This Week in Bamboo (December 7th, 2014 – December 13th, 2014)

At Bamboo this week, Time Tracking and Management Release 2.0 for SharePoint 2010 was released to the storefront along with patches of List Search Simple Web Part, World Clock and Weather Web Part, List Bulk Import, and List Search Simple & Advanced Pack. More details about the new releases can be found below.

SA12A Time Tracking and Management for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.0.70

News Features:

Timesheet Entry Web Part:

• Columns providing task tracking information; Title, Start Date, Due Date, etc. are frozen when users scroll to the right to enter time.
• Ability to display the Work and Work Variance task tracking columns in the Web Part.
• Ability to change the display order of the task tracking columns in the Web Parts configuration tool pane.
• Option available to change the default width of the displayed task tracking columns.
• Gridlines added to cells in the Timesheet Entry Web Part.
• Option to change the skin associated with the Web Part.
• Ability to customize the Timesheet Entry Web Part using CSS.
• Option to enter a user’s Resource ID in the Timesheet Resources list as a text field and to display this value in the Timesheet Web Part header.
• Ability for users to add comments per task in the Timesheet Entry Web Part.
• Only tasks with time entries are required to have a Cost Code when Cost Code validation is enabled.
• Members of the new SharePoint group (created TTM), Auto Approved Timesheets, will have their timesheets automatically approved on submission. 

Pending My Approval Web Part:

• Provide Timesheet managers with the ability to view any comments associated with tasks.
• Ability to change the default number of items shown per page in the Web Parts configuration tool pane.
• Members of the new SharePoint group (created TTM), Bulk Approvers, can approve multiple timesheets displayed on the same page in a single approve action.
• Timesheet items are grouped Project Name in descending alphabetical order.
• User timesheets are grouped Timesheet period in descending order, then Resource Name in alphabetical order in the Web Part display.
• The Total Actual Work for a period is calculated and displayed with each timesheet.
• Timesheet Managers can edit a submitted timesheet before approving.  A record of the changes made will be maintained in the new Audit log.
• Grid lines are displayed for each cell.

My Approved Timesheet:

• Audit icon in Web Part notifies the user of changes made to a submitted timesheet.
• Audit log pop-up displays details about what was changed, when, and whom.
• Timesheets are displayed in date descending order.

My Submitted Timesheets:

• Timesheets are displayed in date descending order.


• Expanded checklists for Time Tracking and Cost Tracking configuration.
• Return links to the checklists provided from the quick launch for users with Design or Full Control permissions.
• Ability to configure Work Hour Settings to have TTM validate the minimum number of working hours associated with a submitted timesheet.
• Option to change the currency associated with labor rates in the Cost Tracking list.
• Members of the new SharePoint group (created TTM), Report Administrators have full control of the site, with access to the TTM Control Panel and the Report Center.
• Change to Control Panel options available when logged in with Design permissions.  Designers are still able to access the TTM Control Panel and configure TTM but are not able to export timesheets.
• Security trimming applied to the Timesheets list.
• Mini Calendar added to the left navigation pane to provide quick access to the timesheet associated with the selected date.
• Alert Plus Timer Job included in the TTM Core Components package.  

Includes the updated version of the following products:

•    List Rollup Web Part version 60.0.102
•    Alert Plus Web Part version 30.3.148

Resolved Customer-Reported Bugs and Known Issues/Limitations:

• User logs in to the site and will not see any Timesheet under “Pending My Approval” if the user’s personal Regional and PC time zone is different than the timesheet list time zone. Note: After upgrading to the new version, go to the Timesheet list delete the wrong item then and re-submit again.
• Using one temporary list to hold the data for all requests is the main cause of the Timesheet being blank.
• Action button in Report Center Page does nothing when clicked.
• The manager cannot approve timesheets when the start date and due date of task A are modified to the future date value, which means the start date value of task A is greater than the end period value of the period range of the created timesheet (end period date < start date < due date).
• User cannot access the Reporting page when he is not directly granted permission to Reporting Page, but the AD group that contains that user is.
• Remove assigned to and date tags on alerts on summary emails.
• User cannot submit timesheet if have both Read and Contribute permission Shows “No data” error when extracting data using the date range and the selected start date for the date range falls in the period where no time was submitted.
• Add the additional field “Comment” in the Detailed Timesheet list.
• When there are a lot of resources and projects, the reports which contain the chart and the grid are very wide. The workaround is to narrow down the data filtering or select not showing the chart.
• After a report with big data is shown on the customer’s template site, a JavaScript error appears when doing anything (such as export to excel, etc.) in the header tool on that report.
• After a report with big data is shown on the customer’s template site, an error appears when paging about 20 items per page.
• In the language files for the Alert Plus Web Part, if you modify the text to a value that includes a space, such as changing “Edit” to “Edit Message”, a JavaScript error is displayed in the browser. This issue will be addressed in the next patch release.
• When accessing the site using HTTPS, clicking the “Preview Data” button in List Rollup Schema Designer in the “Configure task lists” Control Panel page will display a JavaScript error in the browser. This issue will be addressed in the next patch release.
• If you access the “Configure Alerts” Control Panel page (AlertSetup.aspx) to configure alerts and have not installed and configured the Alert Plus Timer Job, the following error is displayed: “OnPreRender::”

Known Issues:

• When upgrading from R1.7 to R2.0, the error “Access Denied: You must have Full Control or be a member of a Report Center group to view the reports.” appears if log in the site a user that belongs to AD group who granted in Reporting.aspx in R1.7 and added to Permission Setting in the tool pane. Note: Go to the Tool pane then click Save -> Apply -> Ok this issue is resolved.
• User Interface – If the header column width is narrowed down, the text of the grid footer will be cut off. This is the limitation of the Telerik radgrid control.
• Reporting- The ‘Total for date range’ row is wrong on the Planned Work column.
• Reporting- On SharePoint UI2010, Actual Work reports show a JavaScript error on the chart in Actual Work reports.
• Reporting- On SharePoint UI2010, shows a JavaScript error when clicking on the Pie Chart.
• Reporting- On SharePoint UI2010, shows a JavaScript error when clicking on the chart that has no data.


• The Resource ID cannot get value if Timesheet User is a SharePoint group or AD group.
• Grouping is case-insensitive in Report Center reports. For example, in a report that groups timesheet data projects, data from two different projects with the names “Project A” and “project a” will be grouped together.
• When adding views to the Report Views field for an item in the Report Configuration list, view names are case-sensitive. For example, “Approved Timesheets” and “approved timesheets” are not the same. The text must match the view name configured in the Timesheet list exactly.

HW11A List Search Simple Web Part for SharePoint 2010 Release 2.2.63

Bug Fixes:

• Searching list data containing more than 1700 items causes a timeout.
• Attempting to save a Custom Search Criteria Layout displays an error message.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW17 World Clock and Weather Web Part for SP2007 (R2.4.54), SP2010 (R2.4.58), and SP2013 (R2.4.66.2013)

Bug Fixes:

• MSN weather feed is displaying an error.

HW18 List Bulk Import for SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, and SharePoint 2013 Release 3.0.69

Bug Fixes:

• Excel source columns cannot be Auto Mapped if the column values contain an ampersand (&) character.
• Importing an Excel file containing a single sheet may occasionally display multiple sheet names under the Import File Information dropdown.
• Import fails when the letter case of the source column does not match the letter case of the target column.
• Recurring events from a source calendar list are not imported as recurring events in the target calendar list.
• Column values are not mapped correctly if the managed metadata column in the source list contains a different term set than the managed metadata column in the target list.

No New Known Issues or New Limitations

HW11AB List Search Simple and Advanced Pack for SharePoint 2010 Release 1.8.4

Includes updated versions of the following components:

•    HW11A List Search Simple Web Part R2.2.63 (File version 20.2.63) – Release Date: 12/08/2014
•    HW11B List Search Advance Web Part  R1.9.51 (File version 10.9.51) – Release Date: 07/10/2014