One New Year, Three New Releases

At the close of last year, we asked our readers to prepare for a fast start in 2016. Well, the pace is picking up as quickly as anticipated and we’re ready to deliver, as promised, with 3 new releases, each designed to get 2016 – and your business – off to a flying start.

Knowledge Base has been streamlined and updated for team self-sufficiency, with an easy setup and seamless SharePoint® integration. You can create, manage, and report on all articles from one location, enjoy multiple ways to search content, view articles on full screen at a click, and share quickly and easily.

Chart Plus offers over forty chart types, with extensive customizability and selectable legends enabling you to filter during runtime. Quickly create or edit charts and build dashboards with no learning curve, then connect to lists across sites and site collections, both internal and external, to gain real-time insights – all backed up with cross-browser support and advanced sharing options. Oh, and international currency symbols are available to provide clarity in your chart presentations, too.

List Bulk Import benefits from a completely new design in terms of look and feel, making it streamlined and dynamic, with an intuitive interface, tabbed layout, and reusable migration templates. Easily manage data consolidation when importing from legacy systems, previous SharePoint® versions, or external sources into SharePoint on-prem or online; and with extensive file support and unlimited migration capacity, you can copy files and structures, lists, library content, and related bulk metadata effortlessly.

Don’t neglect to select the links and see the complete list of features and enhancements. We think you’ll gain a real appreciation of the innovative thinking that makes each release more user-friendly, time and cost-efficient, and dynamic. We here at Bamboo are extremely proud of what we have to offer this year, with products and solutions streamlined for success and designed to help you stay ahead.

See our full list of products here. Check out our online documentation too!