This Week in Bamboo (May 19th, 2013 – May 25th, 2013)

This week in Bamboo, Task Master for SharePoint 2013 was released to the storefront along with Rating Column and Custom Identifier Column.  For more details about the new releases, please see below.

HW45 Task Master for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:

• In the interface, then right-click on the Assignment Units users will see the options for the browser instead of showing the Assignment Units dialog box. The workaround is for the user to click on the cell of the Assignment Units column and then click on the cell again in the interface to see the Assignment Units dialog.
• When a milestone is changed to a task with the mode using Start Date and Duration with the condition “Increase or decrease duration so the task ends sooner or later but requires the same total work”, if additional resources are added in the Edit Form then the total work is changed. The issue does not occur when using inline editing.
• When a new site collection is created and in the Web Part Settings, a Tasks list is selected instead of the default Bamboo Project Task list. When clicking “Upgrade Task List”, the error “List ‘Tasks’ do not exist on-site”. The needed fields are still being added to the list and the Web Part still works.
• The pop-up form for the Assigned To and Assignment Units moves outside of the display when scrolling the browser window using the scroll bar.
• Show JavaScript error when editing resource in inline editing. After changing the Assignment Units (such as from 100 to 90), users are required to click Enter before clicking OK.
• In the inline editing, if the pop-up form for the Assigned To and Assignment Units is displayed past the right of the Task Master display then the percent value for the Assignment Units column cannot be filled.
• The Web Part sometimes displays the SharePoint error message “An unexpected error has occurred.” Refresh the page using Control + F5 to clear it.
• If the summary task has a predecessor, the start date of a child task will not change based on the due date of the parent task predecessor if the child task has a constraint.
• Gantt bars are not displayed in the Print Preview. The Gantt bars print correctly.
• When Task Master is configured to automatically save changes made to the task list, the Gantt chart may display the wrong % Complete for a task the first time you click Recalculate. Click Recalculate again to see the correct value.
• If a selected summary task is collapsed when you click Show Items, child tasks are not displayed in the filtered view.
• When a task spans multiple days and includes time outside working hours, the task duration bar in the Gantt chart is longer than a task with the same duration that does not include time outside working hours.


• Assignment Units value is not shown when clicking on the view item.
• Task cannot save and show an error message when assigned to 11 users.
• Task Master shows incorrect Predecessor Tasks when tasks are imported using Microsoft Add-in import where the title contains special characters such as | / *.
• If Task Master is configured to exclude certain days, such as weekends, and the task Start Date and Due Date fall on an excluded date, Task Master will compute that task as a milestone.
• To use the same color for all milestone tasks, you must first select a Choice column and then select the same color for all choices.
• Users cannot add the Web Part into a rich content zone on team sites.
• When printing data from Task Master, the printed version does not use the same colors as the Web Part.
• When the data set in the task list spans several years, the Print option will not display all items in the Gantt view. Limit the dates displayed in the Gantt chart using the Gantt View Display Settings in the tool pane, or zoom out until all items in the Gantt chart can be viewed without scroll bars before printing.
• If you make several view changes quickly and then edit a task using the Edit Item form, Task Master may not accurately set the focus back to the item you were editing when you save it and return to the Task Master Web Part.
• When using the Print feature, clicking Cancel in the Print Settings dialog box also cancels the Print Preview.
• Drag-and-drop functionality in the Gantt chart is limited to dragging a task item to change its schedule and duration.

HW41I Rating Column for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.

Known Issues:



• When versioning and content approval is enabled on a list, the Rating Column is not supported. Enabling versioning and content approval will cause the Rating Column to store data with the draft item, and users who do not have access to the draft will not see their rating. Other issues may also occur.
• Bamboo Rating control does not support Recurring Events in lists of type Calendar.
• Bamboo Rating control does not display correctly in list or library views when list views are grouped.
• Ratings are not updated immediately in the list or library views after a user rate in the item Display form and then closes the form.
• The Bamboo Rating control displays incorrectly when switching between Datasheet view and Standard view.
• Bamboo Custom Columns are currently not supported on Project Server.

HW41H Custom Identifier Column for SharePoint 2013 Release

Initial Release on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.

This build runs on SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. This release contains the same functionality as the equivalent version number of the SharePoint 2010 build of this product.

See the Known Issues and Limitations section for the latest known issues and limitations related to this release. For information about using this product, read the Online Documentation.


• The custom identifier value is not populated if a file is added using New Document through Document Libraries.
• The Custom Identifier Column cannot be modified within the Document Information Panel in Microsoft Office files.
• If a Document Library includes a column of type Custom Identifier Column, upon uploading a file, the file is left in Checkout mode and the user must manually check the file in.
• In the Data Sheet mode, values in the Bamboo Custom Identifier column are read-only and cannot be updated in this mode.

Know Issues:

• Data from the Bamboo Custom Identifier Column does not automatically populate in SharePoint workflows.
• When including column values in the format of the identifier, only these column types are supported: Single text, Choice (drop-down and radio), Multi text (multi-line, but not rich text), Number, Currency, Date time, and Lookup (not Multi-value Lookup)
• All Bamboo Custom Columns are currently not supported in Project Server.