How to Configure Virtual Map View in SharePoint 2013 – Part One

Part One: How to Use Multiple Markers in Virtual Map View.

Virtual Map View displays many locations in different States or Countries and it is difficult to control them because they share the same markers. In this article, I’ll show you how to show multiple markers following Marker Type.

There are seven Marker Types in Map View. We will set the Marker Type for each Country.

For Example: In the list, we fill the Country column with different Country Names. And then we will set Marker Type for them as follows:


Marker Type

Australia House
Vietnam Plus
Brazil Point
Mexico Sun
Spain Red
Canada Blue
United States Yellow

How does it work?

Step 1:

Let’s Modify the Tool Pane. Go to the Marker type field and click on the Edit button.

It will show up in a pop-up window. We need to change the Marker Type file based on the Country Name.

Click the Save button.

Step 2:

Check on the Use Multiple Markers check box. It will show a drop-down menu displaying all list columns. Select the Country/Region column.

Click Apply and then OK. There will now be many Marker Types on Map View following Country Names.

Stay tuned to Bamboo Nation for Part Two: How to Customize the Marker Type for Virtual Map View Web Part.