In/Out Schedule Board 1.4 New Features Spotlight, Part 4: How to Edit a Series of Items

In/Out Schedule Board is an easy-to-use, all-in-one digital whiteboard designed to centralize scheduling and contact information for teams and groups. Our latest release, In/Out Schedule Board 1.4, includes a host of new features and capabilities to help you continue to quickly group, sort, and scan the current status of your team members via a color-coded Schedule Board, or review schedule conflicts and future engagements in a Gantt-style calendar.

To help introduce you to In/Out Schedule Board 1.4, we have put together a new User’s Guide series that will highlight the product’s newest and most popular features.  Here in Part Four, we will show you how to edit a series of items that are recurring events.

On our calendar, we commonly have events that occur on a regular basis.  Rather than adding each item individually, In/Out Schedule Board 1.4 allows you to set an event as recurring either daily, weekly, monthly,
or yearly.

To do this, you will first need to click on the item you wish to change and select the Edit Series menu.

A menu will display that will allow you to set the recurrence of your event as needed. In this example, we’ll be updating our event to recur every four weeks, Mondays through Saturdays. When you open your calendar, you will now see that the event appears as set above.

Want more In/Out Schedule Board 1.4?  Download a free 30-day trial today, and check out the rest of our New Features Spotlight series: