How to Use the Picture Library Slideshow Web Part in SharePoint 2013

One of our favorites among the new social updates to SharePoint 2013 is the addition of the Picture Library Slideshow Web Part.  Similar to popular photo-sharing social media sites, the new Web Part links to a picture library in SharePoint to create and display a slideshow of selected photos on a page.  In this article, we’ll walk through the steps needed to activate the Web Part and how to use the Picture Library Slideshow.

Insert Picture Library Slideshow Web Part to page:

  • Go to Edit page, select the Insert tab from the Ribbon, and select the Web Part button.
  • Select Media and Content Group from the Categories list on the left, and select Picture Library Slideshow Web Part from the Parts list on the right. Click the Add button to insert the Web Part:
  • Once these steps have been completed and you have saved the page, the new Web Part will be active and can be seen on your page, as shown below:

Configure slideshow for viewing on your page:

  • Go to the Edit page and select Edit Web Part from the right side of the screen to edit the configuration of the Web Part:
  • Next, select the Picture Library and setting you would like applied to your slideshow; i.e., picture display order, slide image duration (FYI – the default duration is 15 seconds), etc.
  • Once you have finished configuring your Web Part, click Apply and OK to save the settings and begin viewing your slideshow:

Want to know more about out-of-the-box web parts available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series via the links below:

Scott Fasser
re: How to Use the Picture Library Slideshow Web Part in SharePoint 2013
on Thu, Dec 5 2013 7:10 PM

Hi, I added the slideshow web part just fine into my SP2013 site. However when the site is squeezed down – not expanded – the larger images cause this large white space above the image. It’s like the image doesn’t scale properly going downsize and causing extra space. How do I fix that without modifying any images?