This Week in Bamboo (January 24th, 2016 – January 30th, 2016)

This week in Bamboo we rolled out major releases for Chart Plus Web Part R4.0, List Bulk Import R4.0, and Bamboo Knowledge Base R2.5 for both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013. The following patches were also released to the storefront at the same time: Tree View Web Part, Password Change Web Part, and Password Expiration Web Part. Please check out the latest releases for this week and see the list below for more details.

HW27 Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.0.214 (File version 40.0.214)

New Features:

• Overhauled chart settings and user interface, and improved UI/UX.
• Added Scatter, Radar, Funnel, and Polar chart types.
• Ability to filter series toggling legend values.
• Added hover-over tooltips.
• Option to export charts to PDF or SVG images.
• Ability to connect to lists or libraries across sites and site collections.
• Improved data and legend label display options.
• Expanded Data Type number formats.
• Improved styling options for chart visual elements.
• Improved data source filtering criteria in the chart settings.
• Toggle gridlines and tick marks displayed on the axes.
• Added Max, Min, and First aggregate functions.
• Toggle “go-to data source” click-through option.
• Supports commonly used web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

New Known Issues:

• When using SQL or BCS as a data source, the preview does not display the chart after editing the X-axis settings.
• On multiple server WFE farms, excel export files do not display in the Internet Explorer Download Manager popup.
• When using BCS or SQL as a data source, the Y-Axis data label displays excessive decimal places when the data type is “General” and the y-axis is aggregated with Sum or Average.
• Count aggregation counts the null/empty values instead of excluding them.
• Data Labels may overlap when configuring more than one series on a chart.
• Display Unit indicators are not displayed next to the value axis (e.g. x1000).
• Web Part Connections are not supported in Chart Plus 4.0.
• After upgrading to R4.0, the old Web Part Gallery name (“Bamboo Chart Plus Web Part”) is not replaced with the new name (“Bamboo Chart Plus”).

New Limitations:

• Scatter chart quadrant lines are not displayed in Internet Explorer 8 Document mode.
• When using SQL and BCS as a data source with a y-series of all zero values, the chart displays an SQL statement error.
• Chart Plus 4.0 only supports List Rollup 7.0 and higher.
• 100% Stacked Column chart type cuts off data labels at the top. (Workaround: Go to the Advanced Display settings and input 20px for the “Margins > Top” value)
• Exporting options (Print, Excel, PDF, SVG) are not supported on Internet Explorer 8 browsers.
• May display an error when clicking Print in the export Actions Menu.
• Text wrapping is unavailable for the X-Axis title, Y-Axis title, and Chart title. Very long text strings will be truncated.
• Intelligent Labels options are not available in R4.0
• Approximate Empty Values options are not available in R4.0
• Hide Missing Values options are not available in R4.0.
• Point charts are not available in R4.0.
• CSS customizations are not supported in SharePoint 2010.
• Sum_Percentage and Percentage operators are not available in R4.0.
• Reducing the height or width of the web part below 500 pixels causes scrollbars to appear.

Upgrade Notes:

• Existing Chart Plus instances (R3.5 or older) are not affected by the latest upgrade (R4.0). Users have the option to manually reconfigure legacy charts to convert them to the latest version. Any new charts added going forward will be created using Chart Plus 4.0.

HW27 Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

New Features:

• Overhauled chart settings and user interface, and improved UI/UX.
• Added Scatter, Radar, Funnel, and Polar chart types.
• Ability to filter series toggling legend values.
• Added hover-over tooltips.
• Option to export charts to PDF or SVG images.
• Ability to connect to lists or libraries across sites and site collections.
• Improved data and legend label display options.
• Expanded Data Type number formats.
• Improved styling options for chart visual elements.
• Improved data source filtering criteria in the chart settings.
• Toggle gridlines and tick marks displayed on the axes.
• Added Max, Min, and First aggregate functions.
• Toggle “go-to data source” click-through option.
• Supports commonly used web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

New Known Issues:

• When using SQL or BCS as a data source, the preview does not display the chart after editing the X-axis settings.
• When using BCS or SQL as a data source, the Y-Axis data labels display excessive decimal places when the data type is “General” and the y-axis is aggregated with Sum or Average.
• Count aggregation counts the null/empty values instead of excluding them.
• Data Labels may overlap when configuring more than one series on a chart.
• Display Unit indicators are not displayed next to the value axis (e.g. x1000).
• Web Part Connections are not supported in Chart Plus 4.0.
• After upgrading to R4.0, the old Web Part Gallery name (“Bamboo Chart Plus Web Part”) is not replaced with the new name (“Bamboo Chart Plus”).

New Limitations:

• When using SQL and BCS as a data source with a y-series of all zero values, the chart displays SQL statement error.
• When X-axis labels are slanted, labels are cut off in Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers. (Workaround: Go to the Advanced Display settings and input 20px for the “Margins > Bottom” value).
• Chart Plus 4.0 only supports List Rollup 7.0 and higher.
• 100% Stacked Column chart type cuts off data labels at the top (Workaround: Go to the Advanced Display settings and input 20px for the “Margins > Top” value).
• Exporting options (Print, Excel, PDF, SVG) are not supported on Internet Explorer 8 browsers.
• Text wrapping is unavailable for the X-Axis title, Y-Axis title, and Chart title. Very long text strings will be truncated.
• Intelligent Labels options are not available in R4.0
• Approximate Empty Values options are not available in R4.0
• Hide Missing Values options are not available in R4.0.
• Point charts are not available in R4.0.
• Sum_Percentage and Percentage operators are not available in R4.0.
• Reducing the height or width of the web part below 500 pixels causes scrollbars to appear.

Upgrade Notes:

• Existing Chart Plus instances (R3.5 or older) are not affected by the latest upgrade (R4.0). Users have the option to manually reconfigure legacy charts to convert them to the latest version. Any new charts added going forward will be created using Chart Plus 4.0.

HW18 List Bulk Import for SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016, and SharePoint Online (Office 365) Release 4.0.73

New Features:

• Overhauled user interface, and improved UI/UX.
• Backwards import support allows migrating content from newer versions of SharePoint to older versions.
• Added support for SharePoint 2016 Server.
• Ability to create new lists across SharePoint versions.

Resolved Known Issues/ Limitations:

• When running saved migration templates, imports fail if the previously saved target site address is altered.
• Imports fail if the target SharePoint list name contains “Discussion Board Plus”.
• Cannot create new SharePoint Lists when migrating content from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010.
• List Bulk Import cannot connect to SharePoint Online if the user account is a member of a custom SharePoint group.
• Imports fail when importing to a Calendar list containing yearly recurring events.

New Known Issues:

• Mapping to target columns titled “None” is not supported.
• Importing files containing special characters from a SharePoint 2007 source is not supported.
• The View Response column from a SharePoint 2010 survey list cannot be imported.
• When importing files from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, the Version History Comments column values are not imported.

New Limitations:

• Cannot map a source column to multiple target columns.
• Cannot create a new target list if a source list contains Bamboo Custom Columns.
• Exclamation points (!) are replaced with underscores (_) when importing Excel sheets names containing exclamation points.
• Excel sheet names containing apostrophes (`) are not supported.
• Direct list URLs are not supported for SharePoint 2007 sources or targets.
• Cannot connect to HTTPS sites with a UAG (Unified Access Gateway) or TMG (Threat Management Gateway).
• Importing the “Like” column from a Bamboo Discussion Board Plus list is not supported.
• When importing the Body column of a Bamboo Discussion Board Plus list, embedded images are not imported.
• External SharePoint lists are not supported.
• Lookup columns are not imported when choosing to “delete existing target list content before migrating”.
• Images from an Announcement list may not be imported successfully.
• Imports fail if the target list uses an event receiver.

SA05 Bamboo Knowledge Base for SharePoint 2010 Release R2.5.82 (File version 20.5.82) and SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

Include updated versions of the following products:

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part R30.7.53/R30.7.53.2013
HW55 SharePoint Navigators R20.0.46/R20.0.45.2013

New Features:

Tab View, is a new web part for displaying and discovering KB Articles. Features include:

  • Three configurable tabs to explore KB (Featured, Categories, and All Articles).
  • Navigation breadcrumbs with clickable links.
  • Copy and share direct links to categories and subcategories.
  • Choose columns to be displayed in article lists and add custom filters using list views.
  • “Sticky” articles to make them show up first in article lists.
  • Search bar for quick searches across all articles.

Updates to KB Articles:

  • Improved article layout and design.
  • Open articles in a new tab in full-screen view.
  • Share articles using direct links.
  • Article authors can save and load rich-text templates.
  • Article sections can be hidden or rearranged by administrators.
  • Updated ‘Email Article’ function, with options to send article content and set default ‘From’ address.
  • Hyperlink support for the ‘Related External Links’ section.
  • Articles and Comments can be configured to publish by default.

Admin Site Updates:

  • Improved site layout, with a new configurable Dashboard section.
  • Overhauled ‘The Q&A’ section, and improved UI/UX.

Resolved Issues:

  • KB Article pop-up window not sizing to fit browser window height.
  • Printouts/PDF exports missing some article content.
  • Users are unable to rate articles without submitting a comment.
  • Question text is cropped when drafting answer/reply.
  • Other bug fixes:

SharePoint 2010 version:

  • The article Search Web Part does not show results from the “Article Title” field if “Article Text” has multiple lines of text.
  • Right-clicking a search result reopens the search page.

SharePoint 2013 version:

  • The article Search Web Part does not show results from the “Article Title” field if “Article Text” has multiple lines of text.
  • Right-clicking a search result reopens the search page.
  • When using 2010 Look and Feel, users may experience JavaScript errors and failed PDF exports..
  • A JavaScript error may occur when formatting fonts in the Article Text field, Answer field or Answer Question Web Part.

New Limitations:

  • The email Article recipient field will not allow external email addresses unless the site is configured for anonymous access.

Upgrade Notes:

  • To prevent errors on existing KB sites after upgrading to R2.5, open the Tree View Web Part settings on the Admin Site, and click the “Upgrade KB Admin site and content” button.
  • Some Web Parts may need to be reconfigured if the Admin site is not a direct sub-site of the Client site, and/or its URL string has been customized (not “./admin”). If so, open the web part settings and input the correct URLs for the corresponding sites.
  • Once this is complete, to automatically add the new Tab View Web Part to the home page and create a separate Tree View page, open the Client Site Tree View Web Part settings and click the “Upgrade KB Client site and content” button.

HW03 Tree View Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.0.165 (File version 20.0.165) and SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

Bug Fixes:

• Dragging and dropping documents causes the version number to increase.

No new limitations or known issues.

HW06 Password Change Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.1.75 (File version 40.1.75)

Bug Fixes:

• The Web Part displays an error when changing passwords in multiple domain environments.

No new limitations or known issues.

HW23 Password Expiration Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.6.52 (File version 10.6.52)

Bug Fixes:

• The Bamboo.Notification.exe fails after adding a group name containing forward-slash (/) into the MemberOf  Active Directory property page.
• “Your password will be expired in 0 days” message persists in the web part.

No new limitations or known issues.