SharePoint 2010 Lessons Learned, Part 3: How to Create a New Page (and Delete a Page)

As I was writing my last post on how to create a blog in SharePoint 2010, it occurred to me that I had kind of jumped the gun, and that I hadn’t yet sufficiently laid the foundation for such a post. After all, from a site-construction standpoint, creating the blog was the last thing I did while working on the Sharing the Point site, and while the blog does serve as its own distinct area of the site, it’s a specialized sort of page … and what about simply creating a new page in SharePoint 2010?

Well, I’m happy to tell you that few things in SharePoint 2010 are simpler than creating a new page. In Edit mode, simply select the New Page button from the drop down options under Site Actions:

Clicking the New Page button will render the New Page form, in which you need only enter the desired page name and click Create:

The newly created page will essentially be a blank slate, e.g.:

Note that the Ribbon will be present, with Editing Tools highlighted default when the newly created page is presented.  For the sake of this post, I called the new page called Test, so that’s why you see the word “Test” at the top of the Recently Modified list in the left rail in the image above.  Within the new page, the full range of editing tools are available to you via the Ribbon to add and format text, images, videos, etc.

Since I created my Test page on the Sharing the Point site, I’m going to be a good citizen and delete the extraneous page.  To do so, I’m going to start clicking the All Site Content link that appears at the bottom of the left rail in the image above.

Clicking that link will surface a list of all site content and, under the Document Libraries heading, Site Pages is one of the items:

Since I was told on the New Page form (show above) when I created  my new page that Site Pages is where the new page would be created, that’s the link I’m going to click.

My Test page appears at the top of the list and, when I mouseover the selection, a checkbox appears to the left of the listing:

(While we’re here, take note that at the bottom of the list of site pages above you can see that an Add new page link appears, providing you with yet another method of page creation.)

Once I click the checkbox next to the Test page, the Ribbon responds accordingly, activating a number of options related to that page. Among these options is Delete Document:

Clicking the Delete Document button will generate a popup asking if you’re sure you want to send the selected document(s) to the Recycle Bin. Since I’m sure, I’m going to click OK, and the page will be unceremoniously escorted to the dustbin of SharePoint history. Sorry, li’l guy, but hey, at least you had your moment in the blogging sun before The End, right?

Yep, that’s exactly how easy it is to create and delete pages in SharePoint 2010.

 Read the entire SharePoint 2010 Lessons Learned series:

Michael Greth [SharePoint MVP]
SharePoint Kaffeetasse 235
on Fri, Apr 29 2011 7:51 AM

SharePoint 2010 Planning and Configuring Extranets in SharePoint 2010–Part 1 Planning and Configuring