Sneak Peek: Bamboo Wiki Publisher for SharePoint 2013

Take SharePoint wikis to the next level as a content management system with Bamboo’s Wiki Publisher.  Available now for SharePoint 2007 and 2010and coming soon to SharePoint 2013Bamboo’s Wiki Publisher Web Part allows you to quickly import existing Microsoft Word documents into wikis, and also effortlessly publish native SharePoint wikis as Adobe PDF documents.  In this post, we’ll walk you through some of the key functions of Wiki Publisher for SharePoint 2013.

Create a new Wiki Page Library

1.  For this post, we’ll be using a Wiki we’ve named Wiki Publisher:

2. Navigate to Wiki Publisher. Go to Library Settings > Bamboo Wiki Publisher Settings:

3. From Wiki Image Storage, select the library from which to share embedded images (e.g., Document):

4. Click OK. Go back to the Wiki Publisher > View All Pages.

Import a document from Word

1. Click on Import from MS Word Document on the Ribbon:

2. Browse to the document you intend to import and enter a selection for the Wiki Page Name. Click the Import button (in this example, we’re using the wiki page named Nokia Shares):

Please be aware that, if necessary, you are able to edit these pages.

Export multiple Wiki pages to PDF:

1. Click Export Multiple Wiki Pages to PDF on the Ribbon.

2. Select the wiki pages which you intend to export to PDF. In this example, we’ll be exporting Nokia Shares and Wikipedia:

3. To reorder wiki pages, simply use the up and down arrows to put them in the proper places.

4. As needed, check on the checkboxes next to Export Options to adjust the settings of your Wiki export. There are several different options available, including Insert Cover Page; Insert Wiki page name to PDF document; Insert Table of Contents Page; Insert Page Number in the footer of each page, and Insert Current Date in the footer of each page:

5. Next, in the section labeled Page Layout, set the margins and page orientation for your wiki page(s):

6. Click Export.

7. A dialog box will appear. From here, you can either click Open to view your new PDF or Save to save the new PDF that was generated.

8. Click Finish to return to the Wiki Publisher Library.

Export a single wiki page to PDF:

1. Select the file which you intend to export (in this example, we’ll be using the document titled Wikipedia). Open the document options menu and click Export to PDF:

2. As needed, check on the checkboxes next to Export Options to adjust the settings of your wiki export. There are several different options available, including Insert Wiki Page Name in the header of each page; Insert Page Number in the footer of each page, and Insert Current Date in the footer of each page:

3. Next, in the section labeled Page Layout, set the margins and page orientation for your Wiki page(s):

4. Click Export.

5. A dialog box will appear. From here, you can either click Open to view your new PDF or Save to save the new PDF that was generated.

6. Click Finish to return to the Wiki Publisher Library.