This Week in Bamboo (October 25th, 2015 – October 31st, 2015)

The minor release of Calendar Plus Web Part Release 4.7 for SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 was released to the Bamboo storefront this week along with the patch release of Project Management Central Release 4.3 also for both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.  More details can be found below.

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.7.40 (File version 40.7.40)

New Features:

• Overlay and display events from an Exchange calendar onto Calendar Plus views.

Resolved Issues:

• The Web Part displays an Access Denied error if a user does not have permission to view a list connected to that calendar.
• Selecting ‘Go to Date’ or ‘New Item’ from the Gantt View toolbar may cause the scrollbar to appear.
• The Web Part displays an error if the same column is selected for both the Start Date and End Date fields when connected to a BDC or Mashpoint data source.
• Updated Web Licensing Manager (Version and internal bug fixes.

New Known Issues:

• After upgrading Calendar Plus from R4.5 to R4.7, color coding for column values containing special characters is not displayed (Workaround: Open the Web Part Setting, and click Save).

New Limitations:

• Adding or editing a numeric Lookup column value from a List Rollup data source does not generate the color-coding for that calendar event (Workaround: Open the Web Part Setting, and click Save).

HW20 Calendar Plus Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

New Features:

• Overlay and display events from an Exchange calendar onto Calendar Plus views.

Resolved Issues:

• The Web Part displays an error if the same column is selected for both the Start Date and End Date fields when connected to a BDC or Mashpoint data source.

Known Issues:

• After upgrading Calendar Plus from R4.6 to R4.7, the web part displays a “File Not Found” error (Workaround: Install the Microsoft Exchange Web Service Managed API from the Calendar Plus Setup Wizard).
• New items cannot be added directly from the web part in environments using a 2010 Look and Feel.
• After upgrading Calendar Plus from R4.5 to R4.7, color coding for column values containing special characters is not displayed (Workaround: Open the Web Part Setting, and click Save).


•    Adding or editing a numeric Lookup column value from a List Rollup data source does not generate the color-coding for that calendar event (Workaround: Open the Web Part Setting, and click Save).

SA12 PM Central for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.3.79 (File version 40.3.79)

Includes updated versions of the following components:

• Tree View Web Part R2.0.162 (file version 20.0.162)
• Alert Plus Web Part R4.0.84 (file version 40.0.84)
• List Search Simple Web Part R2.5.61 (file version 20.5.61)
• List Search Advanced Web Part R1.9.55 (file version 10.9.55)
• Calendar Plus Web Part R4.7.40 (file version 40.7.40)
• List Rollup Web Part R7.0.130 (file version 70.0.130)
• Data-Viewer Web Part R3.7.53 (file version 30.7.53)
• Navigators Web Part R2.0.45(file version 20.0.45)

Bug Fixes:

• Update the Reporting to be compatible with SA12A Time Tracking & Management R2.5
• Internal bugfixes and update Web Licensing Manager new version

No new Limitations and Known Issues.

SA12 PM Central for SharePoint 2013 Release (File version

Includes updated versions of the following components:

• Alert Plus Web Part R4.0.71.2013 (file version
• List Search Simple Web Part R2.5.61.2013 (file version
• List Search Advanced Web Part R1.9.80.2013 (file version
• Calendar Plus Web Part R4.7.74.2013 (file version
• List Rollup Web Part R7.0.107.2013 (file version R7.0.107.2013)
• Data-Viewer Web Part R3.7.53.2013 (file version
• Navigators Web Part R2.0.45.2013 (file version

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bugfixes and update Web Licensing Manager new version

No new Limitations and Known Issues.