Announcing the Release of List Rollup for SharePoint 2013

One of Bamboo’s most popular products now brings its powerful, automatic data aggregation to SharePoint 2013. Bamboo’s List Rollup allows you to see and interact with the information you need the way you want, not just how it’s stored in SharePoint. Flexible data aggregation schemas let you decide which data to combine and display, and can automatically add new data sources as they are created. The data shown is current and can be updated directly from the rollup without the need to go to the source data lists. With Bamboo’s List Rollup Web Part, you get all of the features you need to combine and interact with data from multiple sources.

  • Aggregate List Data: Combine list data across Site Collections into a single, “live” view. Search, filter, group, and sort the combined data before or after viewing.
  • Automatic List Discovery: Automatically include new lists of the same type from sibling sites, sub-sites, or the entire Site Collection, or automatically add new lists with the same name.
  • Combine Different Data: Join columns with different data types, or combine lists of different types.
  • Use Specific Lists and Columns: Add or exclude individual lists from the rollup, and decide which columns will be included.
  • Broad Column Support: Roll up data from Multiple Selection Lookup & People and Group columns.
  • Display Options: Display the combined list data as a standard list view, calendar view, chart view, or grid view (including conditional formatting).
  • Export Data: Export data from grid view into Excel for offline use

Get started today downloading a free 30-day trial, or play with it for free in one of our online sandboxes. Be sure to stay tuned to Bamboo Nation for more news on SharePoint 2013 products coming soon from Bamboo!

Want to know which other Bamboo components and applications are currently available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series of announcements via the links below: