User’s Guide to List Bulk Import 3.0, Part 2: Using Full Control or Design Permission to Run a Bulk Import

List Bulk Import from Bamboo Solutions allows users to migrate data, documents, and pictures into SharePoint from legacy databases, spreadsheets, local/network file shares, and, finally, Lists and Libraries from SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013, or SharePoint Online (part of Microsoft’s Office 365 online hosting solution for all four current SharePoint platforms: 2007, 2010, 2013, and SharePoint Online).

As part two of our series, this article will show you user permissions to import data.

With previous versions of List Bulk Import, if you wanted to import data to a site, you would have to make sure that the logged-in user belonged to the Site Collection Administrators group.
A user who does not belong to the Site Collection Administrators group would see an error when importing data, as pictured below:

In List Bulk Import 3.0, however, users belonging to the Owners or Designers Group may now import data to a site without generating an error message:

In this article, I will show you an example of how to import data from Excel to a SharePoint site as a user belonging to the Designer group:

Make sure that you have an Excel file with many items:

And a target site that you want the import to:

Now, use List Bulk Import.

Input the target SharePoint site URL, and input a user who belongs to the Designer group:

Select the Excel or delimited text file radio button:

Browse to the Excel file:

Select the target list:

Map the columns:

Map the values:

Select columns to check duplicate records in the target:

Click the Next button:

After importing successfully, go to the target site to see the data:

Ready to give Bamboo List Bulk Import a try? Jump over to the List Bulk Import product page and select Add Trial to Cart!

Read all four parts of our List Bulk Import 3.0 User’s Guide: