How to Configure Virtual Map View in SharePoint 2013 – Part Two

Part Two: How to Customize the Marker Type for Virtual Map View.

In the Virtual Map View Web Part, we have only seven default marker types. Wanting to customize it to is understandable. In this article, I’ll show you how to display other marker types.

When we configure the display on the map, our seven default marker types are House, Plus, Point, Sun, Red, Blue, and Yellow. So the question is: How can we customize our own?

For example, we create a Country column and add seven items with different Country Names.

First of all, we should have some picture files for each Country Name. We can use *.png; *.gif and etc. In this example, I’ll name the files following the Country Names and the pictures will be the Flags of the Countries.

How does it work?

Go to the path: C:\ProgramFiles\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\wpresources\Bamboo.VirtualMapView\

Copy and paste the pictures file into the folder.

Then we will set Marker Types for them as follows:



Australia Australia
Vietnam Vietnam
Brazil Brazil
Mexico Mexico
Spain Spain
Canada Canada
United States USA

Let’s Modify the Tool Pane. Go to the Marker type field and click on the Edit button.

It will display a pop-up window. We need to change the Marker Type field based on Icon Name and Country Name fields.

Click Save.

Check on the Use Multiple Markers check box; it will show a drop-down menu showing all list columns. Select the Country/Region column.

Click Apply and then OK, There are now many Maker Types on the Map View following Country Names.

See Part One: How to Use Multiple Markers in Virtual Map View. And stay tuned for Part Three: Getting Data from a SharePoint List with Virtual Map View.