PowerShell Script to Delete the Alert Plus Orphan Property

When Alert Plus is added to a site, that site’s Url is automatically saved as a property in the site collection property bag. If the site is deleted, that property becomes an orphan property and your Bamboo log will show errors similar to these:

“ERROR MasterTimerJobFeatureReceiver – Bamboo.Logging.BambooException: Error in site [http://myproductionsite.com/sites/IT} with error The Web application at “>http://mydevsite.com/sites/IT could not be found. Verify that you have typed the URL correctly. If the URL should be serving existing content, the system administrator may need to add a new request URL mapping to the intended application.”


“ERROR Bamboo.AlertPlus.Timers.TimerMananger – Bamboo.Exceptions.LoggingException: Error in site [http://sharepoint/AlertPlus] with error Alert Plus Configuration List is not found on this site. Please check to see if Alert Plus is installed.”

CAUTION: If you have just migrated the site collection, or changed the hostname/Url, please refer to this Knowledge Base article to update the orphan property with the new Url.

If the above scenarios are not the case with you, but you still see these errors in the Bamboo log, it could mean a site with the Alert Plus web part has been deleted, making the property for that site an orphan. I’ve written a PowerShell script to find and delete these orphan properties:

Download the PowerShell script.

To run the script, put it on your SharePoint server > Open the SharePoint Management Shell > CD to where you put the script > Type .DeleteAlertPlusOrphanProperties.ps1 and press enter. It takes 2 parameters:

  • The output path to write the result of this script (Example: “C:ScriptOutputDeleteAlertPlusOrphanPropertiesOutput.txt”)
  • The Url of the web application which you want to check for orphan properties (Example: “http://sharepoint”).

The script will then prompt for 3 options:

  • List all orphan properties in this web application (default)
  • Prompt on each orphan property for delete options
  • Delete all orphan properties in this web application

Enter your choice and review the results from the output file afterward.