Discussion Board Plus 2.0, Part 4: How to Use the Like Button and Move Topics between Forums

In Discussion Board Plus 2.0, users have the option to “like” discussions. In the Forum Settings, the Like settings can be turned on or off. Users have permission to click the Like button for each topic or reply.  Users can like or unlike only one time; anonymous users do not have permission to like any topic.

To begin, create a new Discussion Board Plus list. Create a discussion then select a discussion to add replies.

Go to the Forum Settings on the ribbon to enable Like Topic or Reply. Note: the Like is shown on Topics and Replies.

When a user clicks Like, it will show the option to Unlike and the user(s) who liked the comment, as shown below. When you click Unlike, your account name will be removed from the list and the Like hyperlink button will be shown again.

In this release, we also provided a feature/tool to allow users to move a topic from one Discussion Board Plus list to another. This will delete the item from the first release and add the same item to Discussion Board Plus 2.0.

For example, User1 enters a topic asking about Discussion Board Plus. This topic should be under Community Central instead. The admin has the ability to move the topic, including images, over without having to copy and paste.

Who can move topic?


Manage Lists

Full Control​

Topic creator(1)

Site Collection Administrator(2)

Move Topic





* Yes, if the creator has the Manage Lists permission, Full Control permission level, or is a site collection administrator.

To begin moving topics, create a Source Discussion Board Plus list and a Target DB+ list from R2.0.

In the source list, go to the Forum Settings on the ribbon to enable Move Topic. In the Forum Settings, the Enable Move Topic option can be turned on or off.

Go to your list to create a regular topic.

Once you click on the topic, you will see the Move Topic Menu on the ribbon or Context menu.

Click Move Topic menu and you will see the pop-up.

Enter the Site URL and Select Destination List and then click Move button. The topic will be moved to the target list and removed from the source list.

Notification is sent to a recipient via an email alert as shown below.

Want more Discussion Board Plus?  Check out the rest of our User Guide series.