Surrealism at SPC 2012: Jon Bon Jovi, Speaking at Colligo’s STP Africa Luncheon, & More

Here are just a few of the more surreal happenings to occur at SPC 2012 in the last few hours here in Las Vegas…

Let’s start with the present and work backward. As I type these words in my hotel room at Mandalay Bay, I can hear Jon Bon Jovi & the Kings of Suburbia sound-checking for tonight’s show at the official conference party outside at Mandalay Bay Beach. I can see the edge of the stage from my room, but I’ll be “on the beach” for the show in a few hours. These things don’t happen every day, even in the often crazy world of SharePoint.

The second surreal happening of the day was the fact that I made my onstage debut as an SPC speaker, joining my Sharing the Point brothers for a roundtable discussion of the STP Africa Tour at the Colligo-sponsored Sharing the Point Africa Executive Luncheon. Led by Mark Miller, all of the members of the STP team shared our thoughts and recollections during the presentation, at which the global SharePoint community was hailed, Colligo Briefcase Pro was lauded, stories were told, laughs were shared, and we’ve been told that even some tears were shed. Thanks to everyone for attending … enjoy the free Briefcase Pro apps that are coming your way as a reward!

As a participant in the unscripted session, I was obviously unable to take (any of) the copious notes that I’m known for in my session coverage, but in a case of turnabout, my colleague Julie Auletta (whose own sessions I’ve covered several times over the years) was there to lend support and document the presentation for the blog, so keep an eye out for that. I did, however, manage to capture a short video at the beginning of our presentation of the capacity crowd, which also includes my fellow STP team members onstage:


My final bit of surrealism for the day (so far) harkens back to my earlier mention of Jon Bon Jovi. When I was talking with my friend (and founding STP Tour member) Dux Raymond Sy this morning before his session on Enterprise Social (my post on that session is coming up next), he mentioned that Microsoft asked him to host the party tonight … and I think he said that he’ll even be introducing the band!

See? I told you the SharePoint world was crazy.

Missed any of Bamboo Nations SPC 2012 coverage? Catch up here: