How to Create a Classic Mode Authentication via ‘Negotiate (Kerberos)’ in SharePoint 2013, Part 5: How to Authenticate the Provider

In this step, you will learn how to authenticate the provider.

1. To configure SharePoint to use Kerberos, go to Central Administration, Application Management, and select Manage Web Applications.

2. Select the Web Application that you want to configure (in this example, I selected port 80). Click on Authentication Providers in the Ribbon.

3. In the Authentication Providers dialog, click the Default hyperlink.

4. Go to Edit Authentication, Claims Authentication Type, select Enable Windows Authentication and select Negotiate (Kerberos) in the Integrated Windows authentication drop-down. Click Save.

5. To verify the IIS Web site authentication settings, go to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

6. Select the Web Application under Sites, then select Authentication.

7. Go to the Actions pane, and click on Open Feature.

8. In the Authentication dialog, select Windows Authentication.

9. Click on Providers in the Actions pane.

10. Make sure that Negotiate and NTLM are listed in Enable Providers list box. Negotiate must be listed first. Click Cancel.

11. Click on Advanced Settings in the Actions pane.

12. Make sure that Extended Protection is Off and the Enable Kernel-mode authentication is unchecked. Click Cancel.

Here, alerts will show two messages that you will disregard.

13. Click Cancel in Advanced Settings; the alert remains.

14. Right-click the Forms Authentication, then select Disable. The Alerts section will disappear.

This completes Part 5. If you want to continue reading How to Create a Classic Mode Authentication via ‘Negotiate (Kerberos)’ in SharePoint 2013, check out the rest of our series:

For further reading: