FOSE 2013: ‘Complete Mobile Collaboration with Microsoft SharePoint and Mobile Entrée’

FOSE 2013: ‘Complete Mobile Collaboration with Microsoft SharePoint and Mobile Entrée’

This afternoon at FOSE, I attended a Tech Talk that was co-sponsored by Microsoft and presented by Lisa Ruff, Business Development Manager for Mobile Entrée, H3 Solutions’ mobile technology for SharePoint.

Lisa explained that her talk would be about “what it is that helps you meet federal requirements.”  Among those requirements, she listed: the need to leverage existing IT investment; be ready with a bring your own device (BYOD) plan by making sure you have a solution that meets the needs of a wide range of devices; and everyone’s perennial favorite, the need to increase worker productivity.

Lisa said that “Mobile Entrée is about complete SharePoint mobility,” and that it “allows you to extend all that you’re doing in SharePoint onto mobile devices.”  As well, Lisa noted that Mobile Entrée is “100% integrated with SharePoint.”

Noting that all iOS and Android devices, as well as Windows Phones and Blackberry’s, are supported, Lisa went on to say that Mobile Entrée is a mobile Web application and, as such, once installed on the server, it flows to all devices.  There is no need to install an app on individual devices.

Touching on mobile collaboration and BI, Lisa said of calendars and contacts, documents, discussions, workflows and tasks, Excel Services, and PerformancePoint, that “all are supported out-of-the-box by Mobile Entrée.”

Mobile Entrée also offers the “ability to create custom solutions,” which Lisa explained is a feature offered by no other company, “including Microsoft.”  The Mobile Entrée development API leverages the existing .NET dev environment to accomplish this feat.

In conclusion, Lisa said that a new Mobile Entrée product would be coming soon for Office 365 with “rich mobile access to content.”  Lisa shared her hope that the new product will be “available in the SharePoint app store soon, hopefully by summer.”

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