Calendar Plus 4.5 New Features Spotlight, Part 1: Gantt and Tasks Settings

Calendar Plus Web Part has long been an indispensable tool (and a bestseller), with which you can display events and tasks on a calendar from various data sources, such as SharePoint lists, List Rollup, SQL databases, and BDC/BCS. Our latest release, Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5, includes a host of new features and capabilities to help you take calendaring on SharePoint to new heights.

To help introduce you to Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5, we have put together a new User’s Guide series that will highlight the product’s newest and most popular features. Here in Part One, we will introduce you to Gantt and Tasks settings.

Sorting in Gantt view

In Gantt view, you now have the ability to sort all different data sources (SharePoint mode, LR mode, SQL mode, BDC mode) and types of columns.

1. Define the sort order

  • Under View Settings, go to Gantt and Tasks.
  • Select the list or library you wish to have sorted in Gantt view.

Please note that with List Rollup mode, SQL mode, and BDC mode, the Web Part will automatically select the sorting mode, so you can skip this step.

  • Next, add the columns that you wish to be displayed in the Gantt view.
  • In the Define Item Sort Order section, you will need to define the sorting display setting for the columns of your list or library, including the First sort the column and Then sort the column:
  • Select the column you want to sort first and select show items in ascending order or descending order. You can further define your sorting options setting Then sort the column setting.

2. Sort items in the Header

  • To begin, go to the Gantt view in Calendar Plus Web Part.
  • Select the column that you wish to sort in the header and click on it. Data will be sorted in ascending order or descending order
  • In this example, we are sorting the header based on the data in the Title column. To sort in ascending order, click on Title.
  • To sort in descending order, click on Title again. You will now see your data re-displayed in descending order.

Want more Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5?  Check out the rest of our New Features Spotlight series: