In/Out Schedule Board 1.4 New Features Spotlight, Part 3: How to Display Users from Several Departments

In/Out Schedule Board is an easy-to-use, all-in-one digital whiteboard designed to centralize scheduling and contact information for teams and groups. Our latest release, In/Out Schedule Board 1.4, includes a host of new features and capabilities to help you continue to quickly group, sort, and scan the current status of your team members via a color-coded Schedule Board, or review schedule conflicts and future engagements in a Gantt-style calendar.

To help introduce you to In/Out Schedule Board 1.4, we have put together a new User’s Guide series that will highlight the product’s newest and most popular features. Here in Part Three, we will show you how to display users from several different departments. This function allows users to select and sort columns as they like.

To begin, go to the tool pane in the Calendar tab. In the Select Department Column field, select the appropriate column name. Your data will be displayed in the Available Departments list box.

Next, select the names of the departments that you wish to be displayed.  Add these departments to the Display Department’s list box. Click Apply and OK.

In the Web part, there is a dropdown list that allows you to show all departments with a single click. If you would like to show all users in all departments, simply click the Check All checkbox.

To display users from several different departments, select the appropriate Department Name checkboxes from the dropdown.

Want more In/Out Schedule Board 1.4? Check out the rest of our New Features Spotlight series or Contact us!