This Week in Bamboo (May 5th, 2013 – May 11th, 2013)

Are you ready for SharePoint 2013? For this week, the Bamboo team is proud to announce the first set of SharePoint 2013 products to our storefront.  They are as follows: Group Email Web Part, Calendar Plus Web Part, Chart Plus Web Part, Data-Viewer Web Part, Navigators, Site Creation Plus, and List Print.  For more details of the new releases along with a complete list of new features, limitations, and known issues, please see below.

HW14 Group Email Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product. See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues and Limitations:


HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product. See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• Columns used in Specify Filter Conditions option in Step 5 – Filter needs to be added to the Selected Columns in Step 6 – Columns to Display in Tooltip. If these columns are not added to Selected Columns, users will see System.Data.SyntaxErrorException in the SharePoint and Bamboo log files.
• When using a column of type People and Group for Step – 8 Item Identification and there are more than 100 users listed in the User Information List of the current site, the people picker control is displayed to define each user to color code. Within the people picker, the function Check Name is disabled in this release.
• When the data source is connected to List Rollup Classic Edition, data is not shown in Week, Quarter, and Year views if a date filter is applied.
• In Day view, if an item expands to between 11:00 PM and 12:00 AM, the item cell ends before the defined time.
• Bamboo List Filter Web Part can only connect to Calendar Plus Web Part if the data source is SharePoint List or Library or Bamboo List Rollup Classic Edition.
• Don’t show data at Quarter, year, week view when Filter DateTime (in List Rollup classic mode).
• Don’t show the time span color code completely in the last calendar cell.
• Columns used in the Use Filter option need to be added to the Selected Columns – If these columns are not added to Selected columns, users will see System.Data.SyntaxErrorException in the log file.
• When there are more than 100 users on a site, if users want to color code User filed, use people picker. Check users name function for this field in the tool part is disabled in this release.


• This product can be migrated from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. However, there are limitations to the migration procedure. Read KB.12896: How to Migrate Bamboo Products from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 for more information.
• Copying content from the Quarter View to Excel results in background color being lost.
• If Calendar Plus Web Part is added on a page created a List View (example: allitems.aspx), user will receive the error: “ListRollupSettings :: btnWegPart_Click :: Invalid URL argument.” Work Around: Use the Calendar Plus Web Part on a page that was not generated creating a List View.
• If Calendar Plus Web Part’s data source is a SharePoint List or Library, and a selected List or Library View is applied as the filter, the view’ Item Limits are not honored
• If Calendar Plus Web Part’s data source is a SharePoint List or Library, only one SharePoint List or Library can be displayed in the Gantt View. Work Around: Utilize the Bamboo product List Rollup Web Part to aggregate multiple lists into a single view then connect Calendar Plus Web Part to the resulting List Rollup.
• In the SharePoint List and Library category of the Calendar Plus Web Part Settings window, the column headers in the included SharePoint Lists and/or Libraries grid cannot be modified the Bamboo Language files.
• If Calendar Plus Web Part’s data source is Bamboo List Rollup when configuring Step 8 – Item Identification, the top 200 distinct records are returned.
• Calendar Plus Web Part’s Print functionality uses HTML to generate the Print Friendly page. As a result, the calendar view spans multiple pages.
• Calendar Plus Web Part’s Print functionality for Gantt view is limited to what you see is what you get. If items in the Gantt View span beyond the initial view, causing scroll bars to view, you will only see the items shown in the Print Friendly window.
• If Calendar Plus Web Part’s data source is a SharePoint List or Library, Web Part Connections are only supported for the defined Base Columns that include the Display Column, Start Date, and End Date.
• Use web part in List View and getting error: “ListRollupSettings :: btnWegPart_Click :: Invalid URL argument.” Workaround: use the web part in the web part page or non-list view page.
• View that limits items does not limit items in Calendar Plus.
• Can only display one SharePoint List in Gantt View.
• Unable to change the column header text in the Select List/Library grid.
• Distinct values of the top 200 records of List Rollup are used to color codes.
• Calendar only print HTML and doesn’t do page break for each view.
• Gantt print doesn’t print all items, it prints the scroll bars on the view.
• New values added to the column configured for color-coding are not automatically configured for color-coding, resulting in values not appearing in the color legend and events associated with the new value showing no color identification.

HW27 Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product. See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• When using Excel services as the data source, changing the region to German the Web Part displays Bamboo Error “Not a legal OleAut date.” in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.
• When Web Part Connection is used for filtering, if “Send first row to connected Web Parts when page loads” in the Miscellaneous of the consumer Web Part’s tool pane is not checked users will see the “No data to display…” error since the Data View sends an empty value to the consumer of the connection. (Note: If this “Send first row to connected Web Parts when page loads” property is set to TRUE (checked), the Web part will initiate (fire) its connection when the page containing the part is first loaded in the web browser. The Data View sends the data for the first row in the result set XML data to the Web Part that is the consumer of the connection. This property allows a Web Part page with connected Data Views to have a reasonable initial state then the page is opened in the web browser.)
• Some labels are displayed in the wrong place when the orientation of the chart is changed from vertical to horizontal.
• When using List Rollup version 5.0 as the data source, Chart Plus displays incorrect time data and still shows time with the “date” datatype only instead of “date and time”.
• When using a SQL data source, Chart Plus does not display the data in the correct order when “Enable grouping” is selected.


• When using the external list as the data source, the Web part does not support data types including Datetimeoffset, Time7, and Begin.
• When using Excel services as the data source and there is an empty value in the first row for a particular column, in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 the Web Part Settings does not show the column name for this column under the Available Columns Listbox to select.
• When Web Part Connection is used for filtering and the x-axis and y-axis are empty for one of the items, the “No Data to display…” error is displayed.
• When connecting with Excel Services, the original currency is not displayed, e.g. € is displayed as $.
• When connecting with Excel Services and the Date/Time column is selected from the worksheet to display, the Bar (Date/Time) option is not available as part of the Chart Type’s drop-down options.

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.
See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• While selecting the data source, two loading icons are seen.
• Connected to any source with Nested Data: Expanding and collapsing a Nested Data set causes an extra line to appear when using skin Web20.
• Connected to SQL Table or View with Default Group By or Dynamic Grouping: If the SQL column contains a special character, the Web Part returns an error message.
• After initially configuring the Web Part to use Asynchronous Mode, must navigate away from the page for the data to show for the first time.


• When Microsoft Business Connectivity Services (BCS) is used as the data source and configuring for the Web Part Connection for filtering, Data-Viewer does not display any data when a Data/Time column is used for the Web Part Connection.
• When configuring the Web Part Connection for filtering, if the columns contain some rules for conditional formatting or calculations, the column is not resizing after expanding.
• When configuring the Web Part Connection for filtering, resizing column is not working when the “Asynchronous Page Load” option is checked.
• Cannot edit External Data column type in datasheet edit mode or with inline edit mode.
• Data Source: All

• Feature: Calculated Settings

• If the column that is being Calculated on is also used for grouping the data, the resulting Calculated value is shown as the last item in the grouping instead of the bottom of Grid View.

• Feature: Datasheet Mode

• Editing a Person or Group column that allows multiple selections will replace the current list of values stored in the column.
• Choice fields that allow multiple selections do not include a “Select All” choice.
• Reordering columns with drag and drop is not supported in Datasheet mode.

• Feature: Export to Excel

• Master and Nested Data sets are exported in separate Excel files.

• Feature: Grouping (Dynamic)

• Dynamic Grouping only occurs on the current page in the grid and does not group the full data set.
• Loading icon does not display if using Internet Explorer 8.

• Feature: Sorting (Default)

• Default sorting is not honored if default grouping is enabled.

• Feature: Filtering (Dynamic)

• Loading icon does not display if using Internet Explorer 8.

• Feature: Sorting (Dynamic)

• Loading icon does not display if using Internet Explorer 8.

• Feature: Language Resource Strings

• No resources string available to modify the text “None” in the Calculated Settings section of the tool pane.
• No resource strings available to modify the runtime filter conditions.

• Feature: General configuration of Web Part

• In certain cases, if configuring the Web Part for the first time, the option “Allow Columns to be resized” checkbox found in General Settings is not saved first time selected.
• After configuring the Web Part, if the user modifies the columns displayed for the Master List, the nested list, calculated, and conditional formatting options will be reset.

• Feature: Resize Columns in Runtime Mode

• Resizing columns in runtime mode for Nested Grid View causes display issues.

• Feature: Selection of Columns in Runtime

• If the grid view has few records, the drop-down menu for the selection of columns in runtime will be cut off.

• Data Source: Bamboo List Rollup Web Part

• Feature: Conditional Formatting

• Columns of type Hyperlink or Picture and Multiple Lines of Text are not supported.

• Feature: Datasheet Mode

• Does not support modification of columns of type External Data Type.
• Does not support modification of columns of type Multiple Lines of Text (Enhanced rich text).
• Does not support modification of columns of type Recurrence and Workspace.

• Feature: Export to Excel

• The following column types are not formatted correctly:

• Calculate
• List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name return blank values

• Feature: Filtering (Default)

• Filtering lists of type Calendar on either Start Date or End Date will not return items with “All-Day Events” enabled.
• The following column types are not supported:

• Calculate
• Choice (Multiple Selection mode)
• Date & Time
• Hyperlink or Picture
• Lookup (Multiple Selection mode)
• Number
• Person or Group (Multiple Selection mode)
• Yes/No
• List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name
• Feature: Filtering (Dynamic)
• The following column types are not supported:
• Calculate
• Choice (Multiple Selection mode)
• Date & Time
• Hyperlink or Picture
• Lookup (Multiple Selection mode)
• Number
• Person or Group (Multiple Selection mode)
• Yes/No
• List Rollup special columns: List Name and Site Name

• Using the [Me] SharePoint variable is only supported with the operators Contains and Equals.

• Feature: General Data Display

• If the user modifies their local in the “My Regional Settings” page, columns of type Currency and Calculated (output = Currency), the comma “,” and decimal point “.” are displayed in the wrong position.

• Feature: Inline Edit Mode

• Does not support modification of columns of type External Data Type.
• Does not support modification of columns of type Recurrence and Workspace.
• Columns of type Multiple Lines of Text – Rich Text and Enhanced Rich Text modes display HTML tags. Alternatively use the Content Editor provided in Datasheet mode.

• Feature: Nested Data

• Association between Parent Data and Nested Data is not supported if mapped columns contain multiple values (People and Group, Lookup and Choice).
• Cannot link Nested Data set based on Lookup column in Master List.

• Feature: Sorting (Default)

• Date & Time columns are sorted as text instead of numbers.
• Person or Group columns are not sorted correctly due to the data including the profile ID.

• Feature: Sorting (Dynamic)

• Date & Time columns are sorted as text instead of numbers.
• Person or Group columns are not sorted correctly due to the data including the profile ID.

• Data Source: SharePoint List or Library

• Feature: Conditional Formatting

• Columns of type Hyperlink or Picture and Multiple Lines of Text are not supported.

• Feature: Datasheet Mode

• Does not support modification of columns of type External Data Type.
• Does not support modification of columns of type Multiple Lines of Text (Enhanced rich text).
• If the source is External List, Datasheet mode is not supported.
• If modifying a column of type Multiple Lines of Text that contains text surrounded tag characters (i.e.. <…>), the text will clear upon saving.
• If modifying a column of type Multiple Lines of Text that contains hyperlinks, the hyperlinks are lost upon saving the changes.
• When users are modifying a cell of the following Column Types, the users will see the raw data instead of the formatted data. Upon navigating away from the cell, the format will be displayed correctly.

• Choice (Checkboxes)
• Lookup (Both Single and Multiple Selection modes)
• Multiple Lines of Text (Rich Text and Enhanced Rich Text Modes)
• Person or Group (Single or Multiple Selection modes)

• Viewing or modifying columns of type Hyperlink or Picture displays only the Description text. User is not able to modify the URL.
• Viewing or modifying columns of type Multiple Lines of Text (Plain Text mode) removes line breaks. If a user modifies the column and saves changes, line breaks are removed from the original column text.
• Columns of type Business Data are not supported. Data-Viewer Web Part hides these columns automatically from view in Datasheet Mode.
• All Bamboo Custom Columns are not supported.
• Does not support modification of columns of type Recurrence and Workspace.

• Feature: Export to Excel

• Column display names with special characters are formatted incorrectly in the resulting Excel column headers.
• The following column types are not formatted correctly:

• Calculate

• Feature: Filtering (Default)

• Columns with multiple values are not supported.

• Feature: Filtering (Dynamic)

• If the backslash “” is included in the filter string, it will be removed automatically.
• If Filtering on Person or Group column, Bamboo recommends using the Contains operator and entering the User Name in the value instead of First or Last Name.
• Columns with multiple values are not supported.

• Feature: General Data Display

• If a user modifies their local in the “My Regional Settings” page, columns of type Currency and Calculated (output = Currency), the comma “,” and decimal point “.” are displayed in the wrong position.

• Feature: Inline Edit Mode

• Does not support modification of columns of type External Data Type.
• If the source is an External List, Inline Edit Mode is not supported.
• Columns of type Business Data are not supported. Data-Viewer Web Part hides these columns automatically from view in Datasheet Mode.
• Columns of type Multiple Lines of Text with Append Data feature enabled, only the current version text is displayed.
• Columns of type Multiple Lines of Text – Rich Text and Enhanced Rich Text modes display HTML tags. Alternatively use the Content Editor provided in Datasheet mode.
• Does not support modification of columns of type Recurrence and Workspace.
• Columns of type Lookup with Multiple Selections are not supported.
• No support for the following Bamboo Custom Columns:

• Bamboo Column Level Security
• Bamboo Lookup Selector
• Bamboo Rating
• Bamboo Rich Text
• Bamboo Validator

• Feature: Nested Data

• Association between Parent Data and Nested Data is not supported if mapped columns contain multiple values (People and Group, Lookup and Choice).

• Data Source: SQL Server Table/View

• Feature: Datasheet Mode

• Not Supported

• Data Source: Business Connectivity Services (BCS)

• Feature: Filtering

• Certain filter criteria return no results even though items do match the criteria.

HW55 Navigators for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product. See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues and Limitations:


HW28 Site Creation Plus for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product. See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• When clicking the link to check the status for the trial day under the Web License Manager, the log file records the error related to web licensing.



HW50 List Print for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product. See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:



• On Meeting site template, the List Print action button in the ribbon does not display for the following lists: Agenda, Attendees, and Objectives.
• List Print does now display data correctly in the List Print window for Bamboo custom list type Discussion Board Plus.