Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5 User’s Guide, Part 2: How to Add and Display a List or Library

Calendar Plus Web Part has long been an indispensable tool (and a bestseller), with which you can display events and tasks on a calendar from various data sources, such as SharePoint lists, List Rollup, SQL databases, and BDC/BCS. With our latest release, Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5, we’ve included a host of new features such as Runtime Filter View for multiple lists; more columns available to select for filtering; the ability to sort in Gantt view; and the ability to dynamically filter calendars using Web Part Connections and List Filter Web Part.

To help celebrate the release of Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5, we have put together a brand-new series that will walk you through how to use the product’s newest and most popular features. Here in Part 2, we will show you how to add and display a list or library within the Calendar Plus Web Part.

In the Calendar Plus Web Part Settings menu, click on SharePoint List and Library Settings under the heading Data Source Settings.

From there, click on the Add List or Library button:

A new window will appear that will walk you through the steps needed to include and configure your new SharePoint List or Library:

Step 1 – Included SharePoint List or Library General Descriptions

Under Step 1, input the following data, as applicable to your List or Library:

  • Calendar Name: Type the name for your list (e.g., Calendar Plus).
  • Color for SharePoint List or Library: Select a color to display.
  • Check on the box next to Allow users to add new items to the selected SharePoint List or Library if you want to allow users to add a new item by clicking on the New Item button, or double-clicking on the Web Part.

Step 2 – Site URL Containing a SharePoint List or Library

In this step, you can enter the site URL where the list or library is housed.  You have the option of entering either a static URL or a relative URL.  After you have entered your desired URL, click View Lists and Libraries.  Please note that the default URL is ./ (Ex: ./)

Step 3 – Select SharePoint List or Library

Select the list or library that you would like displayed on Calendar Plus. In this example, we’ve selected the list Calen Plus.

Step 4 – Base Columns

The Base Columns represent the data that will be displayed on the Web Part. Under Step 4, input the following data, as applicable to your List or Library:

  • Item Display Column: Select the data type which will be displayed for items in calendar views (e.g., Title).
  • Start Date: Select the start date column type in the list or library which will be displayed for items in calendar views (e.g., Start Time).
  • End Date: Select the end date column type in the list or library which will be displayed for items in calendar views (e.g., End Time).

Step 5 – Filter Data

Under Step 5, you will configure the filtering settings for your calendar. Your options include the ability to Show all items, Specify Filter Conditions, or Use Existing List View for your list or library.

  • Show All Items: Display all items from your selected list or library (in this example, Calen Plus) on the Web Part:
  • Specify Filter Conditions: Select one or more columns to filter. With this option, you can add additional conditions, defining how each condition is joined using the And and Or operand options.
    • For example, if you select ‘Start Time’, ‘is equal to’, ‘[Today]’ then the calendar will display items that have a ‘Start Time’ of today’s date. If you select ‘Created By’, ‘is not equal to’ [Me] then the calendar will show items that don’t have the currently-logged-in users listed in the ‘Created By’ column:
    • After you have finished entering your desired settings and filters, click Save and Close > Apply > OK.
    • Navigate to the Calendar Plus Web Part to view your calendar with the filters set above:
  • Use Existing List View: This option allows you to select an existing view from the list or library.
    • Choose the Selected View from the Available Views which you would like to utilize for your calendar.
    • After you have finished entering your desired settings and filters, click Save and Close > Apply > OK.
    • Navigate to the Calendar Plus Web Part.  You will see that your calendar now displays ‘All Events’ and has the ‘Select View’ tool for you to change the view.

Step 6 – Columns to Display in Item Tooltip

You can select columns from Available Columns to display on the tooltip.

After you have selected your desired columns, click Save and Close > Apply > OK.

Navigate to the Calendar Plus Web Part.  You will see that your calendar now has the tooltip you selected above displayed.

Step 7 – Column for Description

Select a column that will be displayed in the Work Week and Day views (e.g., Description).

Step 8 – Item Identification

In this step, you will establish the color coding for your calendar.  You are able to select the colors which will be displayed for each column in your calendar view with the following options:

  • Column to Color Code: Select Solid Colors or Gradient Colors.
  • Column to Identify by Icon: Click on this box to provide a URL image of the icon to use.
    • Edit/View: You can edit or view an existing list or library to be displayed.
    • Delete checked items: You can check this box to delete an existing list or

Once you have finished with Step 8, click Save & Close on the Calendar Plus Web Part Settings window.

Next, click Apply, and then OK on the Web Part Tool Pane. Your new list or library will now be displayed on the Calendar Plus Web Part.

Want more Calendar Plus Web Part 4.5? Check out the rest of our User’s Guide series!