This Week in Bamboo (November 30th, 2014 – December 6th, 2014)

It was a very busy week for the Bamboo team this week. For this week, we released to our storefront more major releases with many new great features for the following products: Task Master Release 4.0, Project Management Central Release 4.3, Discussion Board Plus Release 2.0, and Community Central Release 1.5. At the same time, patches for Rating Column, Mini-Calendar Web Part, Data-Viewer Web Part, Chart Plus Web Part, Site Creation Plus, and List Rollup Web Part were also released. Please see below for a complete list of bug fixes, great new features, limitations, and known issues about the new releases of this week.

HW45 Task Master for SharePoint 2013 Release R4.0.27.2013

New Features:

• Support for multi-task copy and paste from Excel or MS Project.
• Ability to drag and drop tasks to rearrange the project schedule
• Ability to in-dent/out-dent a task in the Web Part
• Support display of decimal values for the Assignment Unit/ % Complete fields
• Quick Edit option available from the Task Master toolbar
• Web Part can be configured to Inherit the Site Theme
• Change the Work and Duration columns to default to hours.
• Allow resources to be assigned/re-assigned inline.
• Supports task assignee modes (Single assignee and Multiple assignees).
• Option to use with HW79 Send Message Web Part (packaged with Task Master) to send messages to task assignees.

Include HW79 Send Message version R1.0.28.2013 (file version Separate feature activation and web part configuration are required.

Resolved Customer-Reported Bugs and Known Issues/Limitations:

• Internal bug fixes to support Project Management Central R4.3

Known Issues:

• When you click the Constraint Type or Constraint Date columns the dropdown list is shown at the wrong position when accessing the page using a Firefox browser
• Cannot upgrade an SP Task list using single assignee mode from Task Master controls. Workaround: change the Assigned To column from a multiple assignee column to a single assignee before Upgrading the tasks list in Task Master.
• JavaScript errors are displayed when recalculating the task and scrolling the mouse.
• When adding the Web-Part to the Web-Part page, the configuration in Tool-Part is not saved the first time of modifying Tool-Part.
• Some data on Web Part is not clear on the Black/Green Theme.
• Start Date and Due Date will not be displayed correctly in some situations when a Parent task has a predecessor.  See details below.
• If changing the Assignment Unit of a user to zero, Work Per resource still does not update to zero.
• When right-clicking on the Assignment Unit column, a Window pop-up is displayed.
• If the parent task has a predecessor and the parent task is a milestone, the Start Date of the parent task and the child task change based on the predecessor’s Due Date. For example, the working hours are set from 8:00 – 5:00 PM and the Start Date for the parent task and child task is 09/18/2013 8:00 AM. If the predecessor’s Due Date is 09/18/2013 5:00 PM, the Start Date and Due Date for the parent and child task are now changed to 09/19/2013 at 8:00 AM.
• Cannot see items in the Web Part interface when changing the theme to black/green (e.g. Lime, City, Orbit, Immerse, Red, Purple, Wood site themes).
• In the interface, when right-clicking on the Assignment Units users will see the options for the browser instead of showing the Assignment Units dialog box. The workaround is for a user to click on the cell of the Assignment Units column and then click on the cell again in the interface to see the Assignment Units dialog.
• The pop-up form for the Assigned To and Assignment Units moves outside of the display when scrolling the browser window using the scroll bar.
• Show JavaScript error when editing resources in inline editing. After changing the Assignment Units (such as from 100 to 90), users are required to click Enter before clicking OK.
• In the inline editing, if the pop-up form for the Assigned To and Assignment Units is displayed past the right of the Task Master display then the percent value for the Assignment Units column cannot be filled.
• The Web Part sometimes displays the SharePoint error message “An unexpected error has occurred.” Refresh the page using Control + F5 to clear it.
• If the summary task has a predecessor, the start date of a child task will not change based on the due date of the parent task predecessor if the child task has a constraint.
• If a selected summary task is collapsed when you click Show Items, child tasks are not displayed in the filtered view.
• When a task spans multiple days and includes time outside working hours, the task duration bar in the Gantt chart is longer than a task with the same duration that does not include time outside working hours.


• Work Per Resource doesn’t recalculate when editing the inline Assignment Unit column as remove a user and add this user again. Note: Users may click Recalculate after removing Assignee for updating and then do other jobs later.
• When going to Go To Date and then clicking Calendar, the JavaScript error appears. This is a Share Point issue.
• Search function does not support data search containing special characters.
• “Show week number in Gantt view” check box enable, the exclude line in Gantt view is not displayed.
• The column order of the Bamboo Project Tasklist does not change like in the SP2010 version.
• Start Date is moved to a workday when Start Date is set to fall on a holiday or weekend.
• Datasheet only marks one user when a task is assigned to two users. Workaround: when inputting username/data to Assign to a column, a user may input data/ username in order Alpha B.
• Don’t show the value of the Assignment Unit when clicking on the View item.
• For a new task item, if the Start Date falls on a holiday day or weekend, Task Master will move the Start Date to a working day but does not readjust the Due Date or Duration.
• Task Master shows incorrect Predecessor Tasks when tasks are imported using Microsoft Add-in import where the title contains special characters such as | / *.
• If Task Master is configured to exclude certain days, such as weekends, and the task Start Date and Due Date fall on an excluded date, Task Master will compute that task as a milestone.
• To use the same color for all milestone tasks, you must first select a Choice column and then select the same color for all choices.
• Users cannot add the Web Part into a rich content zone on team sites.
• If you make several view changes quickly and then edit a task using the Edit Item form, Task Master may not accurately set the focus back to the item you were editing when you save it and return to the Task Master Web Part.
• Drag-and-drop functionality in the Gantt chart is limited to dragging a task item to change its schedule and duration.

SA12 Project Management Central for SharePoint 2013 Release R4.3.24.2013

Includes new components:

• Includes HW79 Send Message Web Part R1.0.28.2013 (file version

New features in SA12:

• New alert available in Alert Plus to notify users when reports have been generated and timestamp on the Report web parts showing the last update.
• New Resource Report selector.
• Added an option in the Portfolio Control Panel that allows an administrator to have the Auto Update checkbox associated with the Project Health list checked default.
• New project templates with Bamboo Discussion Board Plus (requires separate purchase).
• Rollup of Lessons Learned on the Portfolio site.
• Portfolio Summary chart that shows the number of Projects status.
• Updated layout for improved user experience.
• Ability to import project plans from Excel with Task Master 4.0.
• Ability to send email messages to task assignees directly from Task Master 4.0 (additional feature activation and web part configuration required)

Includes updated versions of the following components:

• Tree View Web Part R1.7.24.2013 (File version
• Alert Plus Web Part R3.2.124.2013 (File version
• List Search Simple Web Part R2.2.45.2013(File version
• List Search Advanced Web Part R1.9.77.2013 (File version
• Group Email Web Part R1.7.47.2013 (File version
• Calendar Plus Web Part R4.5.189.2013(File version
• List Rollup Web Part R6.0.113.2013 (File version
• Chart Plus Web Part R3.5.167.2013 (File version
• Site Creation Plus R1.4.82.2013 (File version
• Data-Viewer Web Part R3.6.110.2013 (File version
• KPI Column R1.3.80.2013 (File version
• Visual Indicator Column R1.3.82.2013 (File version
• Task Master R4.0.27.2013(File version
• List Print R1.4.40.2013 (File version
• Navigators R1.5.75.2013 (File version
• Project Portfolio Dashboard R1.8.82.2013 (File version

New features in components:

• See Task Master R4.0 Release Notes for more information.
• See Discussion Board Plus R2.0 Release Notes for more information.

Resolved Customer-Reported Bugs and Limitations/ Known Issues:

• The My Tasks web part under the My Summary tab shows the message “My Tasks Can’t get Tasks counts: the query cannot be completed because the number of lists in the query exceeded the allowable limit”.
• Resourceallocation.aspx page hangs when trying to edit with IE8.
• Cannot update task when the Assigned To column is hidden through PMC Control Panel.  The option to hide the Assigned To column is no longer available in the Show/Hide Columns tool.
• When the search data of the department field in the User Profile Utility is two words, the search result returns no result.
• Reporting pages – The query cannot be completed because the number of lists in the query exceeded the allowable limit.
• The Create New Project button will be visible to users who are granted Full Control or the ManageSubWeb permission.
• Cannot change the order of display of the department sites in the Department site web part in the portfolio site.

Known Issues:

• Master Page of PM Central is lost when deploying a workflow using the deploy button.
• When upgrading PM Central, you must restart the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service before upgrading PM Central sites in Central Administration.
• When customizing any site page in SharePoint Designer, you must check out the page first. When you are finished editing in SharePoint Designer, save the page and check it back in.
• When using Workflow Conductor with PM Central, the user cannot deploy workflow using the “Deploy” button. This issue occurs with Windows 2012 Standard or Data Center and Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013.
• Resource Assignments (Gantt chart and Performance) – If there are a lot of resource assignments and projects and therefore a large volume of data to update, information will not be updated immediately even after clicking Run Now with the Bamboo Gantt Chart Timer Job. See the troubleshooting section for the Resource Assignment not showing data online documentation for more information.
• Resource Availability report – If the user selects to view the Resource Availability with a date range span across 2 years such as 12/1/2012 to 1/15/2013, the capacity for the first year will display as 0 instead of 8 hours for 1 day or 160 hours for 1 month.
• When PM Central tasks are merged with Microsoft Project tasks using Microsoft Project Add-In and with Microsoft Add-In is set using the Auto Schedule option, if the tasks in SharePoint have a Start Date different than the Start Date of the project and tasks in Microsoft Project after the merge, the tasks will show up with the wrong Start Date and may result in breaking the parent-child relationship.
• If you merge tasks between PM Central and Microsoft Project using the Microsoft Project Add-in, and the tasks have the same name with different Work Breakdown Structure, after the merge the tasks will show the wrong parent-child relationship and the wrong work breakdown structure.
• When using the Request New PMC Project Site workflow, the title is missing in the breadcrumb in the form for Start Workflow.
• If you export tasks to Microsoft Project using the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in and then move a task in Microsoft Project, the task will be incorrectly be displayed as a child task if you export the PM Central Tasks list again using the “Merge” option.
• When exporting the Resource Task Timeline report to Excel, the Gantt bar does not show an accurate time span.
• In User Profiles Import search results, the contents of the About Me field include HTML markup.
• The User Profiles Import utility displays a maximum of 1000 results.
• If you change an existing selection for the Project Department or Project fields in a report, the Resource field does not update with the choices that match the new Project Department and Project combination.
• When Microsoft Project synchronizes task updates to a connected PM Central Tasks list, “Constraint Date” values of “NA” in Microsoft Project—which indicates a constraint type of “As Soon as Possible”—may be set to today’s date when synchronized to the PM Central Tasks list. This does not impact the project schedule.
• When browsing a PM Central site in HTTPS, chart images exported from the Reporting Web Part to Microsoft Excel are displayed as a red “X” in the Excel workbook.
• If a project site has unique permissions and its users do not have access to the portfolio site, data from the Enterprise Resource Pool in the portfolio site is still visible in the Resource drop-down column of the Contacts list.
• After upgrading PM Central, the Project Portfolio Dashboard does not display data on the portfolio site’s Schedules tab or in the Portfolio Dashboard List after clicking Refresh for the first time. To resolve this issue, restart the SharePoint 2010 Timer service. See KB.12641 for more information.


• Older versions of the Bamboo MS Project Add-In must be manually removed before installing the current version.
• If you import or export tasks to and from Microsoft Project using the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-In, it skips the accounts that contain characters such as “[” and “]”.
• Bamboo MS Project Add-In – New/Merge/Append to Microsoft Project – If the Cost and Actual Cost fields for the tasks and parent tasks are populated using Cost (Enter) and Actual Cost (Enter), when exporting to Microsoft Project for new/merge/append, the Cost and Actual fields in the Microsoft Project will not match what is in PM Central’s SharePoint tasks list.
• When tasks are exported to Microsoft Project using the “Merge” option with the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-In, child tasks may be merged to the wrong summary task if multiple summary tasks have the same name.
• When importing tasks from Microsoft Project to a SharePoint Tasks list using the Bamboo Microsoft Project Add-in, the Constraint Date field cannot be updated if the Constraint Date in Microsoft Project is equal to “NA”.
• When exporting to MS Project with the Bamboo MS Project Add-In the working hours in MS Project must match the working hours defined in TaskMaster otherwise there will be differences in duration.   This is working as designed.
• The User Profile Import Utility can only map User Profile properties with a privacy setting of “Everyone”.
• If data displayed using the Data-Viewer Web Part is grouped and a group of data spans multiple pages, all data for the same group may not be displayed continuously on the next page. For example, page 2 may start with a different data group instead of continuing the list of items from page 1.
• After exporting a PM Central Tasks list using the “Connect to Microsoft Project” feature, new tasks created in Microsoft Project with a blank Start Date and Due Date will be incorrectly updated when the task is synchronized to PM Central with the “Synchronize” feature. The Start Date will be set to the Project Start Date from Microsoft Project, and the Due Date will be the next day.
• When Microsoft Project synchronizes task updates to a connected PM Central Tasks lists, the “Assigned To” field value is not copied if it was updated in Microsoft Project to a resource name that does not exist in Active Directory.
• If a Calculated column type is displayed in SharePoint Task Master, the calculated value is not updated when the user clicks Recalculate. To view the updated values for calculated columns, refresh the browser using Control + F5.
• When users create a new Web Part Page in the portfolio site and try to make this page the default page by updating the URL in /_Layouts/AreaWelcomePage.aspx, they will receive the following error: “The site is not valid. The ‘Pages’ document library is missing.” This is a SharePoint limitation.
• Users logged into the portfolio site with a site collection administrator account will not see rolled-up data in the following tabs: My Summary, Resources, Schedules, Issues, and Reporting. This is a SharePoint limitation. To change the limits, go to Central Administration > Manage Web Applications. Select the desired site collection, and then select General Settings > Resource Throttling from the ribbon to change the values.
• In the “Tasks” tab of the project site under Tracking View, the headers for “Cost”, “Actual Cost” and “% Complete” are not aligned to the left like in other fields

Known Issues for In-Place Upgrade:

• None

Limitations for In-Place Upgrade:

• Any customizations made to the sites (master pages, CSS, logos, etc.) will not be retained after running the in-place upgrade to SharePoint 2013.
• The upgrade must be run on a new SharePoint 2013 server with content that was upgraded from a SharePoint 2010 server using the database attach and upgrade method.
• Upgrading PM Central on a server that was upgraded from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 (Foundation or Server) on the same hardware will not work.

SA75 Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint 2013 Release R2.0.57.2013

New Features:

• Updated licensing to remove the limitation on the number of forums allowed per site collection.
• Ability to move a topic to another Discussion Board Plus list, with an email alert sent to the topic’s participants when moved.
• Option to mark single or multiple posts as verified answers.
• Option to like/unlike a topic or reply with a display of the number and names of users that have liked a post.
• Ability to create private topics, private replies, and share topics with specific users.
• Ability to place tags on a topic to be used for filtering and search purposes.
• Pagination function that allows navigation via page number buttons.
• Ability to navigate to the next topic or previous topic once a topic has been selected.
• Option to reply with quoted content.
• Ability to sort and filter dynamically from the Forum View interface.
• Supports migration from Discussion Board Plus R2.0 for SharePoint 2010 to Discussion Board Plus R2.0 for SharePoint 2013.

This release includes the updated version of the following products:

• List Search Simple Web Part R2.2.45.2013
• Rating Column R1.1.63.2013

Bug Fixes:

• Adding Discussion Board Plus to a custom master page causes a Parser Error message.

New Known Issues:

• After migrating Discussion Board Plus from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, adding new Discussion Board Plus lists and then running the Upgrade Console will automatically remove the new discussion lists (Workaround: Add new Discussion Board Plus lists after running the upgrading console).
• Column filters may not display the full results when combined with pagination.
• Filtering topics and then marking them as Locked or Sticky does not change the topic icon until the page is refreshed.
• Searching within the Management view causes a JavaScript error.

New Limitation:

• After migrating Discussion Board Plus from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, the posts do not display the “In response to User’s post” and “In private response to User’s post” content.
• Moving a Discussion Board topic removes the “In response to User’s post” content.
• Uploading a new Site or List Template may display the incorrect user information for the Verified By and Suggest By fields.
• Event Receivers fail to run after migrating Discussion Board Plus from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 (Workaround: Deactivate and then re-activate Discussion Board Plus features after installing Discussion Board Plus).
• After migrating Discussion Board Plus from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, Flat view is added to the Pivot Control of Forum view.
• The incorrect number of likes is displayed when toggling the like/ unlike button multiple times simultaneously.
• Items Limits in the List Settings can only be modified for the Management View and all other views default to SharePoint’s standard 30 items per page limit.

SA15 Community Central for SharePoint 2013 Release R1.5.76.2013

New Features:

• Updated licensing to remove the limitation on the number of forums allowed per site collection.
• Ability to move a topic to another Discussion Board Plus list, with an email alert sent to the topic’s participants when moved.
• Option to mark single or multiple posts as verified answers.
• Option to like/unlike a topic or reply with a display of the number and names of users that have liked a post.
• Ability to create private topics, private replies, and share topics with specific users.
• Ability to place tags on a topic to be used for filtering and search purposes.
• Pagination function that allows navigation via page number buttons.
• Ability to navigate to the next topic or previous topic once a topic has been selected.
• Option to reply with quoted content.
• Ability to sort and filter dynamically from the Forum View interface.
• Supports migration from Community Central R1.5 for SharePoint 2010 to Community Central R1.5 for SharePoint 2013.

This release includes the updated version of the following products:

• List Rotator Web Part Version R2.5.101.2013
• List Rollup Web Part Version R6.0.113.2013
• Site Creation Plus Version R1.4.78.2013
• Rating Column Version R1.1.63.2013
• Navigators Version R1.5.75.2013
• Cross-Site Display Web Part Version R1.2.44.2013
• Discussion Board Plus Version R2.0.57.2013

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes.

New Known Issues:

• After migrating Community Central from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, Private Topics and Private Replies are calculated into the total thread and forum count statistics.
• Moving a topic does not update the user activity points in the new Forum site.
• When accessing a Blog Site deployed using German Language site templates, clicking a blog link from the Top Rated or Most Viewed web part causes a “webpage cannot be found” error.

New Limitations:

• Hover over tooltips to display HTML characters (&amp) if the forum list name contains special characters.

HW41I Rating Column for SharePoint 2007 Release 1.1.28

Bug Fixes:

• “Unknown Error” is displayed after editing a page layout, checking in the changes, and attempting to approve or reject those changes after having activated the Ratings Column feature.
• “Unknown Error” is displayed when attempting to add a new link to a site’s Top Link Bar navigation after activating the Ratings Column feature.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW22 Mini-Calendar Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.8.91

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support Time Tracking and Management R2.0.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 3.6.84

Bug Fixes:

• When paging is enabled in the Data Viewer web part, items on some pages are not linked to the correct source list.
• Filtering a single managed metadata column using the ”Contains” operator results in an error when the Web Part’s data source is List Rollup Schema.

New Known Issues:

• None

New Limitations:

• When using List Rollup as the data source, filtering Managed Metadata is only supported for the “Contains’ operator with a single metadata type column.

HW37 Data-Viewer Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support Project Management Central R4.3

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW27 Chart Plus Web Part for SharePoint 20103 Release

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support Project Management Central R4.3.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW28 Site Creation Plus for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

• Internal bug fixes to support Project Management Central R4.3 and Community Central R1.5.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW24 List Rollup Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release 6.0.113. 2013

Bug Fixes:

• When exporting to Excel, List Rollup Grid View uses the most recent filter created by any user on a page.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations