This Week in Bamboo (June 21st, 2015 – June 27th, 2015)

Have you checked the latest release of our Alert Plus and List Rollup Web Part yet?  At Bamboo this week, we are very excited to roll out new major releases for Alert Plus release 4.0 and List Rollup Web Part release 7.0 for both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.   Please check out our storefront and review the following patches for List Search Advanced Web Part., Tree View Web Part, and Team Calendar Web PartMore details on all of the changes can be found below, along with new features, bug fixes, limitations, and known issues.

HW05 Alert Plus for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.0.58 (File version 40.0.58)

New Features:

• Application Server support – Run backend List Rollup functions on an application server instead of on Web Front Ends.
• Use an alternate “From” address for alerts:

  • Define a default “From” address per Web App.
  • Optionally allow users to define a “From” address per alert.
  • Lookup users from any SharePoint List (not just Contact Lists).
  • Carbon Copy (CC) and Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) users on alerts.
  • Enable/Disable alerts from the alert dropdown menu.
  • Send alerts to Active Directory (AD) Groups.
  • Break summary email content into Header, Body, and Footer sections.
  • Send alerts on a monthly schedule.
  • Show only the most recently appended data for fields using “FieldNameCurrent”.

Bug Fixes:

• SharePoint-based images in email displayed as a red “x”.

New Known Issues:

• After upgrading to version 4.0, the “en-US” language may be selected in the Web Part settings even if German, Spanish, or French was previously selected.
• The Last Run Status for alerts may display an error message instead of the correct status.
• Uninstalling the optional Application Server Add-In component from a Web Front End (WFE) removes parts needed for the standard Web Part settings. Workaround: Re-install the required Alert Plus Web Part component to replace any missing components.
• In some cases, a username/ password login is required to see the SharePoint image in alerts when using Outlook WebMail.
• Picture is not shown for some users on Chrome/ Firefox when using Outlook WebMail.
• The Alert Plus settings pages in Central Admin show errors after installing. Workaround: Some files may not have been deployed properly in SharePoint. Run the command “Install-SPApplicationContent” in the SharePoint Management Shell while in admin mode to deploy the missing content.
• In some very rare cases, alert email content may include strike-through lines italics, or other unintended formatting.
• Customized CSS formats may not be applied correctly in alert content when using the Table Wizard feature in the rich text editor.

No New Limitations

HW05 Alert Plus for SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

New Features:

• Application Server support – Run backend List Rollup functions on an application server instead of on Web Front Ends.
• Use an alternate “From” address for alerts:

  • Define a default “From” address per Web App.
  • Optionally allow users to define a “From” address per alert.
  • Lookup users from any SharePoint List (not just Contact Lists).
  • Carbon Copy (CC) and Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) users on alerts.
  • Enable/Disable alerts from the alert dropdown menu.
  • Send alerts to Active Directory (AD) Groups.
  • Break summary email content into Header, Body, and Footer sections.
  • Send alerts on a monthly schedule.
  • Show only the most recently appended data for fields using “FieldNameCurrent”.

Bug Fixes:

• SharePoint-based images in email displayed as a red “x”.

New Known Issues:

• After migrating from Alert Plus 3.3 for SharePoint 2010 to Alert Plus 4.0 for SharePoint 2013, some users may not be able to add the Alert Plus Web Parts to pages. Workaround: Delete the Web Part files from the Web Part Gallery List, then go to Site Collection Features and deactivate/reactivate the “Bamboo Alert Plus Web Part” feature.
• After upgrading to version 4.0, the “en-US” language may be selected in the Web Part settings even if German, Spanish, or French was previously selected.
• The Last Run Status for alerts may display an error message instead of the correct status.
• Uninstalling the optional Application Server Add-In component from a Web Front End (WFE) removes parts needed for the standard Web Part settings. Workaround: Re-install the required Alert Plus Web Part component to replace any missing components.
• In some cases, a username/password login is required to see the SharePoint image in alerts when using Outlook WebMail.
• Picture is not shown for some users on Chrome/ Firefox when using Outlook WebMail.
• The Alert Plus settings pages in Central Admin show errors after installing. Workaround: Some files may not have been deployed properly in SharePoint. Run the command “Install-SPApplicationContent” in the SharePoint Management Shell while in admin mode to deploy the missing content.
• In some very rare cases, alert email content may include strike-through lines italics, or other unintended formatting.
• Customized CSS formats may not be applied correctly in alert content when using the Table Wizard feature in the rich text editor.

No New Limitations

HW24 List Rollup Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release (File version

New Features:

• Application Server support – Run backend List Rollup functions on an application server instead of on Web Front Ends.
• Change the look and feel of Web Parts:

  • Use the default theme.
  • Inherit the SharePoint site theme.
  • Apply Custom CSS.
  • Aggregate from a single site without including lists in sub-sites.
  • Filter results based on site names.
  • Export List Rollup data to PDF.
  • Export to Excel with hyperlinks.
  • Select “Me” from Criteria Builder when creating custom filters using the People and Groups columns.
  • Hide menu options on Schema Designer for “New Schema“, “Support” and “Migrate Old Data Views”.

Bug Fixes:

• Text alignment for currency in the grid view does not match what is displayed in the schema preview.
• When exporting to Excel, List Rollup Grid View uses the most recent filter created by any user on a page.

New Known Issues:

• In some rare cases, adding two Grid View Web Parts to a page and clicking “Show Settings” on the second Grid View may result in a JavaScript error message, followed by a possible page error. Workaround: If this happens, add “?contents=1” to the end of the URL, just after “.aspx”, then delete the second Web Part.
•  Additional fields added to a base Lookup Field cannot be used to sort or group results in the Grid View Web Part. Filtering is still possible for both the base Lookup Field and any additional fields appended to it.
• Uninstalling the optional Application Server Add-In component from a Web Front End (WFE) removes components needed for the standard Web Part installation. Workaround: Re-install the required List Rollup Web Part component to replace any missing components.
• The List Rollup Settings pages in Central Admin show errors after installing. Workaround: Some files are may not be deployed properly in SharePoint. Run the command “Install-SPApplicationContent” in the SharePoint Management Shell while in admin mode to deploy the missing content.
• Bamboo KPI columns (HW41J) do not display values when used in the Grid View Web Part.
• After creating a Bamboo Aggregation Service (BAS) Schema that includes the column “Edit (Linked to edit item)”, clicking on the “Preview Data” button results in the JavaScript “Syntax Error”.
• If a Rollup includes the column “Title (linked to item with edit menu)” or “Title (linked to item)”, editing the tool part settings for Schema Designer or Grid View Web Parts may result in the JavaScript error “CLVP is undefined”.
• Creating new schemas while using the Application Server mode may result in an error when clicking “Preview Data” in the List Rollup Schema Designer Web Part. Workaround: Reset IIS (only required once).

No New Limitations

HW24 List Rollup Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release version

New Features:

• Application Server support – Run backend List Rollup functions on an application server instead of on Web Front Ends.
• Change the look and feel of Web Parts:

  • Use the default theme.
  • Inherit the SharePoint site theme.
  • Apply Custom CSS.
  • Aggregate from a single site without including lists in sub-sites.
  • Filter results based on site names.
  • Export List Rollup data to PDF.
  • Export to Excel with hyperlinks.
  • Select “Me” from Criteria Builder when creating custom filters using the People and Groups columns.
  • Hide menu options on Schema Designer for “New Schema“, “Support” and “Migrate Old Data Views”.

Bug Fixes:

• When exporting to Excel, List Rollup Grid View uses the most recent filter created by any user on a page.

New Known Issues:

• When upgrading from the previous version, two entries for each List Rollup Web Part may be visible when trying to add a new Web Part to a page or when viewing the Web Part Gallery List. Workaround: Delete the List Rollup Web Part files (Bamboo.ListRollup.WebPart.DWP, Bamboo.LRGridViewWebPart.web part, Bamboo.LRGridViewWebPart.web part, Bamboo.LRSchemaDesignerWebPart.web part) from the Web Part Gallery List then go to Site Collection Features and deactivate/reactivate the Bamboo List Rollup Web Parts feature.
• In some rare cases, adding two Grid View Web Parts to a page and clicking “Show Settings” on the second Grid View may result in a JavaScript error message, followed by a possible page error. Workaround: If this happens, add “?contents=1” to the end of the URL, just after “.aspx”, then delete the second Web Part.
• Additional fields added to a base Lookup Field cannot be used to sort or group results in the Grid View Web Part. Filtering is still possible for both the base Lookup Field and any additional fields appended to it.
• Uninstalling the optional Application Server Add-In component from a Web Front End (WFE) removes components needed for the standard Web Part installation. Workaround: Re-install the required List Rollup Web Part component to replace any missing components.
• The List Rollup Grid View displays data incorrectly when grouping on Number, Percent, or Currency columns.
• The List Rollup Settings pages in Central Admin show errors after installing. Workaround: Some files are may not be deployed properly in SharePoint. Run the command “Install-SPApplicationContent” in the SharePoint Management Shell while in admin mode to deploy the missing content.
• A Bamboo Aggregation Service-based List Rollup Schema with a filter condition will not return data from a list where the total number of list items exceeds the SharePoint threshold, regardless of the discovery mode.
• When using the SharePoint 2010 look and feel in SharePoint 2013, a Rollup that includes the column “Title (linked to item with edit menu)” or “Title (linked to item)” may produce the JavaScript error “CLVP is undefined” when editing the tool part settings for Schema Designer or Grid View Web Parts.
• Creating new schemas while using the Application Server mode may result in an error when clicking “Preview Data” in the List Rollup Schema Designer Web Part. Workaround: Reset IIS once.
• Date Time columns may display incorrect values when the display format is set to “friendly” (ex. “Yesterday” is displayed instead of “Today”).

No New Limitations

HW11B List Search Advanced Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.9.55 (File version 10.9.55)

Bug Fixes:

•    Internal bug fixes to support HW24 List Rollup Web Part R7.0.

No new Known Issues and Limitations

HW11B List Search Advanced Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support HW24 List Rollup Web Part R7.0.

New Known Issues:

• Some text may overlap in Print Preview mode if Multiple Lines of Text columns contain larger font sizes.

No New Limitations

HW03 Tree View Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.0.162 (File version 20.0.162)

New Features:

• Ability to show or hide the Web Part toolbar.

Bug Fixes:

• The right pane rows are not highlighted on hover when using skins to style the web part.
• Context menus do not appear in the Documents tab tree view in Bamboo PM Central project sites after upgrading from version 4.3.59 to 4.3.77.
• The “New” document toolbar option returns an error if the management of content types option is enabled from the library settings.

New Known Issues:

• The Web Part displays an error when selecting grouped values containing less-than (<) or greater-than (>) symbols.
• Triggering the right-click context menu causes a temporary and slight shift to the grid elements.
• The Web Part displays a JavaScript error when dragging and dropping folders to the left pane in PM Central project sites.
• Drag and drop functions may not be available if Tree View Web Part is deployed on the same page as Bamboo Data-Viewer Web Part (HW37).

No New Limitations

HW34 Team Calendar Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.7.32 (File version 10.7.32)

Bug Fixes:

• Connecting to Exchange using a child domain account returns an HTTP 401 error.

No new Known Issues or Limitations.