How to Use the Timeline Web Part in SharePoint 2013, Part 2: Creating SubTask Items & Formatting the Timeline Display

Looking to keep your project tasks in order on SharePoint? Thanks to the addition of the Timeline Web Part for SharePoint 2013, you can do just that. This helpful new feature allows you to see a high-level view of data from a Tasks list or other Web Part. In this article, part two of a three-part series on the Timeline Web Part, we’ll show you how to create a SubTask, add a SubTask to your Timeline, and format items for your Timeline.

Creating a SubTask:

1. To begin, navigate to the Task list under which you would like to create a sub-task.

2. Select the item you want to create as a sub-task. In this example, I have selected the item Task1 to create as a SubTask.

3. Click on the Task1 item and select CREATE SUBTASK:

4. Enter a value for the SubTask as well as its subsequent data.  This includes: the Task Name, Due Date, and Assigned To:

5. As needed, you are able to add additional columns to your SubTask List. To do this, click the plus symbol (+) and select the column type(s) you want to add:

6. Click Stop to save the SubTask:

Adding SubTasks to the Timeline Web Part:

1. Click on SubTask1 which was created in the steps above.  A tooltip will appear.


 Formatting items for your Timeline:

1. Click on the Timeline Web Part.  You will see a TIMELINE Tab in the Ribbon:

2. Select the item which you intend to format for the TimeLine Web Part. In this example, I have selected Task1 to format.  Formatting options include Size, Font, Color, and Start & Finish. You can adjust your formatting options for your item as needed:

3. By default, items on the Timeline will be displayed as bars. If you desire to change their shape, select the item whose shape you wish to change on the Timeline, and click Display as Callout:

Continue reading: Part 3: Hide the Timeline Web Part on a Task List.

Want to know more about out-of-the-box Web Parts available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series: