Announcing the Release of Mini-Calendar Web Part for SharePoint 2013

In today’s world, we’re constantly multi-tasking and juggling many things all at once, either with personal or work activities (or both). Having a calendar that displays all of those activities and events in one place is extremely helpful. As well, it’s useful to see, at a glance, the calendar dates where you have activities present, as those days will have been highlighted in bold for you. Bamboo Mini-Calendar Web Part provides you with exactly this functionality, and it is now available for SharePoint 2013.

Mini-Calendar Web Part for SharePoint 2013 allows you to:

  • Connect to List Rollup Web Part where List Rollup aggregates all the lists. This gives you the ability to see all of the items from multiple lists in one place.
  • Filter the list so you only see the items you want to see for that day.
  • Automatically see the calendar days where you have activities, with those days highlighted in bold.
  • Connect to Calendar Plus Web Part where you click on the mini-calendar and it will take you to the event item on Calendar Plus.

Comparing to SharePoint out-of-the-box mini calendar:

As always, Mini-Calendar Web Part is available for you to try out with a 30-day free trial. Or, better yet, skip the installation, and try it out online with Calendar Plus in our sandbox environment.

Want to know which other Bamboo components and applications are currently available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series of announcements via the links below: