This Week in Bamboo (March 15th, 2015 – March 21st, 2015)

At Bamboo this week, Time Tracking & Management R2.0 for SharePoint 2013 was released to the storefront with many new features and enhancements along with patches release of Project Management Central, Time Tracking & Management for SharePoint 2010, and List Rollup Web Part, Mini Calendar Web Part for SharePoint 2013.  Please check our storefront for the latest releases and see the list below for more details.

SA12A Time Tracking & Management for SharePoint 2013 Release R2.0.35.2013

New Features:

Timesheet Entry Web Part:

  • Columns providing task tracking information; Title, Start Date, Due Date, etc. are now frozen when users scroll to the right to enter time.
  • Ability to display the Work and Work Variance task tracking columns in the Web Part
  • Ability to change the display order of the task tracking columns in the Web Parts configuration tool pane.
  • Option available to change the default width of the displayed task tracking columns.
  • Gridlines added to cells in the Timesheet Entry Web Part.
  • Option to change the skin associated with the Web Part.
  • Ability to customize the Timesheet Entry Web Part using CSS.
  • Option to enter a user’s Resource ID in the Timesheet Resources list as a text field and to display this value in the Timesheet Web Part header.
  • The ability for users to add comments per task in the Timesheet Entry Web Part.
  • Only tasks with time entries are required to have a Cost Code when Cost Code validation is enabled.
  • Members of the new SharePoint group (created TTM), Auto Approved Timesheets, will have their timesheets automatically approved on submission.
  • User is able to save a timesheet if their timesheet manager does not have permission to access the site.

Timesheet Reminder web part:

  • The timesheet reminder page increments when timesheets are Saved and/or Rejected.

Pending My Approval Web Part:

  • Provide Timesheet managers with the ability to view any comments associated with tasks.
  • Ability to change the default number of items shown per page in the Web Parts configuration tool pane.
  • Members of the new SharePoint group (created TTM), Bulk Approvers, can approve multiple timesheets displayed on the same page in a single approve action.
  • Timesheet items are grouped Project Name in descending alphabetical order.
  • User timesheets are grouped Timesheet period in descending order, then Resource Name in alphabetical order in the Web Part display.
  • The Total Actual Work for the period is calculated and displayed with each timesheet.
  • Timesheet Managers can edit a submitted timesheet before approving.  A record of the changes made will be maintained in the new Audit log.
  • Grid lines are displayed for each cell.

My Approved Timesheet:

  • The audit icon in Web Part notifies the user of changes made to the submitted timesheet.
  • The audit log pop-up displays details about what was changed, when, and whom.
  • Timesheets are displayed in date descending order.

Approved By Me Web Part:

  • The audit icon in Web Part notifies users of changes made to the timesheet.
  • The audit log pop-up displays details about what was changed, when, and whom.

My Submitted Timesheets:

  • Timesheets are displayed in date descending order.


  • Expanded checklists for Time Tracking and Cost Tracking configuration.
  • Return links to the checklists provided from the quick launch for users with Design or Full Control permissions.
  • Ability to configure Work Hour Settings to have TTM validate the minimum number of working hours associated with a submitted timesheet.
  • Option to change the currency associated with labor rates in the Cost Tracking list.
  • Members of the new SharePoint group (created TTM), Report Administrators have full control of the site, with access to the TTM Control Panel and the Report Center.
  • Change to Control Panel options available when logged in with Design permissions.  Designers are still able to access the TTM Control Panel and configure TTM but are not able to export timesheets.
  • Security trimming was applied to the Timesheets list.
  • Mini Calendar added to the left navigation pane to provide quick access to the timesheet associated with the selected date.
  • Alert Plus Timer Job included in the TTM Core Components package.

Includes the updated version of the following products:

Bug Fixes:

  • Starting in Time Tracking & Management R2.0 if a change is made to the time zone in regional settings it will not impact access to timesheets.

Known Issues:

  • Filtering in reports does not work after the initial filter is applied in IE 11.


  • The Resource ID cannot get value if Timesheet User is a SharePoint group or AD group.
  • User Interface – If the header column width is narrowed down, the text of the grid footer will be cut off. This is the limitation of the Telerik rad grid control.
  • Grouping is case-insensitive in Report Center reports. For example, in a report that groups timesheet data projects, data from two different projects with the names “Project A” and “project a” will be grouped together.
  • When adding views to the Report Views field for an item in the Report Configuration list, view names are case-sensitive. For example, “Approved Timesheets” and “approved timesheets” are not the same. The text must match the view name configured in the Timesheet list exactly.

SA12A Time Tracking and Management for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.0.80

New Features:

  • Timesheet Entry Web Part: the user is able to save the timesheet if their timesheet manager does not have permission to access the site.
  • Timesheet Reminder web part: the timesheet reminder page increments when timesheets are Saved and/or Rejected.
  • Inclusion of Audit icon in the Approved By Me display.

Includes the updated version of the following products:

Bug Fixes:

  • Starting in Time Tracking & Management R2.0.80 if a change is made to the time zone in regional settings it will not impact access to timesheets.  If a change is made to the time zone in regional settings it will not impact access to timesheets.
  • The project name prefix was removed from the group headings in the Timesheet entry web part.

New Known Issues:

  • Filtering in reports does not work after the initial filter is applied in IE11.

New Limitations:

  • None

SA12 Project Management Central for SharePoint 2010 Release 4.3.77

Includes the updated versions of the following components:

Bug Fixes:

  • Milestones in the Gantt view overlapped in IE11.
  • Error when connecting to PMC Tasks list when using MS Project – German.
  • Design permissions are not sufficient to run the updates in the Recalculate and Update Tasks, Project Cost & Project Schedule.
  • Invalid date/time value when using MS Project – German to import tasks.
  • The My Tasks web part under the My Summary tab displayed the message “My Tasks Can’t get Tasks counts: the query cannot be completed because the number of lists in the query exceeded the allowable limit”
  • When paging is enabled on the Data Viewer web part, all projects on a page link to the corresponding project on another page.
  • Cannot update task when the Assigned To column is hidden through PMC Control Panel.  The option to hide the Assigned To column is no longer available in the Show/Hide Columns tool.
  • “Reset all” option under Hide Columns in the Project Site control panel does not work.
  • The scheduled Baseline View does not work correctly.
  • The Bamboo Role column shows an error when you click on the Resource when using Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.
  • Users without the appropriate permissions can remove users from SP Group.
  • Workflow Conductor R4.0 cannot run on a Project Management Central R4.3 site.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW24 List Rollup Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

  • Text alignment for currency in the grid view does not match what is displayed in the schema preview.
  • Internal bug fixes to support SA12A Time Tracking and Management R2.0

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW22 Mini-Calendar Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Release

Bug Fixes:

  • Internal bug fixes to support SA12A Time Tracking & Management R2.0.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations