In/Out Schedule Board 1.4 New Features Spotlight, Part 1: How to Define Item Sort Order

In/Out Schedule Board is an easy-to-use, all-in-one digital whiteboard designed to centralize scheduling and contact information for teams and groups. Our latest release, In/Out Schedule Board 1.4, includes a host of new features and capabilities to help you continue to quickly group, sort, and scan the current status of your team members via a color-coded Schedule Board, or review schedule conflicts and future engagements in a Gantt-style calendar.

To help introduce you to In/Out Schedule Board 1.4, we have put together a new User’s Guide series that highlights the product’s newest and most popular features.  Here in Part One, we show you how to configure the default sort order of items. This function allows users to select sort columns as they like.

Static and Dynamic Sorting

1. Static Sort:

Go to the tool pane in the Home tab. In the Define Item Sort Order section, you are able to select one or two columns to sort.

In the Select Sort By Column section, choose the name of the column that has the highest sort priority.

In the Then Sort By The Column section, choose the name of the column that has the second-highest sort priority.

2. Dynamic Sort:

Go to the tool pane in the Home tab. In the Display Settings section, select the Allow Dynamic Sorting checkbox. Each column name will appear as a hyperlink. Click on the column name hyperlink to sort:

  • When you click on the column name one time, it will sort in Ascending order.
  • When you click on the column name two times, it will sort in Descending order.
  • When you click on the column name three times, it will NOT sort.

Please note that you are able to select both Static Sort and Dynamic Sort at the same time.

In the example below, I have done a Static Sort with the Department and Status columns.

After I apply the Static Sort, I have done a Dynamic Sort by clicking on the Account column hyperlink. This sorted the Account after the Status and Department columns as pictured below.

Sorting the Display Name Column in the Calendar tab

To begin, go to the tool pane in the Calendar tab. In the Display Name Column, select either Ascending or Descending.

Your column will now be displayed based on your selection above.

Want more In/Out Schedule Board 1.4?  Check out the rest of our New Features Spotlight series: