What is in store for Bamboo in 2020

I personally love this time of year. So much fun getting ready for the holidays, taking a look at the year in review, and planning for what’s to come.  Here at Bamboo, we fly everyone into Reston, VA for our monthly All Hands Meeting and annual Holiday Party. Microsoft Teams video meetings are great, but nothing beats sharing a laugh or a drink with our team members in person. Let’s talk about what is in store for 2020 here at Bamboo.

As you may know, our company provides both products and services for SharePoint and Office365. Both the product and services teams have been fully integrated so that services support product customers and our service consultants help drive product direction.

Product Strategy

For 2020, we have two main product strategies. First, we are going heads down-converting our server-based web parts into our Cloud Part products. These Cloud Parts are cross-platform products built using modern tools that run on SharePoint Online as well as on-premises SharePoint 13, 16, and 19.   They also support both Classic and Modern Experiences. While that is going on, we will also continue enhancing existing Cloud Part products to meet the demands of our customers desperately wanting more of what we do!

For the first half of 2020 here are the key enhancements for some of our products.

Knowledge Management Cloud Part
Integration of Tree View, Tag Clouds, Advanced Searching, and Security Trimmed Categories.  Also, we will be adding more customized notifications, Article Templates, Glossaries, and a better workflow for Authoring and Reviewing articles.

Project Management Cloud Part
Project Health is driven by Risk and Issue Management, Enhanced Portfolio Dashboards with our new KPI Cloud Part, Integration of Alerts Plus CP, Task Grouping, and a new Report Generator.

Chart Plus Cloud Part
Filterable Views, Integration with List Roll Up Cloud Part, and customized column label formatting.

We also have the release of a new product that enables global navigation for SharePoint Online.  This global navigation will help your users find their way across your modern and classic SharePoint sites with security-controlled, properly formatted navigation to get them on their way!  It is an incredible product that will be included with the current Navigators Cloud Part offering in Q1.

Services Team

For our Services team, we are growing our Commercial offering with another team led by our Managing Consultant Kevin Townsend.  He will be working with many of our international customers as well as up and down the east coast.  His team is already growing and ready to serve anyone needing help with their SharePoint migration, implementation, or customization.   To find out more about our services, check out our page here.

Finally, our Federal Services team continues to support our amazing Prime Contract holders at key accounts within the US Government.   Often SharePoint is not a specialty for our Primes and we are there to help run the team or build team members that can get the job done!   For us, it also may be the year we win direct business if the right opportunity comes our way.

As President and CEO of Bamboo Solutions, my goal is to foster a company and culture that provides opportunities for our team members to grow their skillset and expand their areas of interest.   Within these three distinct but related lines of business, our team members can find new challenges simply by looking down that virtual hall at Bamboo Solutions!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all.

Rob Manfredi
Bamboo Solutions