Announcing the Release of Team Calendar for SharePoint 2013

In the past few weeks, Bamboo has announced the release of dozens of products for SharePoint 2013 that can help organizations improve work activities, collaboration, and more. Once again, we are bringing you another of our indispensable calendaring tools, and this one is especially useful for purposes of collaboration and team planning: Team Calendar for SharePoint 2013. Team Calendar Web Part for SharePoint provides a centralized group calendar that can interact with a SharePoint calendar list, multiple Microsoft Exchange calendars (Microsoft Exchange 2007, 2010, and 2013), or do both sides. Users can add and edit items in a SharePoint list directly from the Team Calendar, or they can create and update Exchange meetings and appointments through an Outlook-style resource scheduling assistant. The Team Calendar can even display events for multiple Exchange accounts in a single calendar, complete with customizable color-coding for different calendars and event types.

New Features:

  • New! Now supported on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013.
  • Displays calendar information (appointments, meetings, etc.) from an Exchange account in a SharePoint Web Part.
  • View a SharePoint List-based calendar, Exchange calendar, or both sides.
  • Display multiple Exchange calendars from different users in a single Web Part.
  • Break out individual calendars into separate columns.

See Team Calendar in action:

Don’t take my word for it, though. Try Team Calendar Web Part for yourself today!

Want to know which other Bamboo components and applications are currently available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series of announcements via the links below:

wrote re: Announcing the Release of Team Calendar for SharePoint 2013

on Mon, Jul 1 2013 8:33 PM

Hi Calendar Girl

I have downloaded the SharePoint 2013 team calendar web part with a view to reviewing it for a project that I am currently involved in.  I am having a few issues which I am hoping that you can resolve for me.

1. The environment is SharePoint 2013.  The calendar does not seem to support drag and drop (for moving calendar entries from one date to another).  The native one does! Is this a deficiency in the web part or is it a configuration setting?

2. The web part has the option to display a mini-calendar which would act as a day selector.  This does not display.  I think that it is a bug!

3. Is it possible to adapt to the native 2013 styling without lots of custom CSS.  The existing styles look out of place in 2013.

4. Is it possible to have people listed at the left for a week view similar to the 2010 group calendar

5. Having a color-code column is a great feature but one really needs to be able to select a foreground color as well (for those bad choices where the contrast ratio between foreground and background is not very big. ex. white on a light color)

wrote re: Announcing the Release of Team Calendar for SharePoint 2013

on Mon, Jul 1, 2013, 9:06 PM

Hi Calendar Girl

I added a few comments earlier and I have a few more questions and observations.

1. Calendar appointments in the week view do not extend over the correct time span e.g. 10 am-12 pm

2. It is possible to have more than one field displayed in the Calendar entry without resorting to calculated fields (I cannot seem to get line breaks embedded)
wrote re: Announcing the Release of Team Calendar for SharePoint 2013

on Mon, Jul 1 2013 9:13 PM

More Comments

Hi again.  I think that I will just keep adding these as I find them otherwise I will forget.

1. The tooltip is another great feature but what is up with the selector for it.  Seems to be a little section in the middle of the calendar entry.  This is a usability thing.  I am finding that the hotspot is too small and the tooltip often pops up and disappears

It does not seem possible to edit an entry directly.  With the SharePoint 2013 calendar the ribbon displays as soon as the entry is selected giving you a list of actions such as Edit, View, Delete, Permissions, etc.

wrote re: Announcing the Release of Team Calendar for SharePoint 2013

on Tue, Jul 9 2013 10:12 PM
Hi thylocene,

1. The Team Calendar doesn’t support the drag and drop function now.

2. Have you checked “Display mini-calendar for quick navigation” on the tool panel?.

3. The Css Edit button on the tool panel only supports editing events on Calendar View.

4. Please check “Display mailboxes side–side” on the tool panel to enable this function.

5. We will keep it as the next release.



re: Announcing the Release of Team Calendar for SharePoint 2013

on Tue, Jul 9 2013 10:28 PM

Hi thylocene,

1. Please give us information about the Regional Setting and Time Zone which you are using on your site to check this.

2. Please select “Selected columns” on the tool panel to show the tooltip. Now, we only support general fields such as “Subject, Location, Start Time, EndTime, Status”

3. We didn’t support Edit event inline and only support Edit/Delete event popup.

