This Week in Bamboo (June 26, 2011 – July 2, 2011)

HW11A List Search Simple Web Part Release 2.1.33 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 2.1.33 (SharePoint 2010):

New Features:

  • Optimized Search Results view for lists of type Discussion Board and Bamboo Discussion Board Plus (Beta of Bamboo Discussion Board Plus is currently available in Bamboo Labs).
  • Provides new options for searching behavior based on either matching whole word or partial word. Note: Partial Word Search will often yield irrelevant search results.
  • “Save and Close” button in List Search Web Part Settings window now saves Web Part Properties, allowing users to open settings window again without losing recent changes.
  • Minor text and interface changes in List Search Simple Web Part Settings window.
  • Improved Individual Column Criteria controls and Search In All Columns For control width. Note: User must delete and re-add Web Part for new control width to take effect.
  • Provide sample manual installation script in “misc” folder within the installation package.

Resolved Bugs:

  • Clicking the link within search results opens a new browser window. Users are unable to resize the new window to display the item contents. (SP 2007 only!)
  • Users are unable to click on the icon in the Type column to display item and open documents in document libraries.
  • If Adobe Reader is configured to open PDF files in the browser window, List Search Simple Web Part opens the files in a new browser window that cannot be resized. (SP 2007 only!)
  • Search Results are not consistent based on the position of the search criteria string in the search list.


HW24 List Rollup Web Part Release 5.0.117 (SharePoint 2007) and Release 5.0.126 (SharePoint 2010):

New Features:

  • Provides sample manual installation script in the “misc” folder within the installation package.

Resolved Bugs:

  • Aggregated lists of type Calendar display wrong URL for associated Workspace sites.
  • List Rollup Schema and List Rollup Classic: When there are Folders included in the rollup, the URL provided is wrong.
  • List Rollup Schema: With certain Master Pages, when user clicks on “New Schema” the “Loading” icon appears but nothing occurs and at the bottom of the screen a Script Error is displayed.
  • List Rollup Classic: If Bamboo custom columns are included in the rollup, no data was returned in the List Rollup Data View.
  • List Rollup Classic: In certain cases, when selecting “Export Data View” from the List Rollup – Classic Edition Web Part, users will receive an error.
  • List Rollup Classic: When user rolls up a Contacts list, the email column is read as a text field. As a result, List Rollup Classic rollups display the email as a text value instead of an email link.


HW05 Alert Plus Release 3.1.29 (SharePoint 2010):

Resolved Bugs:

  • Alert Plus was incorrectly writing to Bamboo log files. All Bamboo Solutions products log to the same file, bsc_bamboo_{PID}.log stored on the SharePoint Web Front End (WFE) server. To locate this file, on the SharePoint WFE server, go to Start -> Run and enter %windir%tempBambooSolutions.


HW24 List Rollup Web Part Release 5.0.118 (SharePoint 2007):

Resolved Bugs:

  • List Rollup Grid View Web Part: If the connected List Rollup Schema includes document Libraries, documents stored in Folders fail to display the Edit Menu.

HW45 Task Master for SharePoint 2010 2.5.73 Patch Update:

Resolved Bugs:

  • Internal bug fixes to support the new version of HW41D Visual Indicator.
  • Task Master cannot display items from a SharePoint Tasks list if a column required Task Master is missing or has a name that is different from the internal name for the same column in a Task Master task list (e.g., MileStone instead of Milestone). Task Master will now display an error until the required column is added or the name is corrected in the SharePoint Tasks list. After correcting the list, edit the Task Master Web Part and click Apply and OK to remove the error.

HW28 Site Creation Plus Patch Update for SharePoint 2007 1.4.45 & for SharePoint 2010 1.4.31:

New Features:

  • Provides sample manual installation script in the “misc” folder within the installation package.

Resolved Bugs:

  • After upgrading Site Creation Plus, when users create a new site, the list item Edit Form displays the Created By fields with the System Account instead of the creator account.
  • Page timed out when site creation process takes a long time.
  • Fixed cross site scripting issue.
  • Internal bug fixes to support PM Central (SA12).

HW63 Cross-Site Display Web Part Release 1.1.11 (SharePoint 2007) & Release 1.1.15 (SharePoint 2010):

SharePoint 2007

New Features:

  • Option to hide the full toolbar in the Web Part.
  • Clicking an item link now displays the item in a pop-up form.
  • Option to define a custom login account to access lists and libraries with read-only permission.
  • The “Enter a SharePoint site URL” field now defaults to the current site.
  • Includes sample manual installation script in the “misc” folder of the installation package.

          Resolved Bugs:

  • Column colors are not correct for the NightAndDay.Master page.
  • Columns created using the Settings menu in the Cross-Site Display Web Part will not be displayed until the page is refreshed.

SharePoint 2010

New Features:

  • Option to hide the full toolbar in the Web Part.
  • Clicking an item link now displays the item in a pop-up form.
  • Option to define a custom login account to access lists and libraries with read-only permission.
  • The “Enter a SharePoint site URL” field now defaults to the current site.
  • Includes a sample manual installation script in the “misc” folder of the installation package.

Resolved Bugs:

  • Column colors are not correct for the NightAndDay.Master page.
  • [Gantt view for Tasks lists] Anonymous users may see the following message when attempting to view certain Cross-Site Display Web Part views: “Error occurred: Access is denied”
  • [Gantt view for Tasks lists] Clicking on the drop-down list for the Predecessors column in a Tasks list may display the following message: “This service isn’t available right now.”
  • [Gantt view for Tasks lists] If the Cross-Site Display Web Part is configured in a Web Part Page in a subsite to display a Tasks list from a different site in the same site collection, switching to a Gantt View will display the following error: “List does not exist.” Workaround: Configure the Web Part in a non-Web Part Page for this specific scenario.
  • If the Cross-Site Display Web Part is configured to display a list or library from a different site collection, switching to a Gantt View will display the message: “Cross-Site Display Web Part currently does not support Gantt View for lists on a different Site Collection. Please select a different list view.”
  • The item Edit Menu is not available for libraries displayed in the Cross-Site Display Web Part, including Asset Libraries, Document Libraries, Picture Libraries, and Wiki Libraries.
  • Clicking on an item link will display the item in the SharePoint display form instead of a pop-up window.
  • Columns created using the Settings menu in the Cross-Site Display Web Part will not be displayed until the page is refreshed.


HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part Release 4.1.47 (SharePoint 2007) & Release 4.1.39 (SharePoint 2010) [Same Release Notes]:

Resolved Bugs:

  • If Calendar Plus Web Part is connected to more than one SharePoint List or Library and the currently logged in user does not have access to one of the lists, the user receives an Access Denied message. Now items the user does not have access to will not be displayed.