using List Rollup Schema)
      • Number (When using List Rollup Schema)
      • Yes/No (When using List Rollup Schema)
      • List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site (When using List Rollup Schema)
  • Feature: Filtering (Dynamic)
    • The following column types are not supported:
      • Calculate (When using List Rollup Schema)
      • Choice (Multiple Selection mode)(When using List Rollup Schema and with the operator “contains”)
      • Date & Time (When using List Rollup Schema)
      • Hyperlink or Picture (When using List Rollup Schema)
      • Number (When using List Rollup Schema)
      • Yes/No (When using List Rollup Schema)
      • List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name 1294 (When using List Rollup Schema)
    • Using the [Me] SharePoint variable is only supported with the operators Contains and Equals.
  • Feature: Sorting (Default)
    • Date & Time columns are sorted as text instead of numbers (When using List Rollup Schema).
  • Feature: Sorting (Dynamic)
    • Date & Time columns are sorted as text instead of numbers (When using List Rollup Schema).
    • Person or Group columns are not sorted correctly due to the data including the profile ID (When using List Rollup Schema).

Data Source: SharePoint List or Library

  • Feature: Export to Excel
    • The following column types are not formatted correctly:
      • Calculate

Data Source: Business Connectivity Services (BCS)

  • Feature: Filtering
    • Certain filter criteria return no results even though items do match the criteria.


  • Do not support all items in the folder in the Rollup data source.
  • “Count, Sum, Average, Maximum, or Minimum” is not correct when nested is used since it sums up the counts from multiple subgroups instead of its own subgroup, e.g.
  • Project 1 has 1 budget and the count is 1; Project 2 has 1 budget and the count should be 1, but the count is shown as 2 since it also counts the budget from Project 1.
  • The Content-Type field does not support sorting or grouping. It cannot be used in the Web Part settings for grouping or sorting.
  • When SQL is selected as the data source, and in the Web Part settings if “Define Item Grouping” is set to use the Column_NText or Text and for the Calculation section in the tool pane is set to  “Yes ” for “on Grouping” field, the Web Part shows an error message.
  • When SQL is selected as the data source, and the Calculation section in the tool pane is set to  “Yes ” for the “on Grouping” field, the Value of that column is not shown after dragging the column for grouping from the Web Part interface.
  • Showing wrong calculated data after changing Locale when summarizing data using calculations.
  • Calculate group is not supported by dynamic grouping.
  • The date field in a group is sorted as a text string instead of a date on the Rollup Classic data source.
  • When grouping using the Content-Type for the document library, the grouping is now displayed in a continuous order due to the limitation of the Content-Type in SharePoint 2010. For example, it shows the Documents group, then the Folders group, and the Documents group again. See Microsoft Discussion for more information.

Data Source: All

  • Feature: Datasheet Mode
    • Editing a Person or Group column that allows multiple selections will replace the current list of values stored in the column.
    • Choice fields that allow multiple selections do not include a “Select All” choice.
    • Reordering columns with drag and drop are not supported in Datasheet mode.
  • Feature: Grouping (Dynamic)
    • Dynamic Grouping only occurs on the current page in the grid and does not group the full data set. (Except when using List Rollup Schema)
    • The loading icon does not display if using Internet Explorer 8.
  • Feature: Sorting (Default)
    • Default sorting is not honored if default grouping is enabled.
  • Feature: Filtering (Dynamic)
    • The loading icon does not display if using Internet Explorer 8.
  • Feature: Sorting (Dynamic)
    • The loading icon does not display if using Internet Explorer 8.
  • Feature: Language Resource Strings
    • No resources string is available to modify the text “None” in the Calculated Settings section of the tool pane.
    • No resource strings are available to modify the runtime filter conditions.
  • Feature: General configuration of Web Part
    • After configuring the Web Part, if the user modifies the columns displayed for Master List, the nested list, calculated, and conditional formatting options will be reset…
  • Feature: Resize Columns in Runtime Mode
    • Resizing columns in runtime mode for Nested Grid View causes display issues.
  • Feature: Selection of Columns in Runtime
    • If the grid view has few records, the drop-down menu for the selection of columns in runtime will be cut off.

Data Source: Bamboo List Rollup Web Part

  • Feature: Conditional Formatting
    • Columns of the type Hyperlink or Picture and Multiple Lines of Text are not supported.
  • Feature: Datasheet Mode
    • Does not support modification of columns of type External Data Type.
    • Does not support modification of columns of type Multiple Lines of Text (Enhanced rich text).
    • Does not support modification of columns of type Recurrence and Workspace.
  • Feature: Filtering (Default)
    • Filtering lists of type Calendar on either Start Date or End Date will not return items with “All-Day Events” enabled.
    • The following column types are not supported:
      • Choice (Multiple Selection mode) (Except when using List Rollup Schema and with the operator “contains”)
      • Date & Time (When using List Rollup Classic)
      • Hyperlink or Picture (When using List Rollup Classic)
      • Lookup (Multiple Selection mode)
      • Number (When using List Rollup Classic)
      • Person or Group (Multiple Selection mode)
      • Yes/No (When using List Rollup Classic)
      • List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name (When using List Rollup Classic)
  • Feature: Filtering (Dynamic)
    • The following column types are not supported:
      • Calculate (When using List Rollup Classic)
      • Choice (Multiple Selection mode) (Except when using List Rollup Schema and with the operator “contains”)
      • Date & Time (When using List Rollup Classic)
      • Hyperlink or Picture (When using List Rollup Classic)
      • Lookup (Multiple Selection mode)
      • Number (When using List Rollup Classic)
      • Person or Group (Multiple Selection mode)
      • Yes/No (When using List Rollup Classic)
      • List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name 1294 (When using List Rollup Classic)
      • Using the [Me] SharePoint variable is only supported with the operators Contains and Equals.
  • Feature: General Data Display
    • If the user modifies their local in the “My Regional Settings” page, columns of type Currency and Calculated (output = Currency), the comma “,” and decimal point “.” are displayed in the wrong position.
  • Feature: Inline Edit Mode
    • Does not support modification of columns of type External Data Type.
    • Does not support modification of columns of type Recurrence and Workspace.
    • Columns of type Multiple Lines of Text – Rich Text and Enhanced Rich Text modes display HTML tags. Alternatively, use the Content Editor provided in Datasheet mode.
  • Feature: Nested Data
    • Association between Parent Data and Nested Data is not supported if mapped columns contain multiple values (People and Group, Lookup, and Choice).
    • Cannot link Nested Data set based on Lookup column in Master List.
  • Feature: Sorting (Default)
    • Date & Time columns are sorted as text instead of numbers. (When using List Rollup Classic)
    • Person or Group columns are not sorted correctly due to the data including the profile ID.
  • Feature: Sorting (Dynamic)
    • Date & Time columns are sorted as text instead of numbers. (When using List Rollup Classic)
    • Person or Group columns are not sorted correctly due to the data including the profile ID. (When using List Rollup Classic)

Data Source: SharePoint List or Library

  • Feature: Conditional Formatting
    • Columns of type Hyperlink or Picture and Multiple Lines of Text are not supported.
  • Feature: Datasheet Mode
    • Does not support modification of columns of type External Data Type.
    • Does not support modification of columns of type Multiple Lines of Text (Enhanced rich text).
    • If the source is External List, Datasheet mode is not supported.
    • If modifying a column of type Multiple Lines of Text that contains text surrounded tag characters (i.e.<…>), the text will clear upon saving.
    • If modifying a column of type Multiple Lines of Text that contains hyperlinks, the hyperlinks are lost upon saving the changes.
    • When users are modifying a cell of the following Column Types, the users will see the raw data instead of the formatted data. Upon navigating away from the cell, the format will be displayed correctly.
      • Choice (Checkboxes)
      • Lookup (Both Single and Multiple Selection modes)
      • Multiple Lines of Text (Rich Text and Enhanced Rich Text Modes)
      • Person or Group (Single or Multiple Selection modes)
    • Viewing or modifying columns of type Hyperlink or Picture displays only the Description text. The user is not able to modify the URL.
    • Viewing or modifying columns of type Multiple Lines of Text (Plain Text mode) removes line breaks. If a user modifies the column and saves changes, line breaks are removed from the original column text.
    • Columns of type Business Data are not supported. Data-Viewer Web Part hides these columns automatically from view in Datasheet Mode.
    • All Bamboo Custom Columns are not supported.
    • Does not support modification of columns of type Recurrence and Workspace.
  • Feature: Export to Excel
    • Column display names with special characters are formatted incorrectly in the resulting Excel column headers.
  • Feature: Filtering (Default)
    • Columns with multiple values are not supported.
  • Feature: Filtering (Dynamic)
    • If the backslash “” is included in the filter string, it will be removed automatically.
    • If Filtering on the Person or Group column, Bamboo recommends using the Contains operator and entering the User Name in the value instead of First or Last Name.
    • Columns with multiple values are not supported.
  • Feature: General Data Display
    • If a user modifies their local in the “My Regional Settings” page, columns of type Currency and Calculated (output = Currency), the comma “,” and decimal point “.” are displayed in the wrong position.
  • Feature: Inline Edit Mode
    • Does not support modification of columns of type External Data Type.
    • If the source is an External List, Inline Edit Mode is not supported.
    • Columns of type Business Data are not supported. Data-Viewer Web Part hides these columns automatically from view in Datasheet Mode.
    • Columns of type Multiple Lines of Text with Append Data feature enabled, only the current version text is displayed.
    • Columns of type Multiple Lines of Text – Rich Text and Enhanced Rich Text modes display HTML tags. Alternatively, use the Content Editor provided in Datasheet mode.
    • Does not support modification of columns of type Recurrence and Workspace.
    • Columns of type Lookup with Multiple Selections are not supported.
    • No support for the following Bamboo Custom Columns:
      • Bamboo Column Level Security
      • Bamboo Lookup Selector
      • Bamboo Rating
      • Bamboo Rich Text
      • Bamboo Validator
  • Feature: Nested Data
    • Association between Parent Data and Nested Data is not supported if mapped columns contain multiple values (People and Group, Lookup, and Choice).

Data Source: SQL Server Table/View

  • Feature: Datasheet Mode
    • Not Supported

Known Issues:

  • “Calculating Header” and “Calculating Footer” show the wrong position when dynamic sorting in a group.
  • Calculating result shows the wrong position for the “Both” selection of Position when dynamic grouping.
  • Cannot support filtering data for Additional fields type of Lookup column type in Rollup data source.
  • Once edited data of the column, it is not applied if selecting “Yes” for “on Grouping” and the format color of any column.
  • The configuration of the Nested list in the Conditional Formatting section is not applied when changing the column display setting.
  • The ID column sorts incorrectly in the Rollup connection.
  • Grouping result always shows on the right of the grid view when selecting “Yes” for “On Grouping” in the “Calculations” section.
  • All the types without text type are not supported for sorting when grouping in SharePoint, SQL, or Rollup Classic data source. All types without text, number, and DateTime type are not supported when grouping in Rollup Schemas data source
  • Do not get automatically the value for the Mapping column when adding a new item for the Nested list in the SharePoint data source.
  • Connected to any source with Nested Data: Expanding and collapsing a Nested Data set causes an extra line to appear when using skin Web20.
  • After initially configuring the Web Part to use Asynchronous Mode must navigate away from the page for the data to show for the first time.

HW45 Task Master for SharePoint 2010 Release 3.5.139

Online Information:

  • See KB.13010: How To Create and Assign Tasks Using the Datasheet View with Task Master.
  • See KB.13011: How To Create and Assign Tasks With Task Master and Project Management Central When Defaulting to 100% for the Assignment Units for Resource Allocation.

Bug fixes:

  • In the Datasheet view of the list, the user cannot assign using the Assigned To field.
  • When the milestone’s predecessor due date is ended at 5:00 PM and working hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Task Master recalculates the milestone to the next day with the time of 8:00 AM.
  • When Assigned To is not null, Assignment Units’ value is not automatically defaulted to 100% until the user manually updates this field.
  • When clicking on the Assignment Units “Green – Refresh” button, the Assignment Units column does not get an update based on the Assigned To field if the root site collection no longer exists.
  • In the German language, the Start Date in the Calendar week is displayed as Sunday instead of Monday.

New Known Issues:

  • If the parent task has a predecessor and the parent task is a milestone, the Start Date of the parent task and the child task change based on the predecessor’s Due Date. For example, the working hours are set from 8:00 – 5:00 PM and the Start Date for the parent task and child task is 09/18/2013 8:00 AM. If the predecessor’s Due Date is 09/18/2013 5:00 PM, the Start Date and Due Date for the parent and child task are now changed to 09/19/2013 at 8:00 AM.

New Limitations:

  • When assigning multiple resources in the form and save and the assignees are not sorted in ascending order, in the Datasheet View from the Assigned To’s drop-down the last assignee is unchecked even after clicking on the Recalculate button and Save.

HW55 Navigators for SharePoint 2010 Release R1.5.23

New Features:

  • Allow users to use the mega menu (Mega menu is a two-dimensional menu that allows users to display a large sitemap-like menu, expand menus, or link to pages with additional navigation.):
    • Drop-down menus are displayed when the mouse hovers over the top-level menu bar.
    • Allows images in the drop-down menu.
    • Menu items are defined in the Navigators list.

• Allow users to set the size, color, and/or alignment of the individual TabStrip and menu.
• Allow showing two levels for the TabStrips.
• Allow users to show an icon for the TabStrip, menu, and icon.
• Allow users to set the orientation of the TabStrips and menus.
• Allow users to go directly to the page from the link or open the link in another window.
• Allow users to configure skin and font style via the tool pane configuration or using a custom style sheet (CSS) or inherit from the site theme.
• Allow users to delete the Navigators list and/or manually create the Navigators list through the tool pane.
• Allow more than one navigator per site adding a “Navigation” view column to the Bamboo Navigators list, so it is easier for customers to have more than one navigator per site and the Web Part can use a different view.
• Allow users to show the number of sub-items next to the menu item.

 Online Information:

  • For information on how to customize the skin, see KB.13008 HOW TO: Customizing the Skin for Bamboo Navigators Using the Custom Style Option.
  • For information on how to add the mega menu, see KB.13006 HOW TO: Add Mega Menu to Bamboo Navigators Menu Web Part.
  • Please refer to the upgrade page to learn how to download a new license key and get the product upgrade.

Known Issues:

  • Megamenu shows on the left side when choosing vertical as the orientation for displaying the menu.


  • The Navigator menu does not show the menus in sort order if one of the items is blank for the “Sort Order” field. This is working as designed.

This product can be migrated from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010. However, there are limitations to the migration procedure. Read KB.12627: How to Migrate Bamboo Products from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 for more information.

HW61 Filters Collection for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.3.32

New Features:

  • Added support for filtering on additional columns when used with Bamboo’s Calendar Plus Web Part.

Known Issues:

  • Filtering recurring items may not work correctly when rolling up multiple calendars.


  • None

HW28 Site Creation Plus for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.4.70

Bug Fixes:

  • In Project Management Central, Site Creation Plus does not show the custom saved templates from the list of site templates and allows users to select as default templates to create a new project or new department site.

HW50 List Print for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.4.32

Bug Fixes:

  • The font on the printed page does not match the font in the print preview.

New Limitations:

  • The “Print List” button cannot be displayed under the Site Actions drop-down list as with SharePoint 2007. It is only available on the ribbon.