Greetings from FOSE 2013 in Washington, D.C. – Panda-monium at the Bamboo Booth!

With no thanks to D.C.’s Metro Rail, which was experiencing excruciatingly painful delays during this morning’s rush hour due to a “signal problem,” I arrived at the Convention Center much later than I had intended. Fortunately, I had left my house early enough that I still had at least 15 minutes or so to soak in the scene at the Bamboo booth (#1531, so lovingly set up yesterday by Chris, Bob, and Ned) before covering my first session of the day.

And let me tell you, the scene was indeed buzzing. I had gotten advance word that Bob, Jen, and Beth were already slammed at the booth, so I wasn’t surprised to find a swarm of interested FOSE attendees gathered around the booth upon my arrival.

Amidst talk of Bamboo, who we are, and how our products fit into the SP ecosystem, FOSE attendees were happily helping themselves to our new, improved panda giveaways. These new  pandas have already been known to make the day of large groups of individuals, and to even evoke squeals of delight from unsuspecting recipients, EndUserSharepoint’s Mark Miller:

More from me soon, as I file my report from the two sessions I attended today, but for now, let me remind you about Bamboo’s own Julie Auletta’s FOSE session, How Technology can Help Manage the Risk Inherent with any Project Through Better Visibility and Team Communication, taking place here tomorrow from 2:30-3 P.M. in Solutions Theater #2 (in Exhibit Hall B).

Ongoing coverage of FOSE 2013:

Chris Dooley
re: Greetings from FOSE 2013 in Washington, D.C. – Panda-monium at the Bamboo Booth! on Wed, May 15 2013 8:00 AM

Well, someone forgot to lock the cage last night and all the pandas have escaped. I am trying to round them up but they are a lot faster than you would think.

On the chance that the pandas continue to evade me, I am bringing along a few boxes of vintage shirts from SPC2012. Get them while they are hot.