Calendar Plus 4.5 New Features Spotlight, Part 4: Specify Different Filter Conditions for SharePoint Lists and Libraries

Calendar Plus Web Part has long been an indispensable tool (and a bestseller), with which you can display events and tasks on a calendar from various data sources, such as SharePoint lists, List Rollup, SQL databases, and BDC/BCS. Our latest release, Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5, includes a host of new features and capabilities to help you take calendaring on SharePoint to new heights.

To help introduce you to Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5, we have put together a new User’s Guide series that will highlight the product’s newest and most popular features. Here in Part Four, we will show you how to specify different filter conditions for SharePoint lists and libraries.

With Calendar Plus 4.5, you can easily filter columns at multiple levels using the And as well as the Or operators. The columns can likewise be filtered using conditions including: is equal to, not is equal to, is greater than; is less than; is greater than or equal to; is less than or equal to; contains. Please note that in order to utilize this feature, your Web Part needs to be configured with either SharePoint mode or List Rollup mode as the data source.

To begin, create a SharePoint list that contains different types of columns and add the list to your Web Part. This can be done under Data Source Settings in SharePoint List and Library Settings.

After you click Add List or Library, a new window will appear with the steps needed to include and configure your new SharePoint List or Library. You will need to complete steps 1-4 in order to prepare your list/library for the filtering steps detailed below. Help to complete steps 1-4 can be found in the following blog post: Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5 User’s Guide, Part 2: How to Add and Display a List or Library.

Filter the “All Day Event” column

Complete steps 1-4 in the Add List or Library walkthrough tool.  Under Step 5, you will configure the filtering settings for your calendar.  Your options include the ability to Show all items, Specify Filter Conditions, or Use Existing List View for your list or library.

To begin, check Specify Filter Conditions.

1. Select the column you wish to filter.  In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column All Day Event.

2. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered.  In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

3. Input the value to the filter.  In this example, we want the calendar to display all of our items labeled All Day Event, so we have selected yes.

4. Click Save and Close.

Your calendar will now display any and all items that are classified as a Day Event.

Filter “Category” column

Complete steps 1-4 in the Add List or Library walkthrough tool.  Under Step 5, you will configure the filtering settings for your calendar. Your options include the ability to Show all items, Specify Filter Conditions, or Use Existing List View for your list or library.

To begin, check Specify Filter Conditions.

1. Select the column you wish to filter. In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column Category.

2. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered. In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

3. Input the value to filter. In this example, we want the calendar to display all of our items labeled Meeting.

4. Click Save and Close.

Your calendar will now display any and all items that are categorized as a Meeting.

Filter the “Date/Time” column

Complete steps 1-4 in the Add List or Library walkthrough tool. Under Step 5, you will configure the filtering settings for your calendar. Your options include the ability to Show all items, Specify Filter Conditions, or Use Existing List View for your list or library.

To begin, check Specify Filter Conditions.

1. Select the column you wish to filter. In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column Start Time.

2. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered. In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

3. Input the value to filter. In this example, we want the calendar to display all of our items that have a start date that is equal to 7/24/2013.

4. Click Save and Close.

Your calendar will now display any and all items that have a start date of 7/24/2013.

Filter “Assigned to” column

Complete steps 1-4 in the Add List or Library walkthrough tool. Under Step 5, you will configure the filtering settings for your calendar. Your options include the ability to Show all items, Specify Filter Conditions, or Use Existing List View for your list or library.

To begin, check Specify Filter Conditions.

1. Select the column you wish to filter. In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column Assigned to.

2. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered. In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

3. Input the value to filter.  In this example, we want the calendar to display all of our items that have been assigned to the following user: Tester-Loan Nguyen.

4. Click Save and Close.

Your calendar will now display any and all items that have been assigned to the user Tester-Loan Nguyen.

With the column Assigned to, you have the additional option of setting the value as [me].  When the Assigned to column is set as is equal to [me], your calendar will display any and all items that have been assigned to the user that is currently signed in. In this example, the user that is currently signed in is Tester-Loan Nguyen.

Please note that when a user is logged in as Anonymous and the Assigned to and/or Created columns are set as is equal to [me], your calendar will not display any data.

Filter “Number” Column

Complete steps 1-4 in the Add List or Library walkthrough tool. Under Step 5, you will configure the filtering settings for your calendar. Your options include the ability to Show all items, Specify Filter Conditions, or Use Existing List View for your list or library.

To begin, check Specify Filter Conditions.

1. Select the column you wish to filter. In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column Number.

2. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered. In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

3. Input the value to filter. In this example, we want the calendar to display all of our items that have a number that is equal to 23.33.

4. Click Save and Close.

Your calendar will now display any and all items that have the number 23.33.

Filter Columns at multiple levels: “All Day Event” Or “Assigned to”

To begin, check Specify Filter Conditions.

1. Select the column you wish to filter. In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column All Day Event.

2. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered. In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

3. Input the value to filter. In this example, we want the calendar to display all of our items labeled All Day Event, so we have selected yes.

4. Click Add additional filters. Select either the And or Or radio button in order to qualify your additional filter.

5. Select the second column you wish to filter. In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column Assigned to.

6. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered. In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

7. Input the value to filter. In this example, we want the calendar to display all of the items that have been assigned to [me].

8. Click Save and Close.

Your calendar will now display any and all items that have been categorized as an All Day Event OR those which are assigned to the user that is currently signed in, who in this case is Tester-Loan Nguyen.

Filter Columns at multiple levels: “Start Time” And “Assigned to”

To begin, check Specify Filter Conditions.

1. Select the column you wish to filter. In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column Start Time.

2. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered. In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

3. Input the value to the filter. In this example, we want the calendar to display all of our items that have a start date that is equal to [today].

4. Click Add additional filters. Select either the And or Or radio button in order to qualify your additional filter.

5. Select the second column you wish to filter. In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column Assigned to.

6. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered. In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

7. Input the value to the filter. In this example, we want the calendar to display all of the items that have been assigned to [me].

8. Click Save and Close.

Your calendar will now display any and all items that have a Start Time of Today AND those which are assigned to the user that is currently signed in, who in this case is Tester-Loan Nguyen.

Filter Columns at multiple levels: “Assigned to” And “%Complete”

To begin, check Specify Filter Conditions.

1. Select the column you wish to filter. In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column Assigned to.

2. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered. In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

3. Input the value to the filter. In this example, we want the calendar to display all of our items that have been assigned to the following user: Tester-Thoa Duong.

4. Click Add additional filters. Select either the And or Or radio button in order to qualify your additional filter.

5. Select the second column you wish to filter. In this example, we’ll be showing items related to the column %Complete.

6. Select the condition in which you would like the column to be filtered. In this example, we’re using the qualifier is equal to.

7. Input the value to the filter. In this example, we want the calendar to display all of our items that are 100% complete, so we have entered the value 100.

8. Click Save and Close.

Your calendar will now display any and all items that have been assigned to the user Tester-Thoa Duong AND those which are 100% Complete.

Want more Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5? Check out the rest of our New Features Spotlight series: