This Week in Bamboo (June 30th, 2013 – July 6th, 2013)

This week in Bamboo, we released more SharePoint 2013 products to our storefront as follows: Group Redirects Web Part, User Redirect Web Part, World Clock, and Weather Web Part, Poll Web Part, User Registration Accelerator, Filters Collection, File Share Library, and List Rotator Web Part. At the same time, we released the patches for Team Calendars and List Search Advanced. For details about releases of this week, please see below.

HW12 Group Redirect Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation

Known Issues:

• None


• None

HW13 User Redirect Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation

Known Issues:

• None


• None

HW17 World Clock and Weather Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• None


• Firefox or Opera Browser: Unable to display rain special effects. Unable to use slider control in the tool part to change special effect density.
• Opera Browser: Cannot show Analog/Digital Clock when using Silverlight option.

HW38 Poll Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Version

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• Anonymous users are unable to submit votes when used on a page with a Newsfeed Web Part.


• None

SA07 User Registration Accelerator for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• Unable to do a custom layout using Edit Source in the Tool Part for Netscape Navigator and Opera browser.


• Opera browser is unable to expand Tool Part to display full width.
• User can only use one SA07 web part per page.

HW61 Filters Collection for SharePoint 2013 Release 

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

  • This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013.
  • This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• None


• None

HW60 File Share Library for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

  • This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013.
  • This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

  • Mark file for Import for large files (about 700MB) is not working.
  • The values of some columns are not shown on the list print page, the columns as Check-In Comment, Folder Child Count, and Item Child Count.
  • Status column does not show value for a new folder on the R2.0 version.


  • File Share Library is only tested with Internet Explorer 8 or higher. Users may experience problems interacting with File Share Library on other browsers.
  • Additional content types added to File Share Library are not available for creating new items.
  • File Share Library does not support Windows Explorer mode, so the “Open with Windows Explorer” option in the Library ribbon is disabled.
  • If a File Share Library item appears in the search results, clicking the result link does not open the file.
  • When saving a file, spaces in the file name are replaced with an underscore (_) or plus sign (+), depending on the version of Internet Explorer.
  • File Share Library does not support versioning when files are stored in the network file share.
  • A link to an item in a File Share Library, such as a link provided by the “E-mail a Link” option in the Documents ribbon, does not work if the item is stored in the network file share.
  • The “New Document” option is hidden in the Documents ribbon.
  • Item status icons may not refresh until the File Share Library page is reloaded.
  • New folders created in the File Share Library are also created in the network file share, even when the option “Add the item to the File Share Library only” is selected in the File Share Library Settings page.
  • Attempting to upload files larger than 2 GB may result in a 404 error. To work around this issue, add files larger than 2 GB directly to the network file share and wait for them to sync to the File Share Library.
  • When an item is renamed in the network file share, the original placeholder file in the File Share Library is marked as “File not available” and a new placeholder is created with the new file name.
  • If a file is renamed in the File Share Library, the change is not reflected in the network file share. If the item is modified in the File Share Library, item check-in will fail, since the File Share Library name does not match the network file share name.
  • If File Share Library is uninstalled without first deleting all instances of the library, SharePoint Designer displays an error when accessing Lists and Libraries. To resolve this issue, reinstall File Share Library and delete all instances of the library before uninstalling again, or open a ticket with Bamboo Support to obtain a Microsoft PowerShell script to automate this process.
  • If an instance of File Share Library is connected to a Video Library, the network file share path cannot be changed and the File Share Library cannot be deleted until either the connected Video Library is deleted or the connection is reset in the Video Library Settings page.
  • The following file types are not supported in File Share Library: MHTML, WSP, EXE, DLL, MSI, and CHM.
  • Tree View Web Part does not support File Share Libraries.
  • When you create a new File Share Library from a template, the File Share Library Settings are blank.
  • File Share Library is not supported with SharePoint Workspaces or other Web Service applications.
  • The network files share and the SharePoint server should be on the same domain, and the network file share access account should be a domain account.
  • None of the following configuration scenarios are supported:
    • The network file share and SharePoint servers are in different trusted domains.
    • The network file share and SharePoint servers are in the same domain, but the network file share access account is in another domain that is part of a trusted Active Directory forest.

HW21 List Rotator Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

  • This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013.
  • This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

  • When Select Style is “Newsletter, no lines” using Internet Explorer (IE) 9, the rows are not extended the whole way.
  • When Select Style is “Custom” with Rotate Style is “SmoothScroll” and Direction is “Left/Right” using Internet Explorer (IE) 8, some characters such as ” 0%”> ” appears on the Web Part interface.
  • When the metadata column is selected to display as part of the rotation, some characters such as ” a925b2-7b0d…. ” appear on the Web Part interface.
  • Modifying the CSS of any instance of List Rotator Web Part will affect the CSS of all other List Rotator Web Part instances found on the same page.


  • When Select Style is “Custom” and users edit the Html source, items contained in folders are not included in the rotation of the List Rotator Web Part.

HW34 Team Calendar for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.7.22 Patch Update

Bug fixes:

  • The height of the calendar does not change in the Web Part interface after changing the height in the tool pane using the “Specify Calendar size” settings.

No New Known Issues and Limitations.

HW11B List Search Advanced for SharePoint 2007 Release 1.8.98 Patch Update

Bug fixes:

  • The Web Part displays the error message “Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002009 (DIS_E_EXCEPTION)” when users search against the Approval Status column of the Document Library with an empty value.
  • Search Results display the results with the description field as blank when this field does contain data.

No new Known Issues and Limitations.