Calendar Plus 4.5 New Features Spotlight, Part 2: Display Legend and Icon Settings

Calendar Plus Web Part has long been an indispensable tool (and a bestseller), with which you can display events and tasks on a calendar from various data sources, such as SharePoint lists, List Rollup, SQL databases, and BDC/BCS. Our latest release, Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5, includes a host of new features and capabilities to help you take calendaring on SharePoint to new heights.

To help introduce you to Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5, we have put together a new User’s Guide series that will highlight the product’s newest and most popular features. Here in Part Two, we will introduce you to the display legend and icon settings.

Display legend

New to 4.5, you now have the option of selecting whether to display legends in a row or a column.

  • To begin, select the location on your calendar for your legend. If you chose to set your Legend Location as Bottom, the only available Display Legend Values as: options are Column (vertical display) and Row (horizontal display.
  • If you chose to set your Legend Location as Left or Right, your legend will be displayed as a column on whatever side of the calendar that you chose. You do not have the option of displaying the legend in a row because when the legends are selected to show left or right, which is next to the calendar, there is no room therefore they can only show the legends in a column (vertical).

Display Icon code

When you add the option to Display Icon, you allow the user to differentiate events icons in addition to differentiating them using the color legends. By default, the Display Icon box will be checked.

If you chose to uncheck the Display Icon box, you will notice on your calendar that events/tasks are only differentiated by the color legend – there are no icons displayed.

Want more Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5? Check out the rest of our New Features Spotlight series: