Discussion Board Plus 2.0, Part 2: How to Use the Paging Box, Previous Topic/Next Topic, and Tags

Oftentimes, we have a lot of topics and threads – which means we have hundreds of pages. Right now, since we cannot go to a specific page, we have to click on the cursor to go to the next set of pages. In this post, I’ll show you how our new paging box features work.

In Discussion Board 2.0, we created a paging box for users to select the page number they want to go to.

To add a paging box, create a new Discussion Board Plus list and go to List Settings in the ribbon.

Select the View that you want to use.

In this example, I select Forum View. Go to the Item Limit section and input the number of items to display. I use 30 items per page as the default.

Go to the Discussion Board Plus list to see the paging box when the Discussion Board Plus list has more than 30 items per page.

With this feature, the Next button lets you access the five next pages. Similarly, the Previous button will let you access the five previous pages.

Now, I’ll show you how to allow users to navigate to the next topic or previous topic. To begin, create a new Discussion Board Plus list and some discussions.

When clicking on the discussion to view it, you will see the Previous and Next options at the bottom right of the topic.

Note: The Discussion at the top of the list has only the Next button. The Discussion at the end of the list has only the Previous button.

In Discussion Board Plus, we have a lot of discussions. We can search all of the columns using List Search Simple, but it would be better to use List Search Simple to just search the Tags column.

To use the tags on Discussion Board Plus, create a new list. When creating a new Discussion, you will see the Tags column.

After creating a discussion, it will be displayed below the topic name.

Click on the topic; it will be shown under the body.

When you click on the Tags, the Discussion Board Plus list will show all discussions that have the same tags.

Note: To view all Tags on the site, enter the following URL since this list is hidden on your site. http://servername/Sitename/Lists/Tags/AllItems.aspx

Want more Discussion Board Plus?  Check out the rest of our User Guide series.