How to Use the Timeline Web Part in SharePoint 2013, Part 1: Adding a Timeline, & Adding & Removing Timeline Items

Looking to keep your project tasks in order on SharePoint? Thanks to the addition of the Timeline Web Part for SharePoint 2013, you can do just that. This helpful new feature allows you to see a high-level view of data from a Tasks list or other Web Part. In this article, part one of a three-part series on the Timeline Web Part, we’ll introduce you to the Timeline Web Part, as well as show you how to add and remove tasks from your timeline.

Adding the Timeline Web Part to Your Site:

1. Log into SharePoint and click the Page tab from the Ribbon. From here, select the Edit icon:

2. On the Edit page, select the Insert Web Part tab from the Ribbon. From the Categories menu, select Content Rollup and then Timeline from the Parts menu:

3. Click on the Add button at the bottom of the page to install the Web Part.

4. Once the Web Part has been successfully installed on your page:

5. You will notice that the tool pane of the Timeline Web Part has many options including:

  • Web URL: This option includes the current site, other sites, or site collection. You must enter a valid URL. If you input a VALID URL and click Verify URL, you will see a green Valid URL

If you attempt to enter an INVALID URL, you will get the following warning:

  • Type: Default is List
  • Source: This option contains all items from the Tasks list of the Web URL you have entered above.
  • View Name: Timeline

6. Select ListDemoTask list. Click Apply and OK:

Adding items to the Timeline Web Part:

1. In the ListDemoTask list, select the item you would like to add to the Timeline Web Part.

2. Open the menu from the selected item and select Add to Timeline Web Part:


Removing items from the Timeline Web Part:

There are two ways to remove items from the Timeline Web Part:

1. Remove items from tooltip of item:

  • From the Timeline that was created above, select the item you want to remove. In this example, I am selecting Task1. When you click on Task1, a tooltip will appear:
  • Here is what your TimeLine will look like upon removing item Task1:

2. Remove items from the Timeline tab in the Ribbon:

  • Select the item you would like to remove. Click the Remove from Timeline icon.

Continue reading: Part 2: Creating SubTask Items & Formatting the Timeline Display.

Want to know more about out-of-the-box Web Parts available for SharePoint 2013? Check out the complete series via the links below: