April 2020 Product Updates

April 2020 Product Updates

Check out the latest updates to our products listed below.

Our Devs Are Knocking It Out Of The Park

The following updates and releases are a result of awesome talent, incredible customer feedback, and panda cheer.

Parent-Child (Cloud)

When making changes to cascading columns, an animation now appears letting users know changes are being made.

Support for showing lookup fields.

Bugfix where linked columns weren’t working with orphaned items.

Custom column types no longer breaking the app.

Simple List Search (Cloud)

Dropdowns were not populating across site collections

Lookup column results not highlighted

Look Up columns issue with too many calls being made continuously

List Search not finding all the results on lookup columns

Bugfix where pressing the enter key while in a search field would cause the page to go into edit mode.

PMC (Cloud)

Added ability to create custom columns

Added ability to change the order of columns in the task grid

Added new task filters (Including 7-14 days starting, due, created, and modified)

Added all custom fields to the new/edit forms

Added task history to each task with the ability to add to the task grid

When creating a new project from a template the task start/due dates automatically update in relation to the new project start date


KPI Column (Cloud)

Initial Release – Calculate progress based on your customization to get the context you need

Navigator (Cloud)

Includes Tabify and Global Navigation functionality

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