How to Use Bamboo Web Parts on Other Web Applications After Manual Installation on the SharePoint 2013 Server

When you run a manual installation, you can only enter a Web application URL into the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell program. But if your server has many Web applications, then how can you use a Bamboo Web Part on other Web applications after a manual install? In this article, I will show you how to resolve this problem.

For example, You run the manual installation with http://servername:

Your server has many Web applications, such as http://servername, http://servername:40, and http://servername:81:

When you go to a Web application where the URL was not inputted to the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell program, you won’t see the Bamboo Solutions Folder add a Bamboo Web Part:

To resolve this issue, we’ll follow these steps:

Go to Site SettingsSite Collection Features to see the product features:

Initially, the status of the product feature is inactive:

Click the Activate button to activate the desired feature:

Go to your site → Page tab → click Edit pageInsert tab → Web Part; you will see the Bamboo Solutions folder here:

But if you try to insert a Web Part on your site, an error message will appear (since we have not yet deployed it):

To resolve this error, go to Central Administration → System SettingsManage farm Solutions:

Click on the WSP link of your product:

Click the Deploy Solution hyperlink:

Select the Web application that you want to use. Click the OK button:

Go back to your site and add the Web Part to the page:

It will now render error-free:
Read our entire series on manual installation: