Calendar Plus 4.5 New Features Spotlight, Part 3: Filter Columns Using the List Filter Web Part

Calendar Plus Web Part has long been an indispensable tool (and a bestseller), with which you can display events and tasks on a calendar from various data sources, such as SharePoint lists, List Rollup, SQL databases, and BDC/BCS. Our latest release, Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5, includes a host of new features and capabilities to help you take calendaring on SharePoint to new heights.

To help introduce you to Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5, we have put together a new User’s Guide series that will highlight the product’s newest and most popular features. Here in Part Three, we will show you how to filter columns using the List Filter Web Part.

With Calendar Plus 4.5, you can easily connect to List Filter Web Part, which is sold separately, and filter the calendar based on specific columns as well as select a combination of columns. Newly supported filtering includes the ability to filter all types of columns where the data source is a SharePoint list or List Rollup Schema. Please note that when List Rollup Schema is used, where it is using SharePoint Aggregation Service (SAS) or Bamboo Aggregation Service (BAS) for aggregation, the following columns are not supported and therefore will not be available to select for the target column: All day events, Multiple lines of text, Calculated, Attachments, Recurrence, Hyperlink, Workspace, and ID.

To begin, you will need to connect Calendar Plus to List Filter Web Part. Once you have connected the two Web Parts, you will need to add your new filter. To do this, click the Add Filter Button.

After you click Add Filter, a drop-down list titled Select Target column will appear.

The drop-down displays the types of columns that are available from the Source List.  In this example, we’ll be using the target column Start Time. After you have selected the column that you wish to filter, click the Add button.

The selected column will be added to the filter column lists.

Click OK to return to the Web Part. You will now see the Start Time List Filter on your calendar.

To apply the filter, in the List Filter Web Part, input a value that you would like the column to filter and click Apply Filter. The calendar will now display any events/tasks that have the designated Start Time that you filtered.

In the event that you change your mind and would like to disable the filter, simply click Clear Filter on the List Filter Web Part.

After you clear the filter, your calendar will reset and you will be able to see all of your calendar data displayed.

Filtering a combination of columns

With Calendar Plus 4.5, you have the option of setting more than one criteria for which to filter your data. To do this, input your first criteria and then use the And operator in order to add the second criteria for filtering. In this example, we’ll be filtering data Start Time (8/14/13) and Title (hello).

In addition, in the List Filter Web Part, you have the option of assigning multiple category types to an individual task/event. Simply select the value(s) you would like assigned from the category choice type column in the drop-down list.

Want more Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5? Check out the rest of our New Features Spotlight series: