User’s Guide to Configuring an Environment for Apps in SharePoint 2013, Part 5: How to Configure App URLs Using Windows PowerShell

The introduction of the App Store was among the most welcome enhancements to SharePoint with the 2013 release, signaling the arrival of a new method of extending the platform through versatile app offerings from the Microsoft Partner ecosystem. Naturally, there is much to learn about working with apps, and we’ve created this User’s Guide dedicated to helping you with configuring an environment for apps in SharePoint 2013. In part 5 of our 7-part series, “User’s Guide to Configuring an Environment for Apps in SharePoint” we’ll show you how to configure App URLs using Windows PowerShell.

Before you begin, make sure that the user running the Windows PowerShell cmdlets has the following memberships on all databases that you will be using:

  • db_securityadmin
  • db_owner

Next, go to Start > All Programs.  Expand the folder Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products to reveal the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell program.

Select SharePoint 2013 Management Shell with the Run as administrator option.

Run the following commands:

  • Set-SPAppDomain <appDomain>

Please note that <appDomain> is the domain name that you created in Part 1 of this series: User’s Guide to Configuring an Environment for Apps in SharePoint 2013, Part 1: How to Configure the Domain Names in DNS

In this example, we are using the domain name

  • Set-SPAppSiteSubscriptionName -Name <Appprefix> -Confirm:$false

Please note that <Appprefix> is a name to use for the URL prefix for apps.

In this example, we are using the chauteamappprefix

After running the command lines above, you will need to verify that the App URL was successfully created.

To do this, go to the SharePoint 2013 Central Administration page and click Apps > Configure App URLs.

On the Configure App URLs page, you will see your App domain and App prefix listed.

New to the 2013 platform, Apps for SharePoint provide a great channel for adding functionality to a SharePoint site. Are you ready to start enhancing your SharePoint site with apps? To enable users to install and use apps, you must configure your SharePoint environment to support them.  Check out the rest of our series to learn how to get your SharePoint environment app ready!