How to Manually Uninstall a Bamboo Product from the SharePoint 2013 Server

Typically, Bamboo products are uninstalled from a server by simply selecting the Uninstall button for the product components in the Setup program. If you choose, however, you may also uninstall our products via another simple method. In this article, I will show you how to manually uninstall a Bamboo product from the SharePoint 2013 Server.


Double-click on the Setup program, and you will see a folder shown on your desktop as pictured below:

Go to the misc. folder to see the ManualUninstallation.ps1 file

Next, open the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell program and Run as administrator:

Input the URL of the misc. folder into the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell program and press Enter.

(Example: cd C:UsersspinstallerDesktopSA06.R1.3.SP2013.SLmisc)

Input .ManualUninstallation.ps1. Press Enter.

Press Enter to continue.

Press Enter and wait for the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell program to begin running.

When you see the command line “Press Enter to exit,” then it has finished.

You may now see the result going from your site → Site SettingsSite collection features.

You won’t see any features shown on your site at this point:

Go to Central Administration → Solution Management → you won’t see any WSP files of the product that have been deployed:

Read our entire series on manual installation: